"Okay, Mom and Dad." Ruan Wenyan took Su Yunming's arm and stood up.

"Come on, let's go to the company first."

"Well, be careful on the road." Su Yunming accompanied the crowd to the gate of the villa and took the lead in getting in his own car.


A small head poked out from the window of a black car and waved his hands frantically in Su Yunming's direction.


Su Yunming also rolled down the car window, smiling dotingly and waving her hands in a gentle direction.

"Sit still, litchi." Wen Yaohui started the car and instructed softly.

"Okay Dad, sit still." Rourou immediately sat down, looking like a good girl.

Seeing the gentle figure disappearing from sight with the car, Su Yunming turned around and drove home.

Put away the casserole just now, and then go up to your room on the second floor to pick up a few pieces of music that Wen Rou made when he slept with him that night.

Then he walked down the living room, found the study on the first floor, and gently opened the door to enter.


This study is said to be a study, but it is actually his recording base.

All the materials in the study are made of Zong's best sound insulation materials, and they are fire-resistant, water-resistant and heat-resistant, so they are not afraid of anything.

The room is full of musical instruments.

Piano, guitar, drums... blah blah blah.

There are also special recording equipment.

Su Yunming sat casually on the stool in front of the equipment, then took out the music scores and scratched her head.

"Tsk, these songs don't suit the band's style..."

He bit his pen, closed his eyes and thought slowly...

He has been thinking about this since last night. After all, if he wants to set up a studio, he must make a small splash on the Internet and in circles, otherwise who would know you?
What's more, if you still want to be affiliated with Yuejin Entertainment, you must be able to become popular anytime, anywhere.

Make more money for my father-in-law and mother-in-law, maybe it will be more convenient for me to propose marriage later...

The idea is beautiful, the reality is very skinny.

Not inspired.

what occasion?what subject?
It’s not like just copying songs casually.

"Oh, and ask them if they'd like to..."

"Let's wait until I pick up my parents."

Su Yunming scratched her head, looked at the time on her phone, only to find that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Immediately surprised, "Tsk, time flies so fast, I just stayed inside for two hours..."

Then he quickly stood up from the stool, walked out of the study, picked up the car keys and walked out the door.

I looked at my phone during the period,
Dad: Son, we will arrive at the airport at three o'clock, remember to be on time.

It's three o'clock, and it takes half an hour to get to the airport without traffic jams, and now it's the holiday period...

Su Yunming shook her head, quickly opened the driver's door and got in, then started the car.


"Beep beep..."

"Will you be able to drive, I'm stupid, can you drive a speeding car?"

"Go, why don't you go!"

"It's blocked..."

Su Yunming stopped on the way to the airport, without him, it was too congested.

Looking around, it is really a long dragon, and it will never stop.

Su Yunming raised her hand and looked at the time on her watch, and found that it was already 02:30, then took out her mobile phone and left a message to his parents
Lao Su: I'm stuck in a traffic jam on the road. When you arrive, wait for me at the airport.

Then he waited peacefully for the vehicle in front of him to start.


Modu Airport parking lot

After Su Yunming parked the car, she raised her hand and looked at her watch. The front display showed that it was already 03:30, and she immediately took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey mom, where are you?"

"We're at the gate."

"Okay, I'm here, don't run around."

Then Su Yunming hung up the phone and quickly walked towards the gate of the airport building.

About 5 minutes later, Su Yunming was carrying two suitcases, followed by a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman.

If you look carefully, you will find that Su Yunming looks like a combination of a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman. No matter how you look at it, you will know that Su Yunming was born by the two of them, and there is no such thing as error reporting.

"Ahem, dad, how many countries have you been to?"

Su Yunming's father, Su Xin, smiled softly when he heard the words, "Four or five? But it's not interesting, diet or something is not suitable for us."

After all, he waved his hand.

"However, your mother took a lot of photos. You can take a look. There is a beautiful place. What is it... what kind of lake."

"It's Lake Baikal. It was still in the evening when I went there. The afterglow of the setting sun and the sparkling water in the lake reflected each other, which was very beautiful."

Su Yunming's mother, Cen Qingqing, immediately took up the conversation.

"Oh, Lake Baikal? Did you go there?"

Su Yunming's eyes flickered slightly upon hearing this.

"That's right, it's closer if you come back from there, so let's go there and have a look."

Su Xin nodded when he heard the words, and said carelessly.

Before they knew it, they had reached the parking lot. Su Yunming put the suitcase in the trunk and opened the door to let the two of them get in the car.

"Son, how's your band doing?"

Su Xin sat in the back seat and asked.

"It's okay, but I'm still considering whether to sign a contract with a company or affiliate with a company, and set up my own studio." Su Yunming immediately replied seriously.

"Which one will be more comfortable?" Cen Qingqing asked softly while sitting beside Su Xin, holding his hand.

"The studio, um... don't listen too much to the company's arrangements, you can do whatever you want, but everything should be based on profit, as long as you do well and make money, the company won't care about you."

Su Yunming pondered for a while and said.

"We don't know much about these things, so you can just do what you think. If you want to do it, you have to do it the best." Cen Qingqing just nodded and said.

"This is your job, so we won't ask too much, but we still have to ask about your private affairs."

Su Xin took his wife's words.

"Come on, I'm going to ask my girlfriend as soon as I get back..." After this thought flashed through Su Yunming's mind, she responded seriously, "Well, ask, what's the matter."

Cen Qingqing asked with some anticipation, "Son, we liked the picture of the girlfriend you showed us. Where is she from? What does she do? What's her name?"

Su Yunming twitched her lips and smiled, "Mom, don't worry, I'll tell you when I get to the restaurant."

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