Opinion?That must be there, 10 yuan, that is not a small sum.

Ye Chen's lip-smacking made him pay for it.

But he only dared to spit out a few words in his heart, and he didn't dare to really let him say it.

After all, the numbers 110 and [-] have already been broadcast on Ye Chen's mobile phone. Whenever he dares to have an opinion, the police uncle will talk to him.

At that time, it will not be a matter of 10 yuan.

"Give it, can't I give it?"

"Give me some time, I'll make it up, soon."

If you hit someone by yourself, you have to get it together.

Soon 10 yuan was in Ye Chen's hands.

"I paid the compensation, so I can go."

"Let's go. Be careful in the future. Don't think about running away when you bump into someone. This time is just a lesson for you. You may not meet a good person like me next time."

nice guy?

I am afraid that there will be no one in this world, so there will be a good person like Ye Chen.

If it wasn't for Ye Chen, he would be able to live a better life without having to pay the 10 yuan.

After seeing off the driver, Ye Chen came to the Pengci gang again.

Seeing their unlucky appearance, Ye Chen just sighed helplessly.

"See, people are doing what the sky is watching."

"Before you did a lot of immoral things, now you have been punished."

"This time it can be regarded as a profound lesson for you. You must do more good things in the future."

"This is your compensation, take the money and get a good medical treatment."

Ye Chen transferred 5 yuan at random.



The question mark on the head of the Pengci gang.

If they heard correctly just now, it seems, it seems, probably, maybe, they gave 10 yuan.

How did it become [-] in hand, half of it was lost for no reason.


"Why, what do you want to say, if you have anything to say, just say it quickly."

"Well, is the money wrong? Didn't the driver give you 10 yuan? Why do we only have half of it?"

Sure enough, human nature is greedy, Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head when he saw their group.

"You guys are really greedy."

"One hundred thousand is indeed true, but what do you think I am busy here for half a day? Am I bored? Isn't my time money?"

"Besides, I've found so much evidence for you. Don't I need to waste my energy? If it weren't for me, you might be misunderstood as a prick now."

"What's the matter with me getting some hard work money, shouldn't I?"

"You say, you say, should I take it."

Ye Chen's rhetorical question directly confused them.

Should I take it, I should take it, Ye Chen really worked hard to clear him of the suspicion of touching porcelain.

But if you get half of the [-] yuan, you will suffer no matter what you think, after all, he is the one who was injured.

"Why, still can't figure it out? Do you think that if you are injured, you should take the big head."

Ye Chen has been a human being for two lives, and he can tell what he is thinking at a glance.

"Although you are injured, without my help, you won't be able to get a penny. Then you may have to pay for other people's car repair expenses, and you will pay for the medical expenses yourself."

"Now that you have [-] yuan, you can just smile secretly."

"Taste carefully and carefully. Is there any truth to what I said?"

Ye Chen's words became more and more reasonable the more he thought about it, 5 yuan should be enough, so what is there to be dissatisfied with?

"We understand, thank you, a little respect, I hope your men."

Turning around, I transferred 5000 yuan to Ye Chen. Although it was not much, it was kind of heartfelt.

Ye Chen was very satisfied.

"That's good, that's good. I've learned how to be a human being. Go see the injury quickly. Although it's not serious, don't leave any sequelae."

In such a short time, Ye Chen earned more than 5 yuan.

The camera crew behind him called it awesome.

I worked so hard with my camera on my shoulders, and only earned [-] to [-] a month.

But Ye Chen went out to go shopping, hook up with beautiful women, and earn more than 5 yuan by the way.

People are more popular than dead people.

"Xiao Feng, you did a good job just now. Your computer helped a lot. This is your hard work. Don't worry too much, it's just a little thought."

Feng Qian looked at the 100 yuan that Ye Chen took out casually, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

This guy was stingy to the extreme. She saw Ye Chen get 100 yuan, but in the end he only gave her [-] yuan.

"Do you think I'm short of this 100 yuan?"

Indeed, Ye Chen was abrupt.

This 100 yuan is the salary of an ordinary person for a month. It is too much, and Feng Qian must be embarrassed to take it.

"Actually, you don't have to be embarrassed. After all, this is your computer labor income. 100 yuan is too much, and I don't have any change with me. Why don't I treat you to dinner."

"Yes, that's it. I invite you to eat skewers and drink beer. That's the deal. Don't refuse. I'm a shameless person."

Ye Chen shamelessly dragged Feng Qian to the roadside shop.

"Boss, ten lamb skewers, beef skewers, leeks, oysters, roasted kidneys, and a case of beer."

"These should be enough for the two of us, more than 100, a luxurious life."

Ye Chen couldn't help sighing.

Hearing Ye Chen's exclamation, Feng Qian really wanted to cover Ye Chen's mouth with her waist.

More than 100 yuan is still a luxurious life, this life is really luxurious.

"It's so extravagant. Thank you very much for your invitation. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to eat more than 100 yuan of delicious food."

"Look at what you said. I'm going to tell you that you asked for it. After all, the 100 yuan is yours. I just advanced a few dozen yuan. It's not worth mentioning. It's only a few dozen yuan, hehe."

Ye Chen also repeatedly emphasized tens of dollars. If Feng Qian still doesn't understand Ye Chen's meaning, she is really a fool.

"I give you?"

"No, no, dozens of dollars, small money, I'll give it to you."

"Don't, I told you that I'm a treat, how can I let you spend money, give it to you."

"Okay, V letter transfer the money."


Feng Qian was going to say a few words of modesty, but who knew that Ye Chen would be rude, directly opened the V letter, and took out the payment code.

"You're the most interesting man I've ever seen. I'll transfer it to you, two hundred. You can pack the rest and bring some money."

"Oh, you're so polite, I thought of it for me, you are the most generous woman I've ever seen."

"Straight male points +1000."

"Straight man point +1W (crit from the cameraman)"


Ye Chen didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest, and directly increased the straight man points by [-] points.

"Straight, it's so fucking straight, it's straight at the same time, how can this kind of man live so chicly."

"I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in my pocket, why can't I give up hundreds of dollars, I don't understand, I don't understand."

How could they understand Ye Chen's thoughts.

For women, you can't get used to it. There are too many dog ​​lickers these days. If you used to be a dog licker, you won't be able to remember you.

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