Qin Wan and the others all returned to Ye Chen's side, seeing Ye Chen's desperate work, they hurriedly persuaded him.

After all, the only person who can help them survive the doomsday crisis is Ye Chen.

If something goes wrong with Ye Chen, they will all have to be buried with him.

"Oh, oh, my heart hurts, ah..."

While everyone was persuading him, Ye Chen clutched his heart and fell directly to the ground, rolling his eyes from time to time, his body twitching non-stop.

"It's not good, call the doctor quickly, something happened to Ye Chen."

"Call someone, hurry up."

"No...no...doctors can't save me, I need you, as long as you kiss each other, kisses can cure all diseases."

"Quick, quick, give me a kiss, I need a kiss, I need strength."

Any fool could see that Ye Chen was pretending. Everyone gave Ye Chen an angry look, and punched Ye Chen hard in the chest.

"You scared us to death. Why are you like this? We thought something happened to you. If something happened to you, what would we do?"

Seeing the concern in everyone's eyes, Ye Chen smiled maliciously.

"Don't worry, your men are in good health, how can I be willing to abandon so many of my wives and go away."

"Besides, I haven't eaten meat yet. It's not too bad to leave like this. What if someone else gets cheaper in the future? I don't want my head to be covered with green grass."

After a few people relaxed for a while, Ye Chen walked out with the technology he had recently researched.

Each one is researched for doomsday disasters.

"This is a super communication satellite. At the end of the earth, all human equipment will be paralyzed. This thing can allow human beings to guarantee basic communication."

"This is a communication tool that is compatible with satellites. Qin Wan, you need to arrange for people to produce quickly, and strive to have a set of people before the end of the world."

"This is the method of making a super generator. After the end, only this thing can produce electricity. Shi Yao, you can arrange someone to make it. One is enough for a city."

"And this one, the super water purifier. After the end of the world, the earth is in turmoil, and the water source is definitely not clean. Who knows what unknown creatures are in it. Only the water purified by the super water purifier can be used by humans."

"There is also this anti-virus package. There are a large number of viruses hidden on the earth, and it is likely to burst out at that time. This virus package can help humans resist unknown viruses."

"And these, these..."

"Arrange people to fix it yourself. What we want is to fully bloom, and don't make any trouble at that time."

Ye Chen considered everything comprehensively, including food, clothing, housing and transportation, and took into account all the factors that could be considered.

"It's time for me to take a good rest. I don't know how many brain cells will die in a day."

"Fortunately, I have your help, otherwise, I would have died of exhaustion."

Although with the help of the elixir, Ye Chen only needs to rest for a few hours, but Ye Chen still likes the feeling of sleeping.

"I'll sleep first, call me at night."

Within a few seconds, Ye Chen fell into a dream, and Zhang Yao tactfully massaged and fanned Ye Chen, making Ye Chen sleep more soundly.

"Inform them that there is nothing fatal, and don't disturb Ye Chen before night. He has slept less than ten hours this week, and his spirit must be about to collapse."

For many days, Ye Chen was working continuously, and the few of them saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts.

If it wasn't for the entire Hua Kingdom, they would have stopped Ye Chen long ago.

Fortunately, there are adults outside who are in charge of the overall situation, so Ye Chen doesn't need to worry too much.

"Everyone, I think everyone has come to understand this week, all the things Ye Chen predicted have come true."

"There is really not much time left for us, we have to speed up."

"Starting today, everyone over the age of 20 and under the age of 60 must participate in the fight against the end of the world."

"All people are fighters, and we are racing against time."

"Indeed, time waits for no one. Ye Chen has spent a week researching this matter for everyone. Take a look."

"If you don't have anything to do today, don't bother Ye Chen. He only sleeps for an hour this day. He is too tired."

"Leave the things to you, and you can research by yourself. If you rely on Ye Chen for the whole process, then there is really no need to save Huaguo."

Qin Wan and the others' status followed Ye Chen's. After all, they were all Ye Chen's people, and no one could offend them if they offended anyone.

"There are so many inventions, and they can be done in a week. This guy, he can't be an alien from a high-tech planet."

"I think it's very possible. These technologies are too amazing. Even if we were given a year, we might not be able to develop one, but Ye Chen produced so many in seven days."


When they saw the technology Ye Chen was researching, they couldn't help but exclaim.

People are more popular than dead people.

"It's enough to do our job well. Compared with Ye Chen, it means that we don't live happily."

"Leave this super generator to us. Our main research is generators, and we are very familiar with this technology."

"If you want a super generator, then I want this anti-drug bag. We are majors in medicine, so we are familiar with this."

"Then I want this."

"This is ours."


Soon the high technology developed by Ye Chen was divided up.

As for Ye Chen, he fell asleep on the bed, but his soul had already gone to outer space to fight monsters.

"Huh? Is this? The scene of the end of the earth?"

"Is this the construction after Huaguo? It's not bad to build it this way. Taking the province as a unit, it will be much less difficult to build their own protection."

"This is a train, and it's okay. All cities can be connected by train. As long as the trains and tracks are well protected, there will be no problem."

Ye Chen's previous idea was to build a huge eggshell to cover the entire Huaguo.

But sitting like this is very difficult.

But now he has a new idea, which is to divide the provinces and divide a large eggshell into dozens of small eggshells, and finally connect the provinces by train.

"I'm such a genius, I can achieve such a dream in just one night's sleep."

"I'm really tired recently. When I sleep, my mind is full of doomsday disasters."

But before Ye Chen was happy, the world began to change suddenly, the end came directly, and various disasters swept across the entire earth.

Except for the country of Hua, nothing else grew, and the whole world turned into a world of ice.

"Huh... Is this the disaster brought by the end of the world? It's so scary."

Although it was just a dream, Ye Chen was still taken aback, but what appeared in the dream soon woke him up.

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