It's a pity that Ye Chen couldn't hear them at all.

The clothes on his body have been stripped off, and it seems that he is about to start.

"Trigger random quest: Hard work, exercise."

[Option 1000: Prove yourself with your lower body, reward: straight man points -[-]. 】

[Option 100: Work hard, exercise, [-] push-ups, [-] sit-ups, [-] squats, reward: straight man points +[-]. 】

As soon as the sound of the system sounded, a warm current flowed through Ye Chen's body, and Ye Chen regained consciousness in an instant.


"What am I doing?"

"Exercise, one hundred points? Lower body exercise, one thousand points, no, no, I choose two."

He didn't even have a thousand points in his entire net worth, and it was about to be deducted all at once, how could he agree.

Isn't it just exercising, for the sake of health, I did it.

Ye Chen didn't complain this time. Fortunately, the system appeared in time, otherwise he would have committed a problem of principle.

If the system hadn't stopped him just now, he would definitely have done something to Qin Wan and the others, and he would be responsible for tarnishing the innocence of other girls.

Ye Chen is determined to be a scumbag, how can he be responsible to them, this kind of thing is unacceptable.

"ready, go."

"One, two... one hundred... one thousand..."

Under everyone's expectant and entangled attention, Ye Chen started his own exercise.




Maria was speechless, and the audience was also speechless.

"Ye Chen has more or less a quirk of exercising, and it becomes like this when it comes to critical moments."

"The medicine didn't even work on Ye Chen, did Maria use fake medicine?"

"Impossible. It's definitely an international brand. I've seen it with my own eyes. The effect of the medicine is absolutely amazing. I just don't know why it doesn't work for Ye Chen."

Maria stood at the door, frowning peeping at Ye Chen doing exercises.

"Impossible, I obviously sprinkled a large bag of medicinal powder, so why is it useless?"

"Could it be that they bought fake medicines? It must be so. Huaguo is far behind Big M, and fake medicines are so rampant."

"Fortunately, I still have a second plan, but I need to prepare a way out in advance."

Maria took out a special mobile phone from her arms: "I'm going to act, get ready to meet me."

"This is a super smoke made by Big M, you just have a good sleep, when you wake up, everything will be over."

Maria blew misty smoke through the crack of the door, and the mist slowly filled the laboratory.

"Huh? Is it foggy?"

"Ah... so sleepy..."

Plop, without holding on for a second, Ye Chen passed out, fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, super alloy technology, laser gun technology all belong to me, it belongs to Big M."

After waiting patiently for a while, Maria got into the laboratory and installed Ye Chen's technical notebook.

"Thank you, we will see you indefinitely, thank you for your generosity."

After speaking, Maria took her things and left.

"Fuck, it's not good, this guy stole the technology and wants to bring it back to Big M."

"Stop her, director, don't let her take technology away. This is the wealth of our country."

"I have long seen that this girl has bad intentions. I didn't expect that she would use such a despicable method. Big M is too despicable."

"Maliciously breaking the rules, the director quickly stop her."

The director team naturally knew the danger of technology being taken away by Maria, so they immediately sent people to stop it.

It's a pity that their people were stopped as soon as they were dispatched.

"Director Hua Guo, do your own thing well, and you don't need to participate in the rest."


Being held in the head with a gun, what the director can say is just sitting there decadently.

"Come back, we can't control this matter."

As for Ye Chen's situation here, the upper echelons of Huaguo are also paying close attention to it all the time. The moment Maria stole the technology, they dispatched special forces to stop it.

Ye Chen didn't know at all that during the time he was in a coma, there had been a fierce battle between Big M and Hua Guo because of these technologies.

Both sides suffered casualties. After all, this is the territory of Huaguo, and Big M suffered heavy losses. Not one out of ten personnel was dispatched, but the biggest loss was Huaguo.

The technology of super alloy and laser gun was stolen by Big M.

"Huh? Why am I lying on the ground, and no one covers me with a quilt."

When Ye Chen woke up, it was already the next morning.


Before Ye Chen could fully wake up, he heard a scream coming from the laboratory.

This time, Ye Chen was terrified. With a sudden jolt, the drowsiness completely disappeared.

"What's the name of the ghost in the early morning? Don't you know if it scares people to death?"

"Brother Ye Chen, it's bad, all our technical materials are gone, and they were stolen by that bad woman Maria."

Qin Wan and the others were notified by the director early in the morning that their information had been stolen by Maria.

After everyone inspected it, they did not find any information, and even the Marias disappeared.

"Huh? The information was stolen by Maria?"

"What about Maria?"

Ye Chen was still in the mood to care about Maria at this time, An Ning stomped his feet angrily.

"Brother Ye Chen, do you know the seriousness of the matter? Maria stole the technology of super alloys and laser guns."

"With these technologies, they can develop super weapons and laser guns, which will be our disaster."

"People are scary. Have you ever heard a song? I'm afraid of ghosts, but ghosts haven't hurt me at all. I'm not afraid of people, but people hurt you all over."

Compared to their haste and anxiety, Ye Chen was very calm.

"So, what about the Marias?"

"Didn't you look for Maria, don't let her have any accidents."

"you you……"

"I'm so mad, you go to your Maria."

Not to mention that An Ning was angry, even the audience in the live broadcast room were angry.

"I really misunderstood Ye Chen. At this moment, I still care about Maria, a bitch. Does he like foreign girls so much?"

"I'll see what he does when he wears superalloy clothes and hits him with a laser gun."

"I'm so pissed off. Maria was enough to make me angry, but Ye Chen was still like this. My wife came over and beat me up to vent my anger."


Ye Chen was a little baffled, he really didn't know where they were angry.

"Maria must be looking for her. After all, she is a girl. What if something happens to her?"

"It's just why are you angry."

Ye Chen even had the face to ask them why they were angry, the technical information was stolen, how could they not be angry.

"Go to hell, big straight man."

"Straight man."

"Straight man."

"Big straight man."

"Straight male points +100."

Ye Chen was stunned, this time the straight man ordered it for no reason, it increased by a hundred points all of a sudden, it's really sweet.

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