Global live broadcast, start off angry green tea bitch

Chapter 182: Are we still wasting air?

Ye Chen didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and controlled them remotely through the video.

And the leaders of the various countries in the sanctuary hated Ye Chen to the core. They didn't have so many things to do, and they could withstand all kinds of disasters safely by hiding in the sanctuary.

But Ye Chen decided to tell this matter, so that they would not be able to live in peace.

"Why are you doing this, and what's in it for you."

"It's not good, but it's fun. I like to watch you big M people kill each other. This feeling is very good."

Ye Chen sneered disdainfully.

Revenge for revenge, revenge for grievances, the previous account has not been settled yet, Ye Chen is just asking for a small interest, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Your people are coming soon, face them well and see how you explain."

But obviously Ye Chen still underestimated the face of Big M's leader.

To be president, a thick skin is the most basic requirement.

"President get out, why are you staying in a shelter and making us suffer."

"Get out, da da da da..."

Angry people can only use machine guns to vent their anger.

It's just in vain, anyway, this shelter is also made of invincible alloy, ordinary weapons can't cause any harm to him at all.

"Everyone, please leave. We can only protect ourselves now. It is useless for you to make trouble here. It is better to find a suitable shelter as soon as possible."

"We're going to the shelter too."

"The shelter is already full and there is no room for more people. Besides, it is useless for you to enter the shelter. You are just ordinary people and are of no use to the country."

"We are alive so that Big M can regain its dominance, so you should leave."

Look at what this said, but it is impossible for anyone with a normal mind to say this.

President Big M said?

That's normal.

This guy is out of his mind.

In the eyes of President Big M, these ordinary people are useless garbage that can be discarded at any time.

The shelter is filled with people he considers valuable, as well as his family.

"It's too much to deceive people, it's too much, and they abandoned us so ruthlessly."

"Damn guy, go to hell with me."

Machine gun bombs, they tried everything they could, but they just couldn't break through the protective cover, and they couldn't even leave a trace.

"Don't do useless work. This is a shelter made of invincible alloy. It is impossible for you weapons to break through it."

"Instead of doing useless work here, you might as well go to Huaguo to seek their asylum. In case Huaguo shows kindness and lets you in, you won't be able to get in here anyway."

The big M people who were blocked outside could only rage there impotently.

But they couldn't break through the shelter made of invincible alloy.

"Want to break through? It's easy to do. I can give you a weapon to break through the shelter, and then you can rush in casually."

"Really? You're not lying to us, are you?"

"Huaguo values ​​credibility the most. How could I joke with you about this kind of thing, besides, this is the kind of person I look down on the most."

"I am trying to survive, but I don't care about your safety. If they built more shelters earlier, would you still use it?"

"Try carefully, carefully, this guy is deliberately letting you die."

Being fooled by Ye Chen, they became even more hostile to President Big M.

Big M has such technology, but they only build their own shelters.

"Damn guy, he played with our lives. I'm going to get a weapon. When I break through the gate of the shelter, I'm going to kill him with my own hands."

"Together we will."

Ye Chen had already stirred up their emotions, and all that was left was to light the fire.

"Take out the invincible laser gun that was eliminated before. I will use it tomorrow. After I modify it a little, this thing can break the gate."

The next day, big M took the angry crowd to the event as promised.

Ye Chen was also very trustworthy and handed over the weapons to them.

"It's time for you to defend your human rights, come on, I'm optimistic about you."

"Thank you."

A group of people came and left in a mighty way.

Naturally, Ye Chen couldn't miss this good show. The people of Huaguo have worked hard during this time, so Ye Chen has to let them relax.

"Brothers and sisters, come into my live broadcast room and start watching the good show. Don't miss it when you pass by. If you have a gift, check it out. If you don't have a gift, hold a personal show. Remember to pick [-]."

The camera followed the brother of the laser gun, and followed them all the way to Big M's shelter.

"President Dog, get out."

"I'll give you three seconds to open the door of the shelter, otherwise, when we break through the door of the shelter, there will be no place for you."

"How many times have I said it? It doesn't work. You can't break through the gate here, and we won't open it for you. Go to another place quickly."

"Rolling, it's an eyesore every day, you bunch of trash are wasting big M's air in life."

Listening to President Big M's words, the audience in the live broadcast room swiped [-] in unison.

"Fuck, is this the leader of a foreign country? Is he so domineering that he calls his own people rubbish?"

"I will score [-] points for this wave of operations, and I will give him [-] points for the rest."

"I love Huaguo, Huaguo is awesome."

"Have those people who worshiped foreign countries seen it before, isn't the air in foreign countries sweet, doesn't foreign countries emphasize human rights, and isn't everything in foreign countries better than Huaguo."

"You continue to come out and talk about it, what is better in foreign countries, and how can it compare with my Dahua country."


"Okay, audience friends, the past was the past, and the present is the present. We are not the kind of stingy people, so we can watch the show with peace of mind. The front row has prepared mineral water with melon seeds and peanuts."

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the big M took the angry people and started to fight. He picked up the invincible laser gun in his hand and shot at the gate of the shelter.

"Don't bother, your weapons are simply impossible..."


Before President Big M finished speaking, the door of the shelter was kicked open. President Big M unexpectedly flew out with the door.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how can you open the door of the shelter."

President Big M hugged Big M, and looked at the people in front of him in disbelief.

"Impossible? Do you know what this is? The super weapon prepared for us by the Huaguo government is specially used to break through your door."

"Didn't you say that we are garbage? Didn't you say that we are wasting air while living? Do you still think so now?"

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