The system is there, no surprises, Ye Chen is still relieved.

So Ye Chen fell asleep peacefully.

Of course Ye Chen was too worried, the big tiger didn't mean to hurt him.

The minds of animals are also very simple, but they are not as calculating as humans. Ye Chen saved its wife and children, and it has nothing but gratitude to Ye Chen.

Until Ye Chen woke up, the big tiger didn't do anything.

Instead, after Ye Chen woke up, there were a few more big rabbits around him.


After hearing the big tiger's roar, Ye Chen knew that it was the big tiger's intention, so he smiled at it, and then went out to barbecue and eat meat.

"Why, big brother, come and taste it too? It tastes great."

The big tiger walked out of the cave and lay directly next to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen reached out to touch the big tiger's head, and then put the roasted rabbit in front of the tiger.

"Try it, it's much more delicious than what you eat raw."

The big tiger took a sniff and swallowed the rabbit in one gulp.

It's just that it goes in quickly and spits out quickly. The big tiger kept exhaling there.

"Hahahaha, I forgot to tell you, it's hot, eat slowly."

"There are enemies approaching, there are enemies approaching, two people, two people."

Ye Chen, who was chatting and laughing with the big tiger, suddenly changed his face, and patted the big tiger's body.

"Go back to the cave first, don't come out, take good care of your wife and children, I'll go out to do something."

"Remember, don't come out no matter what you hear."

After all, Ye Chen was moved with compassion. After arranging the big tiger, Ye Chen turned around and ran away.

"You guys are really dogs. Send two people at once, are you afraid that you won't be able to kill me?"

Ye Chen, who has no weapons, can't easily confront them head-on, he can only look for opportunities to kill them in one fell swoop.

"Ye Chen, he is running away. There are traps set up on the road, please be careful."

"Fuck, my uncle Taiyang, you have finished the voice broadcast, do you still want to show some face?"

The aircraft directly reported the traps arranged on Ye Chen's road.

The last time Ye Chen made a fool of him and let Ye Chen kill the candidate of the Bangguo, this time they decided not to give Ye Chen any chance.

"These consortiums are really shameless. They don't give Ye Chen any way to survive. They want to kill them all."

"Fair and just, is this your fairness and justice? It's unreasonable, stop playing, we won't play, Ye Chen, quit."

"Protest, we want to protest, this is obviously aimed at Ye Chen, it is to put Ye Chen to death."


Ye Chen is also in a very depressed mood now, he really wants to kill the aircraft above his head.

But he can't, let alone Qin Wan and the others are in the hands of these guys, even if they are not there, Ye Chen can't compete with the machine.

He can kill ten or one hundred aircraft, but he is a human being, and as a human being, he has to rest and sleep.

While sleeping, any flying machine can kill him.

"System, the ones chasing me this time are candidates from those two countries."

"Three Kingdoms, a small island country."

"These two countries are more difficult to deal with. The people in their countries are too cowardly, and they dare not go up when encountering things. This is not easy to deal with."

"If it's not easy to deal with, it's not easy to deal with it. Anyway, the people in these two countries are not very good at brains. As long as you use a little strategy, you can get rid of them."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the audience was overjoyed, as long as the small island country is not taken seriously, it will be the victory of the Hua country.

"Ye Chen is right. What kind of bullshit country is a small island country? It's just a tiny place, but it dares to come and kill us Chinese people."

"That's right, don't they know that when we Chinese people meet people from the small island country, our combat power soars ten times, and we have BUFF bonuses when we fight against them."

"I was worried about Ye Chen's safety before, but now I don't have to worry about it. Ye Chen is absolutely fine this time, but we still need to worry about people from other countries, but people from small island countries are sure to win."


This is the self-confidence engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people. As long as they meet people from a small island country, their combat effectiveness will soar instantly.

Ye Chen also thought the same in his heart, he couldn't lose to the people of the small island country, even if he died, he had to let the people of the small island country back him.

"Damn it, don't hide anymore. There are people from the small island country, so we have to fight them head-on."

Ye Chen stopped, squeezed two stones in his hands, and waited there.

But after waiting for a long time, they didn't arrive. Instead, they heard the roar of tigers.

"System, where did these two guys go?"

"Go catch the tiger cub."

"Fuck, are these guys still humane? It's too much to even let a newborn tiger cub go."

One day couples have a hundred days of kindness, at least Ye Chen lived with them for one night, Ye Chen is also the little tiger's savior, and this matter is closely related to him, if it is not because of him, the little tiger's family will not be stared at superior.

Ye Chen had to save them both emotionally and rationally.

"These guys are going too far. To deal with Ye Chen, they even caught little tiger cubs."

"There is no way. People in these countries are inhumane and immoral, and they do things unscrupulously."

"Ye Chen turned his head back, Ye Chen went to save the tiger, the people of our country are really kind and righteous, Ye Chen, come on, kill them."

"Brother, you use them very vividly."

"Isn't it them? Using them to describe them is insulting them."


Ye Chen hurried all the way back to the tiger's den.

As soon as I came to the tiger's den, I heard the low roar of the big tiger, mixed with the babbling of the little tiger.

"Hahaha, I finally caught the little cubs. With these two little tiger cubs, isn't Ye Chen at the mercy of us?"

"Souga, Ye Chen, die, die."

Hearing their voices, Ye Chen smiled disdainfully and let him die, haha.

"I said you two, what are you up to, didn't you kill me, why did you catch the tiger?"

"Let go of you little tiger cubs, I will fight you."

Ye Chen still underestimated the cautiousness of these two people, even with guns, they did not underestimate Ye Chen.

"Lie on the ground, put your head in your hands, or else I'll kill this little tiger cub."

Ye Chen smiled, looking at them like idiots, no, they are idiots.

"Does your country not have universal education, and your brain is not fully developed?"

"For a beast, you let me die with my head in my hands, are you thinking too much?"

"Why should I sacrifice myself for them?"

What Ye Chen said was indeed reasonable, and the two of them couldn't help but nodded after realizing that it was true.

"It does make sense, Ye Chen doesn't need to give up his life for two beasts."

"Then these two little things are useless, let's kill them and eat meat."

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