"Nonsense, the Chinese people are pouring dirty water on me. Everyone should know that the Chinese people have resentment against us islanders. Everyone knows that they framed me at this time."

"The intentions are sinister."

"We are allies. How could I frame an ally? It must be him. Just now, he tricked us to get out of our seats to find puzzles, and took the opportunity to wet Maria's test paper. You must believe me."

"This is definitely a conspiracy by the Chinese people."

Under the sophistry of the contestants from the small island country, everyone turned their attention to Ye Chen.

Compared with Ye Chen, they are more willing to trust the islanders, after all, they are allies.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't expect them to believe him, he just told the truth.

"Don't you have anything to explain?"

Everyone surrounded Ye Chen, and they seemed to be at odds with each other.

"There is no rule in the examination room that it is not allowed to beat people."

"If you don't give us a reasonable explanation today, then you two Chinese people may not be able to keep your test papers, and you may even suffer a terrible meal."

The foreign contestants are tall and big, Ye Chen looks a little thin in front of them.

That's why they thought Ye Chen was easy to bully.

"Look, this is the scene of traitors. If you show courteousness to others, they will ignore you at all and even beat you up."

"Poor Zhang Rui, because Ye Chen was implicated."

"It's all Ye Chen's fault for wasting such a good quota. If someone else is replaced, they might have already cleared the customs."


The audience is still criticizing Ye Chen, even if someone speaks for Ye Chen, they will soon be drowned out by scolding.

"Why should I explain to you?"

"I just told you the truth. Since you don't believe me, I can't help it."

Ye Chen shrugged, looking indifferent.

"It's definitely him who did it. Let him be buried with Maria and destroy the test papers of the Chinese contestants."

Ye Chen didn't explain, the contestants from the small island country were even more proud, and directly incited the masses to destroy Ye Chen's test paper.

After all, this matter is good for them. If there are two less competitors, their chances of winning will be much higher.

So the remaining seven people surrounded Ye Chen.


Ye Chen simply slapped a corner of the table, and Ye Chen directly slapped it off.

This move shocked them directly, and everyone stopped in their tracks, not daring to surround Ye Chen again.

Because they are sure that their bodies are definitely not as hard as the table.

If they were slapped by Ye Chenpai, they would be seriously injured if they didn't die.

It's not worth doing for a stranger.

"Wait a minute, I said can you go, just let you go, where will I save my face."

With Ye Chen's words, everyone felt their hairs stand up, as if they were being stared at by a wolf.

"Sorry, I was wrong."



In front of the mighty Ye Chen, they chose to bow their heads, after all life is more precious.

"Sorry, I……"

"Stop, they can apologize, but you can't."

The contestants from the small island country also wanted to apologize, but Ye Chen stopped them.


"Sorry, I was really wrong, please forgive me."

As expected of a person who is used to being a dog, he kneels when he disagrees with him, and he kneels so naturally.

Ye Chen was blindfolded for a moment, and even the audience did not expect the contestants from the small island country to kneel directly.

"Fuck, I didn't expect this kneeling. The people of the small island country are really flexible, and they are expensive."

"A lowly thing will be a lowly bone in this life."

"However, if we accept this kneeling, we will take it as an apology for your ancestors."

As long as the people of the small island country are involved, the attitude of the people of Hua is surprisingly consistent. This is a kind of hatred from the bottom of their hearts, which can never be erased.

Ye Chen soon realized that he couldn't be fooled so easily.

"You admit your mistake and I accept it. However, this matter is not over yet. Tell the truth about the matter. That Maria, why was she eliminated?"


The contestants from the small island country looked at the eyes of the people around them, and then at Ye Chen's moving hands.

He decided to tell the truth anyway.

After all, being scolded by someone is better than being beaten to death.

"I did it. In order to test whether the water can change the test paper, I took Maria's test paper away."

"Where did the water come from?"


As soon as the contestant from the small island nation finished speaking, others surrounded him.

"You disgusting guy, you actually did this, and you lied to us that the contestants from Huaguo did it."

"Smell is shameless, embarrassing to the small island country."

"What's more, he was so disgusting that he was tested with urine."

They scolded one after another, embarrassing the contestants from the small island country.

Ye Chen always had a smile on his lips.

"Actually, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"It was just a piss in front of people all over the world. Look, there is a hidden camera at that angle. I think everything you did just now has been set aside."

Indeed, the camera was aimed at him.

Peeing in public has made the audience of the small island country feel ashamed.

But more importantly, he knelt down in front of Ye Chen in order to survive.

This is a live broadcast from all over the world, so what is the face of the island country when it comes out.

"What? Got a camera?"

The contestant from the small island country was completely stunned, forgetting about urinating, but just now he knelt in front of Ye Chen.

If someone saw this, how could he go back to the small island country.

"I... It's not me, it's not me, it's all because of him, it has nothing to do with me."


Ye Chen's expression turned cold, and everyone could only feel a slight chill in the air.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Isn't the truth of the matter very clear? Let's beat him up."

"Or are you waiting for me to do it myself? If I do it myself, the one who beat me may not be alone."

Threatened by Ye Chen so nakedly, what else can they say, between Xiaodaoguo players and Ye Chen, they must choose Xiaodaoguo players.

"If you want to blame, blame you for being self-righteous, do it."

A group of people went up and beat them up, knocking the contestants from the small island country into a coma, and then threw them directly at the gate.

Elimination would definitely not allow him to be eliminated so easily. Isn't there still a chance for waste to be used.

"Try it with his test paper and see if the light here can make him appear."

"I found this out with great difficulty. Under the ultraviolet light, the examiners will never pull things down on purpose. This must be a reminder to us."

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