Ye Chen also hoped that he was thinking too much, but if he didn't go out and have a look, he really couldn't feel relieved.

After putting on his equipment and self-defense weapons, Ye Chen chose to leave alone.

But Ye Chen didn't know that it would be extremely difficult to come back after this trip.

"Open the protective cover and record my location."

"Everyone, take care."

Ye Chen waved at the crowd, and walked out of the protective shield directly, feeling like a strong man would never return.

"Why do I feel weird, and my right eyelid keeps twitching, is there something bad happened?"

Qin Wan frowned tightly there, since this morning, her eyelids have been beating non-stop.

"Are your eyelids beating too? Mine is too. It's been beating non-stop since morning."

"Are your eyelids jumping too?"

"No way, you are not talking about the twitching of the right eyelid, I have been twitching all day today."

If one person dances, it may be because of some eye problem. If two people dance, it may be a coincidence, and everyone gets sick together.

If three people jump, they may have won the lottery. It cannot be a coincidence.

But dancing with five people is somewhat abnormal. Something must have happened, and it is closely related to the five of them.

"Isn't Ye Chen the only one who can get involved with the five of us at the same time?"

"It makes sense. Ye Chen is the link between the five of us. Could it be that something happened to Ye Chen?"

"Go and see Ye Chen's situation."

The five rushed to the laboratory, staring at the camera, looking for Ye Chen's trace.

"It's okay, it's okay, Ye Chen is fine, he scared me to death."

"Ye Chen Ye Chen, can you hear us?"

"Hey Hey hey……"

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen... heard the reply..."

Ye Chen in the camera kept walking forward, but no matter what they called, Ye Chen always ignored them.

"What's going on, why Ye Chen ignored us."

"It's broken, it must have been an accident, hurry up, before Ye Chen goes far, let's bring him back."

When they couldn't contact Ye Chen, they knew something was wrong, and hurriedly prepared to bring Ye Chen back.

But when they were about to open the protective cover, they found that no matter how hard they pressed the button, the protective cover could not be opened.

"What the hell is going on, why the protective cover can't be opened."

"Go and contact Ye Chen, we will find a way to open the protective cover."

"It's not good, Ye Chen disappeared, and the camera is full of whiteness, and nothing can be seen."

The protective cover failed, Ye Chen disappeared, and everything revealed a weirdness.

But Ye Chen, who was outside, didn't feel anything, and walked to the avenue by himself, looking at the reset world outside.

"Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, this picture is really spectacular."

"Hey, have you seen it, how beautiful this picture is, this is what the earth looked like at the beginning."

"Hey, why don't you talk, I'm bored by myself."


When Ye Chen realized it, he was dumbfounded.

Qin Wan and the others couldn't be reached by radio.

"No way, I'm so unlucky? I finally came out and encountered this kind of thing."

Ye Chen didn't dare to continue walking, but turned around and walked back.

But good horses don't turn their backs. Since Ye Chen came out, how could he go back so easily.

The thick fog was everywhere, and Ye Chen was submerged in it in the blink of an eye. Ye Chen's visual range was less than ten centimeters.

Ye Chen stood there without daring to move, but if he went the wrong way, he would never think about going back in this life.

"God, please have pity on me, please clear away the fog."

It's a pity that God doesn't seem to be looking after him this time. Not only did the fog not dissipate, but it became thicker and thicker. Ye Chen couldn't even see his fingers.

"No, if this continues, you will die here sooner or later, you must save yourself."

"System, system, are you there?"

There was no response. For several months, the system did not give him any response.

It is impossible to place hope on the system, Ye Chen can only rely on himself.

"I hope my luck is not too bad, let me go back safely."

With his eyes closed, according to his memory, Ye Chen began to walk back gropingly.

After walking for an entire hour without returning to Huaguo, Ye Chen knew he was lost.

It is as difficult as ever to go back, and now he can only take one step at a time.

"Heaven is going to kill me. I am so pitiful that I saved hundreds of millions of people at such a young age, but in the end I am dying in this kind of place. I can't even be buried in the ground."

"Heaven, earth, why are you targeting me like this? What did I do wrong?"

Ye Chen sat down on the ground and didn't move. He was dead anyway, so why make himself so tired.

"Ye Chen's tomb."

"Biography: no sex, no daughters, wives and concubines in groups, wise and powerful, a great hero of China, who sacrificed himself to save mankind."


With nothing to do, Ye Chen made a tombstone for himself, and then praised himself, which was the only thing he could do.

Dig a hole, bury some soil, and count one, two, three, four, five.

Ye Chen lay quietly in the hole he had dug.

"Thousands of years later, we are still a good man. If we starve for four, five, six, seven, eighty-nine days, we should almost starve to death."

Ye Chen lay dead, and it was impossible to resist. In the face of nature, he, a small human being, was too weak.

Just lying like this, Ye Chen didn't know how many days he had been lying there, he forgot about hunger, no worries, and his consciousness began to drift.

"I should go to heaven..."

Ye Chen grimaced and completely lost consciousness.

No one noticed that after Ye Chen lost consciousness, a green light that made you panic surrounded Ye Chen firmly.

Then gradually dissipated in the thick fog.

The moment Ye Chen dissipated, the dense fog also dissipated completely, leaving only a suit of equipment in place.

"The picture appeared, quickly, the picture appeared."

"Where is Ye Chen, why can't you see Ye Chen?"

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen..."

"It can't be that something happened, this equipment looks like it's thrown on the ground."

"Bah, bah, bah, Ye Chenfu's fate is too high. It's impossible for something to happen. The scourge has lived for thousands of years. This guy can't die young. He must have discovered something, and he should be back soon."


Everyone has been waiting, waiting for Ye Chen's return.

One day, two days...

a week, a month...

One year...

The equipment was still there, but Ye Chen was nowhere to be seen, as if the world had evaporated.

"Ye Chen, where did you go? I don't believe you will die. You must be busy with important things."

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