Global live broadcast, start off angry green tea bitch

Chapter 133: Brother Xiong Protects Me

As if sensing the audience's shouts, Ye Chen turned his head slowly, and met Xiong Xiazi's eyes.

There was no reaction, no tension at all.

Ye Chen even waved his hand to greet him.

"Hey bro, don't mind if I hide from the hail at your house."

"If you don't speak, then I will take it as your acquiescence. You can go back to sleep. I don't need you to worry about it here. When the hailstorm is over, I will leave and you don't need to send it."

Ye Chen's familiarity caught everyone by surprise, even Xiong Xiazi was stunned, and stood there for a long time before he could react.

Xiong: I'm the bear, okay? If you do this, it will make me lose face.


Xiong Xiazi yelled at Ye Chen.

"Okay, don't bark, it's not good to sleep facing others at night."

Bear:? ? ?

The big head is full of small question marks.

This is the first time Xiong Xiazi has encountered such a situation. On this three-acre land, who would dare not give him face.

Now he is embarrassed by a small human being, which is okay, if he doesn't eat Ye Chen, his bear king's face will be swept away.


"Okay, okay, I get it, you haven't finished, don't blame me for being rude to you."


Xiong Xiazi raised his palm and gave Ye Chen a slap.

But the current Ye Chen is no longer the previous Ye Chen. If the previous Ye Chen met Xiong Xiazi, he might hide.

But now Ye Chen won't do it anymore, he's just a little blind bear, and won't pose too much threat to him.

"Little thing, you still dare to do it. Now that you do it, you have to be desperate. Are you ready?"

Ye Chen turned his head and gave Xiong Blind a hard look, a sense of bastardism leaked out.


Xiong: Is this person sick?
Xiong Xiazi didn't know what Ye Chen was doing, so he slapped Ye Chen's body.

"I'll go, my domineering look, why didn't it show up?"

Ye Chen was planning to use his bastard spirit to subdue Xiazi Xiong, but what he got in return was Xiazi Xiong's more violent attack.

36 Running is the best strategy, and fighting the bear desperately, isn't that sick, even if he wins, Ye Chen won't lose any benefits.

Ye Chen absolutely can't do such thankless things.

Ye Chen ran away, Xiong Xiazi slapped the ground heavily, and there was a bear's paw print on the ground.

"Damn it, Ye Chen runs really fast, this calf is so good at jumping."

"Keep shouting, you were quite able to shout just now, why are you scared now, don't run away, fight with the bear."

"Are you an idiot? Do you know what the biggest difference in any action is? A man has a utility, an animal doesn't."

"The most important thing is that people know how to hide when they don't have tools. Why do you go up and fight with Xiong Xiazi after you meet Xiong Xiazi? You really think you are a fighting nation."

"Battle Nation: Which of you called me."


Ye Chen escaped the moment Xiong Xiazi attacked, but it was a pity that Xiong Xiazi didn't intend to just let him go, and chased Ye Chen out of the cave.

"Big guy, this is your courting death. Don't blame me when you get to the underworld."

Seeing Xiazi Xiong behind him, Ye Chen didn't have the slightest worry on his face, but instead showed a smile of success.

"Damn hail, it's endless, it's so big, what if it kills people."

"But it's also just right, I'll kill this guy with your hands, I'll be happy to have food and shelter tonight."

"System, can the natural disaster recruiter be exchanged?"

"Five hundred straight man points can be exchanged once."

"Exchange, but don't use it now, I will let you use it later."

Five hundred straight men bought a chance to be hit by a hailstorm. Except for Ye Chen, I believe no one would do that.

"Xiong Cub, come here."

Ye Chen's contemptuous eyes made Xiong very angry, and his majesty was challenged.


With a roar, Xiong Xiazi flew towards Ye Chen.

"It's now, hit me."

When the natural disaster receiver was activated, Ye Chen could only feel the hailstones in the sky getting denser, and he knew that the natural disaster was rushing towards him.

At this time, Ye Chen didn't care too much. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't be the opponent of the natural disaster. With so many hailstones falling down, he couldn't be smashed to pieces.

So at this time, he only needs a sliding shovel to get under the bear's body, and let the poor bear resist this natural disaster for him.

A series of plans were all in Ye Chen's mind. The moment Xiong Xiong flew over, Ye Chen slid directly under Xiong's body with a sliding shovel.

"Xiongxiong, I have wronged you. I have resisted this time, and I will never harass you again. If you can't bear it, then you can only become my ration."

Seeing Ye Chen slipping and falling under him, Xiong Xiazi was about to stretch out his claws and slap Ye Chen away.

It's just that before it could move, the hailstone that fell from the sky hit Xiazi Xiong directly.



The hailstone smashed violently, and blind Xiong was stunned. In just a moment, blind Xiong turned into a blood bear.


Xiong Xiazi uttered a scream, clutching his head and about to run away.

But how could Ye Chen let it go, he would be the one who would suffer if it left.

"Brother Xiong, don't worry, just wait a little longer, and you can leave after the hailstorm is over."

With both hands, Ye Chen grasped Xiazi Xiong's stomach, and followed the bear all the way.

Ye Chen followed the bear, Hail followed Ye Chen, and the bear avoided the hail.

But no matter where the bear goes, the hail will always follow the bear.

"Fuck, what's the situation? Why is the hail following them?"

"Could it be that Ye Chen is the son of God's Scourge in the legend? What kind of immoral things did he do in his previous life? How could he be targeted by God in this way?"


This is not only the audience's doubts, but even the bears are there.

It doesn't know why or how it escaped, and wherever the hailstone hits.


Xiong Xiazi's cry became more and more miserable, and his head was already bloody.

"Poor brother Xiong, if you persist, it will be over in ten minutes."

Ye Chen felt in his heart and lamented for Brother Xiong.

"Bearskin coats are warm. It would be nice to make a bearskin coat in the future."

"Hey, hey, Brother Xiong, don't block it with your hands. If you break your paw, what will I eat?"

"Is that right? Use your head to resist, and if you resist a few more times, you don't have to stiffen up, and you can feel at ease and end the pain earlier. Isn't that great?"

Listening to Ye Chen's sarcastic remarks, the audience gave their middle fingers together.

"Brother Xiong saved your life again, but you still miss Brother Xiong's claws. What about your conscience, has it been eaten by a bear?"

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