One seed and endless seeds, as long as the brain is not sick, they know how to choose.

"You don't agree?"

"I don't accept it, you are not in line with common sense. How can a seed go through a cycle and grow fruit within ten days? This is simply impossible."

"The only possibility now is that you used other means to replace the seeds here with potatoes, but I have no proof."

If Ye Chen didn't know that his seeds were very powerful, Hu Ge's words could really convince him.

At least the old farmers in the live broadcast room now agree with Hu Ge's words very much.

"Hu Ge is right. The potatoes are abnormally ripe. Ye Chen must have used other methods, such as exchanging pillars for pillars, civet cats for princes, and seeds for potatoes."

"We have to do it all over again and monitor the whole process. Only in this way can we be convinced."

"Yes, we have to do it all over again, the camera is staring at the potato seeds the whole time."


The director team didn't really believe what Ye Chen said, after all, ten days had matured, which was too unbelievable.

"Director, the order from above, no matter what, Ye Chen has to do it again, must, must let Ye Chen do it again."

"Director, the consortium has also issued an order to let Ye Chen plant it again. They want to see if the super seeds are real. If they succeed, they will allocate [-] million to us."

The pressure from all aspects is on the director, and the director can only entrust it to Hu Ge.

"Hu Ge, no matter what method you think of, just let Ye Chen plant the seeds once, and I will give you 1000 million."

Even if there is no money, Hu Ge has to find a way to let Ye Chen sow once, let alone 1000 million now.

He has to work hard.

"Ye Chen, how are you thinking, do you dare to gamble again, I will watch him with my own eyes."

"It's still that you are afraid and dare not. If you dare not, I won't embarrass you. They are all my own. I will save you some face."

Hu Ge directly started to use the aggressive method, trying to stimulate Ye Chen.

This time he really made his wish come true, Ye Chen had to plant again in order to complete the task.

"Since you want to sleep outside, then I will help you."

"Give me one day, and I will prepare some potions. Only seeds soaked in my potions can be called super seeds."

"This time, I will convince you to lose. You can stay here at night and use the sky as your quilt and the earth as your bed."

After returning to the laboratory, Ye Chen spent an hour concocting the super potion, threw potato seeds into the potion, and soaked it for an hour.

"It's such a plump seed, I can feel the exuberant vitality inside, this guy will be a ghost if he doesn't survive for ten days."

"Here you are, this is the super seed I developed. I will leave the sowing to you. You can choose any land, and I won't go there, lest you accuse me of making trouble."

Ye Chen handed over the super seed to Hu Ge with great peace of mind, then turned around and left.

Hu Ge came to the suburbs with the super seeds and found a very hidden place, even if he told you the place, he might not be able to find it, let alone Hu Ge didn't say anything.

"This place is hidden enough. I will plant seeds here, and then stare at him for ten days. I want to see how it will grow."

"Dig a hole, bury some soil, and count one, two, three, four, five."

Hu Ge imitated Ye Chen's way of farming before, and sowed the super seeds in his hand.

"I'll see how big you can grow in ten days."

In order to win Ye Chen, Hu Ge also worked hard and lived next to the land.

With dry food, a simple bed was made, and Hu Ge just guarded the super seeds.

"Fuck, brothers, look, it's sprouted, the potatoes have sprouted."

"What? How is this possible? It sprouted in one night."

"It's still fake, look at the green shoots, they are obviously new growths."

"Is what Ye Chen said true? Can his super seeds really mature within ten days?"

"It's very possible. It germinated overnight. According to this speed, it is likely to mature within ten days."

"Damn it, I still can't believe it. It may be due to his potion that it germinated in one day, and the results will not be seen until ten days later."

"Yes, yes, everything will be known after ten days, and the result will be known after ten days."

These ten days may be the most torturous ten days for everyone.

After all, Ye Chen's super seeds have changed too much.

One sample per day, or even one sample per hour.

Hu Ge lay on the potato seedlings, just pinching and counting.

"It was fifteen centimeters before, but it rose to thirty centimeters in a few hours. This is incredible. I doubt what Ye Chen said is true. It is really possible to mature within ten days."

Seeing the growth of the potatoes, Hu Ge gave a wry smile. He is likely to lose this bet.

Although there is still a little bit of doubt in everyone's heart, they are not so firm, and they already have a feeling of belief.

"If it really succeeds after ten days, Ye Chen will be considered a precedent."

"Father of the Super Potato?"

"Fuck, no way, can't we eat potatoes in the future without Ye Chen?"

"These are all secondary. You have to think deeply. Mastering food is equivalent to mastering the lifeline of a country, and it will even cause turmoil in the entire world."

"That's true. Ye Chen is really worrying. I just don't know if his super potion will work for other seeds. If it works, I really can't imagine what will happen."

"Maybe Ye Chen's status will be comparable to that of a giant panda."


As the audience guessed, the advent of super seeds has caused turmoil in the world.

Hua Guo: "Protect Ye Chen, at all costs, even if you all die, you must keep Ye Chen safe."

Foreign forces: "Ye Chen must be taken down, and the technology of the super seed must be obtained, at all costs."

The consortium: "It seems that it's time to start a new plan. It's unrealistic to take action against Ye Chen in the territory of Huaguo. Only by taking Ye Chen away can we have a chance to succeed."

"Start Project Island and take all the candidates away."

"But Huaguo..."

"Our plan has been reported in advance, even the Hua Kingdom has no right to stop it, otherwise it will be an enemy of the whole world."

Huaguo Consortium: "They want to start the island plan in advance, and want to take Ye Chen away, and take precautions as soon as possible."

The whole world moved because of Ye Chen alone.

And now Ye Chen is still lying on the bed leisurely, listening to the little song, living a small life is called a beauty.

Compared with Ye Chen, Hu Ge's childhood was much more miserable, with many pimples from mosquito bites on his body, but even so, Hu Ge didn't leave the field, still staring at the potatoes.

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