"Although Ye Chen is very straight, he has a good way of educating others, and he must be praised for this."

"Indeed, straight to the point, but he's a nice person, give me a thumbs up."


After Ye Chen woke up, he found that there was a beauty in his arms, and he hugged her tightly.


Ye Chen's long sigh woke up the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck, what's going on, what are these two doing behind our backs."

"I just praised Ye Chen last night, but it turned out to be true this morning, scumbag."

"Ye Chen's Uncle Chen came to see him, it's normal, there is a beautiful woman by your side, who of you can hold back, I can't hold back anyway."





Zhang Xuan in her sleep felt a little difficult to breathe, as if she was bound by something.

"Um...ah...you...what did you do to me."

Zhang Xuan opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Ye Chen, and he couldn't help but let out a scream.

In other words, Ye Chen's ability to withstand is relatively strong, otherwise, her eardrums would be shattered by her.

"Shut up, pop..."

Ye Chen directly slapped her on the buttocks, and this slap directly silenced her.

Zhang Xuan could only look at Ye Chen pitifully, with an aggrieved look.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't soften my heart."

"Your eyes are useless to me, put it away."

Ye Chen directly ignored Zhang Xuan's pitiful eyes.

"Straight male points +1000."

"Straight male points +1000."


Ye Chen chose to ignore it, and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't pretend that they didn't see it.

Seeing Zhang Xuan's pitiful little eyes, everyone felt distressed.

"It's so pitiful, I really want to hold her in my arms to comfort her."

"Big straight man, he doesn't know how to be sympathetic to women, but he is so unfeeling to girls. The fellow men are ashamed of him and cast aside him."

"Xiao Xuanxuan, don't be afraid, don't feel wronged, hurry up to my brother's arms, my brother will warm you up and comfort you."


Ye Chen didn't expect that he would gain so many points for being a straight man just by teasing Xuan Ye a little bit.

"Your spirit of drinking last night, take it out."

"Forget about bullying you, but now it's time for us to settle the score."

"Reckoning? I vaguely remember that I paid the bill last night."

"That's what you did voluntarily, and we've settled the matter."


Ye Chen was really mad, she didn't want to do anything voluntarily, it was all forced by Ye Chen, if Ye Chen hadn't acted like a rogue and left, she wouldn't have spent the money.

"Since the two are settled, what kind of account is there? Is there any account between us?"

"Of course there is."

Ye Chen showed a very surprised look.

"Don't deny it, look at you, you slept in my bed, listened to my stories for free at night, and now let you take advantage of me, isn't it all to be settled?"

"In the spirit of humanitarianism, I will let you listen to the story for free, but you will have to pay half of the room fee tonight. If you take advantage of me, it will be worth [-] yuan for you."

"It's 19 in total. I'll put a zero on you, and I'll count you 20."




Zhang Xuan was confused, the audience was confused, and the director was confused.

Everyone who heard Ye Chen's words was stunned.

Good guy, this ability to calculate accounts is definitely taught by the old accountant, it is too shrewd.

"Others wipe the zeros downwards, but Ye Chen wipes the zeros upwards."

"Good guy, the accounting teacher called me shrewd and learned the essence."

"Hearing Ye Chen's calculations, I feel that Ye Chen's calculations are quite reasonable. Sleeping in other people's beds, and sleeping in other people's beds, you really have to pay."

"That's not that expensive. In our place, it's five hundred once, and two thousand nights."

"Huh?? I don't understand, what the hell? Don't drive, I'm still in kindergarten."

The audience was teasing Ye Chen, but Zhang Xuan was still in a daze.

She slept all night and went out with 20 yuan. Her father's surname Ma couldn't afford to do this.

"Are you kidding me?"

Zhang Xuan asked tentatively.

Who knew that Ye Chen raised his hand and slapped himself twice on the face.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

"20 yuan, even a penny less, my innocence has been ruined by you, and in front of so many audiences, it is my utmost benevolence not to ask you for mental damage compensation."

"But I have no money, 20 is too much, I only have [-] left."

Zhang Xuan took out his only 1 yuan left, and looked at Ye Chen pitifully.

"Ten thousand, do you think it's okay?"

"20? Your bargaining skills are too high, no, [-], not a penny less."

"You are stupid, you still use your own money, the director has money, let the director pay you."

"Let me teach you. If you cry twice in front of the camera, and then stir up the audience, won't the director obediently pay for you?"

Director: Are you taking me for a fool?It's fine if you're taken advantage of, don't you teach people not to carry me behind their backs?

Audience: Good guy, it’s not embarrassing for us to say in front of us that he wants to use us as a cannon.

"Will this method work? Will everyone help me?"

Zhang Xuan asked in doubt.

"You'll know if you try it. Remember, tears are a woman's greatest weapon."

Encouraged by Ye Chen, Zhang Xuan came to the camera, tears began to roll in his eyes.

"Stop talking, director, hurry up and transfer the money to ransom people, it's too pitiful, I can't see a woman crying."

"That's right, director, it's all your bad idea to rush to save people. 20 yuan is not much for you, so I'll take this gun."

"I am the Italian artillery of the second battalion commander, director, you'd better pay the money obediently, or don't blame my shells for being merciless."


Well, before Zhang Xuankai opened his mouth to speak, the audience turned against each other, demanding that the director spend money to redeem them.

"Look at how promising you are. Do I need you to threaten me? How can I bear to watch Zhang Xuan fall into Ye Chen's hands? I'll give you the money."

Just as Ye Chen predicted, once Zhang Xuan's poor attack started, the director and the others were defeated immediately.

Even he almost relented, but fortunately he resisted the urge, and only then did he get the 20 ransom.

"The money has arrived, can I go? I can't afford to stay in your room, and I won't come here again."

"Look at what you said, we are hospitable people, you have to come and visit often in the future, and treat this place as your own home."

"I can't afford to enjoy a home worth 20 yuan."

Ye Chen shook his head, and directly transferred fifty thousand to Zhang Xuan.

"Which one of us is with the other, I blackmail you, you cry poorly, we cheat the director together to get money, and we split the bill afterwards, isn't it good?"


Director: I t...

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