Global live broadcast, start off angry green tea bitch

Chapter 282: Don't make noise, let me cry

Ye Chen and the others in the audience listened to the song Erfan sang, and it was a big head. The songs they had learned for so many years felt like they had learned them in the stomach of a dog.

Han Hong's face turned green when she heard Wu Erfan's song. If she thought about the impact, she would have rushed to the stage to curse.

"Old, old, we don't understand the world of young people."

"Sister Han, don't say that. This is not the world of young people. We don't understand these arts, yes, arts."

Everyone expressed disgust.

A few of them dislike Erfan and don't know that Erfan is now immersed in his own world and cannot extricate himself.

"I am indeed the proud son of heaven, and everyone's eyes are on me."

"Erfan Erfan, ah..."

"I love you to death, our Erfan is amazing, the song beauty is handsome."

"Erfan Erfan, the most extraordinary, and Erfan the most handsome."

Shouts and screams rang out at the scene.

Hearing the screams of these people, Ye Chen was so embarrassed that his toes almost scratched his shoes.

"How much money did the director spend to attract fans? He worked so hard."

"The money is not spent wrongly, it is very cooperative."

"Now I have fans, I don't understand."


"That sister Han, I'll go down and get ready first."

Ye Chen really couldn't listen anymore, the singing was like noise in his ears.

All KTV level players can sing better than him.

"We're also going down to prepare, and Sister Han will thank you for your hard work."

Because Han Hong wanted to challenge Wu Erfan, she could only wait here.

"If I had known this guy was so good, I wouldn't have challenged him. Old Wu, you too. Why would you invite such a person here?"

Facing Han Hong's accusation, Lao Wu could only smile in embarrassment.

"Whether we admit it or not, these guys really have a lot of traffic, and they are our ratings guarantee."

"If you didn't come for only one round, I would never let you challenge Wu Erfan."

"It's not that you can't do it, it's just that I'm afraid that if you eliminate him, his fans won't do it. You know the stupid fans now, it's terrible."

Indeed, this is the current status of the Internet. Han Hong is now in a semi-retired state. A large part of the reason is that the entertainment industry is no longer the entertainment industry.

Soon Wu Erfan finished singing, and then strode back to the lounge, looking at Han Hong provocatively.

"How is senior, is this big bowl of noodles enough for you?"

"Enough, it's really enough to eat."

Han Hong smiled and shook her head, left the lounge, ready to perform on stage.

"Dear audience, how is Erfan's performance?"

"Erfan is so handsome."

"Singing and dancing, and being so handsome, he is an all-rounder."

"Erfan's performance is too perfect, no one is Erfan's opponent."


A group of idiot fans were there waving the flag for Erfan. Seeing their idiots, the others didn't dare to say anything, for fear of being targeted by these people.

When the time comes to scold you is light, if you threaten you with phone calls and bomb you with human flesh, they will definitely be able to do it.

"Okay, everyone, next is the challenge moment we are most looking forward to. Today's challenger is an important guest."

"Everyone can guess who it is, the 'heavy' guest."

The host kept hinting that, for the 'heavy' guests, many pictures of characters appeared in their minds in an instant.

"Could it be Teacher Liu Huan?"

"It's unlikely, Teacher Sun Nan is also possible."

"It's a female guest."

The host gave them a hint, and now, the scope is much smaller, and it can be said that they have directly reached the circle of destiny.

"Girl, heavy guest, do you still have to guess, it's not Teacher Han Hong, I wash my hair upside down."

"That's right, it's no different from what Ming said. Except for Mr. Han Hong, who can be called a heavy guest."

"Congratulations, you guessed right, it's Teacher Han Hong."

"Next, let us welcome Teacher Han Hong with the warmest applause."

"Han Hong? Who, do you know each other?"

"I don't know, but it should be less famous, far worse than Erfan."

"I know, the old man. I don't know how long people have been eliminated by the times. They come out to sing at this age and want to challenge Erfan. I really don't know who gave her the courage."

"Hey, old man, it's just relying on the old to sell the old, it's far worse than us two."


Brain fans are indeed brain fans, not even Han Hong is spared.

"Teacher Han Hong..."

"Shut up you, who talked to you, there is no such thing as tutoring."

The person next to him was just about to say a few words for Han Hong when he was stunned by fans.

"Don't pay attention to them, they're just fans, let's just watch the game with peace of mind."

Soon Han Hong came to the ring, greeted the audience and started singing.

"A piece of "It's Dawn" is for everyone."

"It's dawn? I haven't heard it, is it Teacher Han Hong's new song?"

"After so many years, Teacher Han Hong finally released a new song."

"looking forward to."

"What the fuck? It's dawn, and I'm still dark."

"That's right, look at our Erfan's big bowl of noodles, how nice and artistic it is."

The people around were left speechless by their words.

It's bullshit at dawn, and the big bowl of noodles has an artistic conception. To be honest, they really didn't realize where the artistic conception of this big bowl of noodles is.

"It was autumn, the wind was so lingering, it reminded me of them, those helpless eyes..."

The originally lively scene fell silent the moment Han Hong spoke, and everyone's eyes were drawn to it.

"I saw my parents walking away like this, leaving me in this strange world. I don't know what risks there will be in the future. I want to hold his hand tightly. My mother told me that there will be more, seeing When the sun came out, my mother smiled, it was dawn..."

Apart from Han Hong's singing, there was also the sound of sobbing.

I don't know when it started, their tears fell, and the tears have blurred their eyes.

"Seeing the sun come out, they laughed, it was dawn..."



After Han Hong's voice fell completely, the audience couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears one by one.

"It's so touching, I don't know why I'm crying, but I'm just so touched."

"Mr. Han Hong's skill is still the same as before. The singing is so beautiful and touching."

"Don't touch me, let me cry for a while, I miss my mom and dad."


The live recording has stalled, the audience is crying, the host is crying too, there is no way to proceed normally.

"Old Wu, old Wu, the show must continue."

"Don't bother me, let me cry."

Old Wu's appearance made Han Hong a little dumbfounded.

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