"Well, we need to discuss this matter again. Don't worry, discuss it again."

The consortium was discouraged, and they didn't dare to make a rash decision. If they made a wrong decision, the final result would be to be abandoned by Big M and become a scapegoat.

"In one day, you have no other choice whether to give Ye Chen the fairest treatment, release him, or start a war."

The Huaguo Consortium is even tougher at this time, anyway, they have the support of the country behind them.

The order given to him from above was to be fearless, even if it started a war.

To start a war for Ye Chen, other than Hua, no other country can do it.

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow, let's go."

No one dared to stay any longer, and they all hurried back to contact the people above.

Especially Big M's consortium notified Hua Guo's attitude to the higher-ups.

"With such a tough attitude, do they really have the confidence?"

"But if you compromise like this, where is Big M's face? Send special forces to try them. If they are really invincible, then we can only compromise."

"If Hua Guo is just talking big words, then let them witness the power of Big M."

Ye Chen was happily basking in the sun on the isolated island, but the outside became a mess because of Ye Chen, and all kinds of open and secret fights were on the verge of breaking out.

There were even battles at sea, and no one knows what the details were like.

It's just that Huaguo issued a statement the next day, and was attacked by a group of pirates at night, and the opponent was wiped out at the cost of zero casualties.

The corpses were all hung on the warships of Huaguo.

Although the statement mentioned pirates, everyone knew that this was a soldier of Big M, but this time Big M suffered a big loss in the test, and was wiped out with zero casualties.

But because of this incident, Ye Chen also benefited from it, Big M flinched, and the rules changed again.

"Ye Chen, you can snatch the opponent's supplies, we will no longer interfere with your actions, nor will we reveal your whereabouts, life and death depend on you."

"Oh? Transgender?"

Ye Chen was taken aback by the sudden statement of rules issued by the aircraft. He didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest, and he was asked to snatch supplies without revealing his whereabouts.

"Are you sure? I can snatch supplies?"


"Then why don't you put the gun away, and scare who? Believe it or not, I'll smash you."

Ye Chen was a turned serf who sang. He felt very uncomfortable after being subjected to machine guns from flying machines for so many days.

"No, I won't scrap you. I've been scared for nothing these two days. I'll die for you."

Ye Chen slammed it, and directly scrapped the aircraft in the sky, and then collected the materials inside the aircraft.

No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. These things are useless in the eyes of others, but they can be of great help to Ye Chen.

"Hot weapon, do I need it? This kind of weapon that requires bullets is no longer in line with my aesthetics. I, Ye Chen, must be equipped with a laser gun."

After finishing the sunbathing early, Ye Chen found a cave and began tinkering with parts.

Of course, he can't do it based on his level, it still depends on the system.

Without the monitoring of the aircraft, the audience directly lost track of Ye Chen.


"Good guy, is Ye Chen just so reckless, just put the aircraft on the ground, what does this show us, is it lonely?"

Ye Chen's live broadcast room was pitch black, no one knew what Ye Chen was doing.

"Why did this Ye Chen attack so quickly? Our aircraft was smashed by him. Does this guy have violent tendencies?"

"No, we have to warn Ye Chen, if the damage continues, we will suffer a lot."

They couldn't lose Ye Chen's track. The moment the screen disappeared, the director team dispatched the aircraft, and soon tracked Ye Chen's track.

"Hiding in the cave, it's really easy for us to find."

Following Ye Chen's trail, the aircraft came to the cave.

It's a pity that it was greeted by Ye Chen's sap, and the aircraft was scrapped before the director's team threatened it.

"My fucking..."

"This guy must be sick."

The scene of Ye Chen was fleeting, and everyone only saw Ye Chen lift up his stick and hit the aircraft.

In the end, there was no need to think about it at all. The aircraft must have suffered.

"Aircraft killer, how could Ye Chen have such a habit."

"Poor director, in such a short period of time, so many aircraft were lost."


The audience was still pitying the director, but Ye Chen was grateful to them. After all, it was only half done, and the parts were almost there.

Unexpectedly, the aircraft came uninvited at this time.

Don't ignore the free materials, Ye Chen raised the stick and smashed the aircraft to pieces.

"Enough materials, continue to study."

At this time, the director team was already scolding their mothers angrily. If they were not afraid of breaking the rules, they rushed over to question Ye Chen.

"Forget it, don't argue with him, continue to send the aircraft, but this time warn Ye Chen in the cave and threaten him with tranquility."

The director team learned a lot this time. After the aircraft arrived in the cave, they didn't rush in. Instead, they let go of the horn to warn Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, you are damaging the aircraft, and all your friends will die."

"Ye Chen, it's getting damaged..."

The important thing was said three times, and after three consecutive warnings to Ye Chen, the aircraft got into the cave.

Sure enough, this warning made Ye Chen more honest. After the aircraft got into the cave, Ye Chen just gave it a blank look, and then continued to study there.

"It's done, little guy, I'll let you go this time."

Ye Chen picked up his four-shaped laser gun and walked out of the cave again.

"What did Ye Chen do? Could it be that this is a weapon made out of flying machines?"

"It looks like it to me too, but what is it? It looks like a gun but not a gun, doesn't it look like a gun?"

"We don't understand the idea of ​​a genius. Don't we know when Ye Chen experiments? I don't think Ye Chen will let us down."

Indeed, how could Ye Chen disappoint them.

After leaving the cave, Ye Chen began to test the power of the laser gun.

"Just this reef, it looks quite big, I don't know if it can be broken."

After all, the conditions are tough. Although there is systematic help, the materials and environment are simple. It is impossible to create a weapon like an invincible laser gun.

"Aim, shoot."

A beam of laser light was shot directly from the four statues on Ye Chen's body, and shot straight on the rocks by the sea.

The laser flashed, but the reef remained unchanged and stood by the sea.

"I'm dying of laughter. Is this the genius of Huaguo? Is this the laser gun he researched? It's so powerful that it didn't even hurt the fur of the reef."

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