"Since you are going to support Haicheng, the troops will punish you. This time I will give you a warning. If you commit the crime again next time, you will be punished together."


After giving a verbal warning, everyone became a lot more honest, and drove steadily towards Haicheng.

At this time, Ye Chen has come to the edge of Haicheng.

"The weather is weird. There is no rain in the front half, but it's so heavy here. It's weird."

"System, give me the worst-affected places, where the people are most dangerous, and I will go there."

[Submerged Subway: Please rescue the [-] people submerged on the subway safely. 】

[Location: Line [-], Haihe District, Haicheng. 】

After the system marked Ye Chen's location, Ye Chen drove the car non-stop and set off. As a result, the car just left halfway and couldn't go anymore.

"The water is too big, how can I get through this?"

"I can't get through here, everyone go back the same way."

"As long as I can take a step back, I won't stay here, everything behind is blocked."

The traffic in Haicheng was immediately paralyzed. There was a flood in front and a traffic jam in the back. It was a dilemma, and no one could move.

"Uncles, since the car can't move, don't move. Get out of the car now and go home. It's not safe here."

"Look at the trend of this heavy rain. It can't stop for a day or two. If you continue to consume like this, it will be very dangerous."

Now that Ye Chen saw it, he couldn't ignore it.

The water under the bridge is still spreading, and it will soon spread to the bridge. If they don't leave in time, they may be submerged in water.

"Don't worry, it's okay. This little rain is nothing. It will be gone in a while. It's not suitable to keep the car here under such heavy rain."

"Yes, yes, isn't it safer inside the car than outside? When I run back, I won't have to catch a cold and have a fever. It's not worth it."

"Young man, we appreciate your kindness, you should find a place to hide quickly, and don't catch a cold then."


They didn't understand Ye Chen's kindness at all, and they still stayed in the car, waiting for the traffic to resume.

They can afford to wait, but Ye Chen can't afford to wait, he still has a lot of people waiting to be rescued.

"Come out all for me, get out of the car."

Ye Chen roared, startling everyone, and they opened the windows unconsciously, wanting to see what kind of moth Ye Chen was doing.

"Let me go home in the rain. Life is more important than the car. At this time, you have to stick to the car and wait to die?"

Seeing Ye Chen's anxious look, the people in the car looked bewildered.

"Is there something wrong with this guy? He can't be a lunatic who escaped from a mental hospital."

"It seems to me that there is no point in what I said. Is there a safer place than in a car."

"That's right, instead of sheltering in the car from the rain, instead running out to get caught in the rain, a fool would do that. Leave him alone, and we'll be able to go out naturally when the front is connected."


Ye Chen was anxious on the sidelines, but the people here were indifferent, and even rolled up the car windows.

"Damn it, ghosts who are hard to persuade and want to die, you just wait here, and I will save you when I come back."

Since they didn't listen to persuasion, Ye Chen had nothing to say, after all, the talent over there was the most important thing.

People here let them take a bath for a while.

Ye Chen ran away, towards the subway station of Line [-].

"Let's go, just look at me and say, this kid is definitely mentally ill, he was just teasing us."

"It's a good thing we didn't listen to him, otherwise, we wouldn't be treated as fools."


They were still teasing Ye Chen there.

If Ye Chen knew what they were thinking, he would definitely give them two big mouths to make them sober up.

Under such a heavy rain, staying under such a low-lying bridge hole is not waiting for death.

"Is this the subway station of Line [-]?"

Ye Chen rushed to the subway station in a hurry, and rushed down without saying a word.


Ye Chen, who just went down, returned to the original place before holding on for a second.

I saw that the inside of the subway station was like a flood, and water rushed out one after another.

He had just gotten off the elevator, and the water had already risen to such an extent that one could imagine what was going on inside the subway.

"Three hundred people, it's a bit difficult."

"Exchange for a piece of rope, enough to bind 300 people."

[Successful exchange. 】

Ye Chen took the rope and rushed down again, rushing straight to the subway.

"Open the door... open the door..."

Ye Chen shouted outside, but the people inside couldn't hear what Ye Chen was saying.

It's good that they can hold their breath now, let alone pay attention to Ye Chen.

Looking at the pessimistic crowd in the subway, Ye Chen also knew to ask them to open the door without showing.

"You still have to rely on me at critical moments."

"Open it for me."

It takes three to four times as much strength as usual to be in the water, and the veins on Ye Chen's forehead burst out, and he grabbed the subway gate with both hands and pulled it to both sides.


The gate of the subway was torn open by Ye Chen bit by bit, and the rain poured desperately into the subway.


Ye Chen handed the rope to those who were still awake, and they instantly understood what Ye Chen meant, and held onto the rope tightly.

Ye Chen searched for it one by one, those who were conscious held the rope, and those who had fallen into a coma were tied up with the rope.

"290 nine, three hundred, just right, no more, no less, three hundred people."

"Come with me."

Ye Chen pulled the rope alone, pulling the 300 people on the subway towards the subway entrance.

"System, exchange the power pill for me."

"Take it all."

Pulling 300 people, plus the resistance of the rain, Ye Chen was exhausted after a while.

However, after taking the Power Pill, Ye Chen's strength recovered again.

"Body strength pill, take it."

"Power Pill, keep using it."


Although it was only a short distance of a few hundred meters, it made Ye Chen reborn several times, exhausted, took drugs, exhausted again, took drugs again.

Repeatedly, back and forth several times, Ye Chen dragged [-] people to swim ashore.


Ye Chen, who landed on the shore, fell to the ground panting heavily.

After taking a few breaths, Ye Chen resisted his exhaustion and stood up.

It's not time for him to rest yet, and many people inside have already passed out from choking on water, and need first aid as soon as possible.

"Do cardiopulmonary resuscitation with me if you can move, hurry up, don't waste time."

"Press, yes, look at the position of my palm, press hard, cooperate with artificial respiration, and follow my rhythm."

Driven by Ye Chen, several people began to help save people.




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