


Everyone was stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded, and the people in the room who were dealing with waste oil were also dumbfounded.

Seeing Ye Chen walk in like this, and then recorded everything with his mobile phone.

"This is waste oil."


"I said it was waste oil, what the hell."

Ye Chen shouted loudly, and the aura on his body directly oppressed him.

"Yes, yes, it's waste oil."

They are just part-time workers, how could they bear Ye Chen's momentum and accidentally tell the truth.

"Everyone in the audience, have you seen it and heard it clearly, Fulai Hotel uses gutter oil."

"Okay, my work is done, you can continue."

Ye Chen just swaggered out of the room.

This move in the opposite direction really surprised the audience, they didn't expect Ye Chen's unannounced visit to be like this.

Still finding out the truth.

"Good guy, I am so impressed. The unannounced visit turned out to be this unannounced visit. Isn't Ye Chen afraid of being beaten to death?"

"A man of high art is bold, Ye Chen is experimenting with his life."

Perhaps in response to the audience's words, the people at Fulai Hotel also reacted at this time.

They all knew that waste oil should not be leaked, but now Ye Chen knew about it.

"Catch me back, this matter cannot be exposed, or we will all be finished."

A group of people grabbed sticks and chased after Ye Chen.

And when Ye Chen left the back kitchen of Fulai Hotel, Wang Long's subordinates also happened to chase after him.

"Really, don't you come to the pillow when you are sleepy? I don't have time to play with these little guys."

"Brothers, I'll leave the rest to you, I'm still busy."

Wang Heng and the others looked bewildered, they had no idea what Ye Chen was talking about.

But soon they realized that after Ye Chen left, more than a dozen people rushed out from behind, brandishing sticks.

"Fuck, isn't this a scam?"

"Brothers, put them down."

Knowing that they were cheated by Ye Chen, they couldn't run away. They were the thugs of the Wang family, and they wanted face.

Just a dozen or so people scared them away, the Wang family didn't want to lose face.

There was already a fight here, and Ye Chen secretly found a car on the side of the road.

"In order to shorten the time, I will take a car first, and the brothers will testify to me that I am not a car thief."

"Don't worry, we will testify for you."

"Where are you going? Why do you need a car?"

Ye Chen knew that they would have questions, and answered them one by one.

"Before, I just let everyone know about the gutter oil and looked for evidence by the way."

"Next, we will find out all the restaurants in this city that use waste oil, no matter how big or small, as long as they use waste oil, we will report them."

"According to my reliable information, most of the restaurants in this city are not immune, so everyone should prepare two more bowls, maybe you have eaten their food today."

Ye Chen drove the car and began to shuttle in the city. As long as Ye Chen was eyeing the restaurants, none of them could escape, and all of them found waste oil in the back kitchen.

"this home."

"this home."

"This restaurant uses waste oil."


"Ouch, I vomited. I just ate his takeaway a few hours ago. I didn't expect his family to use waste oil. It's disgusting."

"I'll vomit it first, I ate all three of them today, why did God treat me like this?"

"This is still a celebrity restaurant, but I didn't expect it to use waste oil. The Internet abused him."


Taking advantage of the darkness, Ye Chen turned into an envoy of justice and shuttled through the streets and alleys of the city, exposing barrels of waste oil.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also growing rapidly, and even the relevant official departments were alarmed.

"Strict investigation, this matter must be strictly investigated. In most cities, 80.00% of the restaurants use waste oil. This is your dereliction of duty. If you can't find out, you will all step down."

"My lord, my lord, watch the live broadcast, Ye Chen has already gone to investigate the stronghold of waste oil."

"What? Isn't this nonsense, this dangerous thing, why did he act alone."

"Quickly track down Ye Chen's location, and we must protect Ye Chen."

If it wasn't for Ye Chen, none of them would have known that there was gutter oil in the city. Now that Ye Chen was going to investigate the stronghold of gutter oil alone, they had to protect Ye Chen.

"Brothers, no stimulation."

"Aren't you all hungry now? I think you've all been tricked."

"Pit, spit, spit, spit, and get used to it."

"Fortunately, I was lucky. I didn't get caught. To be safe, everyone should cook and eat by themselves, hahahaha."

Ye Chen was still gloating there, and the audience in the live broadcast room were almost pissed off by Ye Chen.

This is really a love-hate relationship, but for the sake of Ye Chen tracking the gutter oil stronghold, they will not curse Ye Chen.

"Straight male points +1000."

"Straight male points +1000."


"Popularity +10000."

"Popularity +10000."


Popularity is popularity, and irritating people are irritating people. There is no shortage of straight men who should be there.

After harvesting a wave of leeks, Ye Chen became serious again.

"I just made a joke with everyone to ease the tense atmosphere."

"After all, it's so late, and I still have to track down such a huge gang of waste oil, so I'm inevitably a little nervous."

"I know that everyone must be worried about my safety. Don't worry, I have a long life. Good people don't live long, and evil people can live for thousands of years."

"For someone like me, it will take tens of thousands of years."

"There is a deserted village not far ahead. I have investigated it before. This village was deserted a long time ago, and the villagers in it have all moved to the city."

"So these guys took over the barren village, secretly made waste oil, and made huge profits."

"Okay, let's not talk, I can't get too close, so as not to be discovered by them."

"good luck."

Stopping the car, Ye Chen sneaked towards the deserted village.

"Look, everyone, there are cameras there, and my place happens to be his blind spot, so don't worry."

Under the worry of the audience, Ye Chen moved towards the deserted village.

Although it was only a short few hundred meters, the audience felt as if they had fought a fierce battle, and they didn't dare to breathe.

"I'm so nervous. Why am I so nervous when I'm sitting at home?"

"Exciting, exciting, isn't this much better than a ghost movie? A real-life adventure is so fucking exciting."

"Ye Chen, you must pay attention to safety."


With the help of the system, Ye Chen could easily avoid the camera, and soon touched the edge of the deserted village.

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