Feng Qian has a lot of backbone, and half of the bill will be settled when she takes out her wallet.

"Are you really going to pay half the bill?"

"Let her tie the knot, don't stop her, this girl has backbone, contemporary Hua Mulan, don't persuade her."

"Yes, I will pay for my own rent. Isn't it half of the rent? I can afford it myself."

"The couple are noisy, so happy."

A word from the front desk almost made Feng Qian angry.

"Me...with him? A couple? You..."

"Arguing at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, there is a pocket in the left pocket, Miss, you live in the presidential suite, 18 a night, [-] for half, do you use cash or a bank card."


"how much is it?"

Ye Chen and Feng Qian exclaimed at the same time.

Feng Qian stuffed her wallet back naturally, she didn't have [-], and it cost [-] a night, what a prodigal.

"Husband, I made a mistake. I have no money, so I will pay you the rent. See you at home."

"Miss, you should ask my husband to settle the rent."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qian fled away, leaving only Ye Chen standing there trembling.

"Sir, would you settle the bill?"

"How much... how much?"

"A total of 18, I'll give you a small change, 18."

Ye Chen swallowed unnaturally, 18, he has it, but spending 18 in one night, the most important thing is that there is no enjoyment yet.

It feels like he's being taken advantage of, which doesn't feel good.

"Well, can I ask, who arranged us in the presidential suite, and it's such an expensive room."

"Just those big brothers next to me."


The camera crew didn't forget to say hello to Ye Chen.

"These guys are cheating me so much, okay, okay, this account is written down, and I will let you return everything that was taken from me."

If Ye Chen lived willingly, then nothing would happen, but now Ye Chen is unwilling, spending 18 in vain, if they don't get back the place, they think they are easy to bully.

"Check out, swipe your card."

Enduring heartache, Ye Chen paid 18 for the room fee.

"Don't be angry, we saw that you have been living in the presidential suite before, and thought you were only used to living in the presidential suite."

"Besides, you are so rich, 18 is not a problem for you, won't you earn it back in minutes?"

Ye Chen kept his face dark all the way, completely ignoring everyone who was talking.

"Put the cameras away, don't let anyone find out, if it affects my actions, I will complain to you."

"Go wherever you want, we won't follow you, I wish you success."

The camera crew stood on the street without following Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was a little surprised by their strange behavior. They didn't follow him, so they were so relieved to act alone.

Now that they are at ease, Ye Chen can't live up to their expectations.

Before, the family only took a few hundred, but this time he wants to rob and get back the 18 he lost.

"Hello, bring me two bottles of good wine."

"You came."


Ye Chen glanced at the cashier with a bewildered face, and reached out to touch his face.

"Is there any adultery between these two before?"

"It shouldn't be, why I don't have the slightest impression."

"It doesn't matter, let's make money first."

Ye Chen quickly regained his composure, and turned to look at the cashier: "Get me a drink first."

"OK, just a second."


The cashier was immediately closed. Ye Chen was just about to do it, but was confused by the cashier's actions.


"Closed? How could it be closed?"

Ye Chen was in a daze, while the cashier was secretly smiling smirkingly, looking back at the dumbfounded Ye Chen from time to time.

"Silly boy, today is not yesterday, your skills are useless, and you still want to steal money from our store, it is useless."

"Well, I have something to do, so I don't want the wine first."

Without a chance, Ye Chen could only leave in despair.

The second one didn't gain anything.

The third one still didn't get anything.

The fourth...

The fifth...


Ye Chen went shopping all over the street, but in the end he didn't get a dime, instead he lost two yuan and bought a bottle of water.

"It's weird, why is everyone so weird today, they all closed the cash register, it shouldn't be."

"I didn't get a penny, and I was exhausted. Damn, I'm at a big loss."

Seeing Ye Chen walking back with a depressed face, the camera crew showed a sinister smile, and the camera directly focused on Ye Chen's face.

"Interview with you, how do you feel after this encounter?"

"It's not right, it's so wrong, I feel like the whole world is against me, and they closed the cash register."

The more depressed Ye Chen was, the happier the audience was.

"Social vigilance is indeed useful. Everyone has begun to have a sense of prevention, especially after seeing that the person who came is Ye Chen."

"We still have to thank Ye Chen a lot. If it wasn't for Ye Chen, we wouldn't be aware of this."

"Social vigilance, social vigilance."

Just when the audience was teasing Ye Chen, the voice of social vigilance sounded again.

"What's the situation, why the society has woken up again, and who has made a huge contribution."

"Ye Chen? Why is this guy again? What did he do?"

When the audience saw Ye Chen on the screen, they couldn't help being amazed.

It was him the first time, and it was him the second time. In two days, the society was alerted twice.

"Let's see what happened to cause alarm in society."

"Touch porcelain?"

"Good guy, he can meet any good thing, the Chosen One."

Social vigilance: Say no to Pengci, if you have any problems, go to the police uncle.

Social vigilance: Don't use your own subjective consciousness to judge one thing, everything must be based on evidence.

Two consecutive social vigilances, Ye Chen can be regarded as a card.

When everyone saw what Ye Chen had done, they nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, yes, this is worth learning. At the beginning, I thought they were touching porcelain for the second time, but I didn't expect that they were actually hit."

"In many cases, we use our own subjective will to judge a matter. It is easy to wrong good people. We need to be vigilant."

"Indeed, Ye Chen did a good job, but the behavior of the penny in the end is a little unkind. You can even get half of it, and you still take other people's five thousand hearts."

"He's a nice guy, but he's a bit greedy for money. In the end, he added chicken legs to the camera crew, 18, enough for Ye Chen's flesh to hurt for several days."

After the society wakes up, the camera returns to Ye Chen again.

Compared to the dullness of other people, Ye Chen's here is exceptionally exciting.

Others struggled to survive with 100 yuan, but Ye Chen spent 18 yuan overnight.

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