Ruan didn't even know how she got out of the sushi restaurant, she only knew that Su Yunming led her to the entrance of the sushi restaurant in the blink of an eye, Su Yunming seemed to want to take a taxi back.

Rourou couldn't figure out why, so she blurted out in a hurry, "Why don't we go for a walk? It's not far from the school." After speaking, she stopped and looked at Su Yunming expectantly.

Su Yunming thought about it after hearing the words, it's not too late to walk back, and there is still a chance to be alone together, why not do it?He opened his mouth and agreed.

The night is getting late, and the stars and moonlight of the summer night are like beacons illuminating the way ahead for pedestrians.

"What do you usually do?" Rourou and Su Yunming walked side by side on the road, seeing that he didn't speak, so she boldly asked.

Hearing the words, Su Yunming turned her head and looked at Wenrou and thought carefully, "Well... I usually listen to songs, and I can also write songs." Su Yunming, who felt that her answer was perfect, asked Wenrou, "What about you?"

"I like singing and watching movies and TV dramas. Usually, I mainly practice breathing skills."

"You...have a girlfriend? Hmm..."

Wen Rou asked back with some stuttering, after all, this was a question that came out of her mind.

Su Yunming was a little surprised, the progress was too fast...

He hooked the corner of his mouth and smiled, "I haven't yet, maybe the daughter of destiny is waiting for me, just like the heroine in a novel."

Wen Rou heard the words and cheered in her heart, she loosened her hands unconsciously, and the creases of her clenched trousers returned to normal.

"Then what kind of girl do you like?"

When she asked this sentence, Wenrou looked straight ahead, but did not look at Su Yunming. If Su Yunming could look carefully, she would find that Wenrou's cheeks were glowing red amidst the whiteness of the moonlight.

This question was caught off guard, Su Yunming carefully recalled the appearance of the person who can make his heart beat from the past to now, it seems that there is only gentleness.

Then he opened his mouth with some consideration, "Well... I like it, it's the same as you..." After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the gentle reaction.

Wen Rou heard that her heartbeat stopped for a moment, and then it seemed to get faster and faster, and she felt smoke coming out of her head.

While cheering gently, he felt the sight from his side, patted his face with his right hand and brushed his hair uncomfortably, and then he let out a sigh of relief when he caught Su Yunming's sight, " that right, this shows that I am very attracted Welcome."

Su Yunming wanted to laugh when he saw Wenrou laughing, maybe he felt that Wenrou had feelings for him, or at least he didn't resist, um... the big events in life are just around the corner.

"What kind of person do you like?" Su Yunming asked back.

Gentle heard and thought silently, "I don't know, maybe it's because of my eyesight, but I don't have a boyfriend yet, it's the kind that makes people feel comfortable when we get along, and the most important thing is that I know how to cook." Yi, I feel that if I want to eat nutritious meals again, my small body will not be able to support it."

After finishing speaking, he pinched his waist, indicating that he was too thin and turned into numbness.

Su Yunming also looked at her gentle waist, regardless of whether she would be treated as a hooligan or not, anyway, after watching it for three years, she didn't care about blood loss.

"It's true that I'm a little thin, and I can feel my ribs when I touch it. I want to eat meat to gain weight." After that, he added, "Then how do you feel about getting along with me?"

Wen Rou blushed a little when she heard the words, how could anyone ask so openly?But after calming down his beating heart a little bit, he still said, "It's very good, and I'm quite good at taking care of others. I'll know about the rest later."

After saying this sentence, Wenrou just went forward, but her right hand was suddenly grabbed, Wenrou looked over in panic, only to see Su Yunming took her hand, passed her five fingers through, and held it tightly, she felt I felt hot all over, and I didn't care what happened to Su Yunming, so I also pulled Su Yunming forward.

"Slow down, the road can't be seen clearly at night, and it's easy to fall." Su Yunming trotted and stood beside Wen Rou, and the two walked side by side through a road light. The original one-hour journey took them nearly two hours Just walked back to school.

Although it took a lot of time, Su Yunming and Ruan felt that the time was worth it.

The school gate is getting closer and closer, and occasionally some students return to school from outside, talking and laughing has become the norm at the school gate.

"Do you have time tomorrow?" Rourou asked suddenly after seeing the school gate.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Su Yunming said with certainty.

"Then what if we go out to play tomorrow if we have time? Today, I only rode the roller coaster, and I didn't enjoy myself, and I haven't played the rest yet?" Rourou felt aggrieved, it would be good if I went in the morning, and I could play with anything. You can also spend the whole day with him.

Su Yunming looked at the gentle and aggrieved appearance and tone, and felt a little funny, as if she was like a girl at this moment.

"Okay, shall we go out earlier tomorrow?"

Wenrou nodded heavily upon hearing the words, took Su Yunming's hand and began to walk slowly towards the school gate.


"Hey, look, isn't that the school belle on the forum? She's also holding hands with a boy."

"Where is it? Where is it?" A somewhat exaggerated voice came.

"No, it's there, but that boy is quite handsome, and he smiles when he talks to the school belle. This smile is really elegant. Ah... I'm dead." A girl holding another girl was a little bit Envious and gossiping eyes looked at Wen Wen and them.

Maybe it was because the voice was a bit loud, which attracted other people. Others looked towards the school gate, only to see the school belle leading a tall boy to the school gate, as if she was going to go inside the school.

"Take a picture! This is big news! Let us single dogs lose their dreams, who! Ask me who that man is, I want to fight him to the death!"

A man wearing glasses roared to the sky, thinking that he was single for 18 years, mother, what kind of girl can't you find when you go to college like this?It's hard to fall in love with a girl, but another person makes the first move!It is hard to tolerate this revenge if it is not avenged!

At this time, a weak voice came from the side, "I know... this is a sophomore senior. He is usually very low-key, but low-key can't stop his handsome face and perfect knowledge of music theory."

I don't know whether this sentence is a compliment to Su Yunming or Su Yunming. The man wearing glasses wanted to look at the voice when he heard the words, but he saw a white figure disappearing with a "swoosh".

The man who couldn't see the figure didn't care, but the people around him started taking photos and uploading them to the forums and post bars, which caused a lot of wailing in the male dormitory of the Shanghai Music Academy tonight. It's the pig that's on the fiery rose.


"Old Gu..."

In the dormitory, Gu Mingzhi heard Wang Sicheng's voice, and hurriedly opened the door, only to see Wang Sicheng panting heavily with sweat, and asked with a strange frown, "What's wrong?"

"Huh... I saw..."

As Wang Sicheng said, he picked up a glass of water, "Gulu Gulu...", wiped the corners of his mouth, rested for a while, and said in a deep voice, "I saw Lao Su."

The other two were silent... What happened when they saw Old Su? "What? Did Lao Su get caught or ran away naked?"

"No, I saw Lao Su and Xiao Hua walking back to school hand in hand!"


There were sharp angry shouts from the dormitory building...


"I'll take you here, see you tomorrow."

Su Yunming sent Wen Rou to the girls' dormitory downstairs, and then let go of the hand he was holding.

Rou Rou nodded and took two steps forward, secretly looked back, and found that Su Yunming hadn't come up yet, feeling a little helpless, turned around and looked directly at Su Yunming.

He saw that Wen Rou took two steps and then stopped walking and looked back at himself. It was a little strange, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Gentlely hooked the corners of her mouth, shook her head, and then seemed to muster up courage, rushed forward and hugged Su Yunming, then turned her head slightly and rubbed her lips on Su Yunming's cheek, and saw There is a faint red mark on the cheek.

The fragrance from the girl's body continuously poured into Su Yunming's nostrils, feeling a little dazed, and then he didn't care about anything, he embraced Wenrou with his hands, and after feeling a touch on his cheeks, he held Wenrou's cheeks in front of him.

Su Yunming looked into her eyes gently, and slowly walked towards her...

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