"What, I didn't bring it."

Zhang Yao's words almost caused Ye Chen to fall off the chair.

After a stagger, Ye Chen turned his head to look at Zhang Yao: "Where are my things, where are the instruments on the ship."

"There are so many grown-ups here, don't embarrass me."

Seeing Ye Chen's nervous appearance, Zhang Yao smiled: "I didn't bring it, I kept it on the boat."

"Didn't I ask you to move things down? These things are all good things, and all my research results are inside."


"Oh? Didn't say anything?"

"No, I forgot."


Zhang Yao's face was extremely thick, and she still acted confidently when she didn't move her things down.

"Stop teasing little friend Ye Chen, look at him getting nervous, go get someone to bring things, let's see what's going on with the earth."

With the order of the adults, the things were quickly transported back.

This is a treasure, and the people who transported it did not dare to make too much noise, for fear of damaging the instrument.

"Look at how careful you are, there's no need, this guy is very strong, the whole body is super invincible alloy, even if you bombard it with missiles, it won't break it."

"Connect my machine, wait for half the disappearance time, and it will send back the earth's data."

"Don't underestimate it. The ultrasonic waves it emits can cover the entire earth, and the data of the earth can be transmitted back in half an hour, and it can also monitor the situation of the earth in real time."

"As long as there is any abnormality on the earth, it can be found in the first time."

It's just such a small iron box, yet Ye Chen exaggerates it.

"Is it really so magical? Let us see it."

You can doubt Ye Chen's character, you can even question Ye Chen's inability, but you can't doubt what Ye Chen made.

This is made strictly according to the formula of the system, and there is absolutely no possibility of any problems.

"Plug in and connect to the big screen."



"And then? Is this the end?"

The power was plugged in, and the screen was connected, but Ye Chen did not see any movement.

"Please don't look at me with your ignorant eyes, it will only make you look idiots."

"Ahem...the opposite is the lord of Huaguo."

Scientific research, we are serious. Although Ye Chen was submissive before, but when it comes to scientific research, Ye Chen always insists on one thing, even adults will lose face.

As a result, Ye Chen confidently mocked the adults as idiots.

"Well, sorry, I lost my composure."

"It's okay, it's okay, we are gentlemen, we understand, this is the first time someone calls us idiots in so many years."

"Hahahaha, it's really interesting. I heard that geniuses are lonely and arrogant. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. Continue."

Ye Chen could only listen to the adults' teasing, and then patted his head in embarrassment.

"I'm automated. I don't need human manipulation. I just need to plug in the power, and it will run automatically. After half an hour, image data will come out."

"Listen to the little guy, we wait patiently for half of them to disappear."

"Okay, okay, let's wait patiently for a while."

Half an hour passed quickly, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the big screen.

Ye Chen didn't lie either, half an hour later at a very accurate time, images and numbers began to appear on the big screen.

"Look, the energy inside the earth is dissipating little by little. Here, here, and here, there are earthquakes happening now, and the energy of the earth is still gathering. Next, there will be a bigger earthquake here, almost Around eighth grade."

"This is an ocean area. After a day here, a hurricane will form and a tsunami will be formed. Of course, it will not be too big and insignificant."

"And here, there will be a volcanic eruption, but this should be a no-man's land, so it won't affect it."

"This area is covered with hail, fist-sized hail."


Ye Chen analyzed the intelligence for the adults, but they definitely couldn't believe what Ye Chen said.

"According to what Ye Chen just said, monitor the whole process, and report immediately if something happens."

"Wait, there is an emergency. This area should be Huaguo, Kyoto. It's so close. Damn it, it's right under our feet."

"Is it such a coincidence?"

"Next, in Kyoto, that is, the land under our feet, there will be heavy rainstorms for a day, very big ones, and there are less than ten hours left. Take precautions."

heavy rain?The very big kind.

Less than ten hours.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, the adults frowned.

"What does our data show, will there be heavy rain in the next ten hours?"

"No, the weather is clear, the temperature is normal, the humidity is normal, and the probability of a heavy rainstorm is zero."

Ye Chen knew this would be the result.

But how could Huaguo's backward machine compare to his little black box?

"Believe me, there will be heavy rain within ten hours. If you don't prepare for it, the city will be flooded with heavy rain. By then, you will be the sinners of the capital."

"Anyway, you can't waste too many resources. You can take it as a gamble. If you win the bet, everyone will be happy. If you lose the bet, just treat it like me farting."

It is impossible to lose, but it is also impossible to want Ye Chen to make up for it, the most is to treat what he said as fart.

"That's it, it's only ten hours. We can wait and inform, and prepare for drainage and waterproofing. There will be heavy rain in the next ten hours, so let the people of Kyoto get ready."

With Ye Chen's words, the entire capital was in turmoil, and everyone was preparing for the heavy rain.

"Heavy rainstorm? Just kidding, the sun is scorching hot and the sky is cloudless. How could there be a heavy rainstorm?"

"The ants haven't moved either. The air is so dry that it's impossible to rain."

"It's been reported from above. There must be definite news. There must be a heavy rainstorm. Prepare quickly, otherwise the heavy rain will flood your house, and you can blame the adults for not being responsible."

Although they were talking about it, their movements were not slow at all, and they were preparing for the rain under the sun.

Night fell gradually, and it was less than an hour before the time Ye Chen predicted.

But the weather in Kyoto is still as hot as ever, and there is not even a cloud in the sky.

"There's not even a single cloud. Where can I go to steal a heavy rainstorm? Isn't this just messing around and tossing people around?"

"That's right, it's not playing with us. How can there be a heavy rain, where can there be a heavy rain, it's just bullshit, isn't it?"


More and more people were complaining, but Ye Chen sat there leisurely, drinking tea and soaking his feet, without any worry at all.

"It's comfortable. It's been a long time since I've experienced the taste of soaking my feet."

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