I patted the shoulders of those two girls. Presumably at this time, they should have heard the sound of breathing.

Princess Ruth wanted to scream just now, but I quickly covered her mouth.

I pulled the two girls behind me, and slowly approached the sound of breathing.

"Who is injured, come here and let me see, do you have any herbs, if you don't have herbs, I will not treat you." Just when I was about to get close to this person, a young man suddenly came over the sound of.

I immediately threw this man to the ground, and then punched him viciously.

"Ah!" the boy uttered, screaming.

"Don't fight, don't fight anymore, I will obey you all." The man repeatedly begged for mercy.But I didn't intend to stop, and then I pressed it hard on the ground, and then hit it a few more times?
It was this little * who almost frightened me. If I didn't teach him a good lesson, I wouldn't be able to discover my current anger at all.

At this time, Princess Ruth and Zhang Xiaowen rushed up and grabbed me: "Okay, don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore."

"You little bastard, who are you, why are you here, and what do you want to do?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"You are not savages, who are you and why are you staying here?" The young man took a few breaths and did not answer my question, but asked me a few more questions?

I saw that he didn't have a long memory, so I kicked him again: "Do you want to die, answer me quickly."

"Okay, okay, don't hit me again, I'll say everything I said, I'm not those savages, they caught me here." The boy replied.


"After that, I don't know anything about it. They arrested me and asked me to make Chinese medicine for them. Please don't beat me. After I get out, I will try my best to repay you. "If it's not from the Savage side, then it shouldn't be from the other group just now.

Just now I heard the savage on the other side ask the person here to release him, and this person said that he was captured. Could it be that he is the person they said?
I let go of the boy, stood up from the ground, and patted the dust off my body.

"I ask you, why do you speak Chinese?"

Not yet, when I continued to ask my question, Zhang Xiaowen suddenly asked.

That's right, I didn't notice it just now. If I think about it now, this person spoke Chinese from the beginning to the end when communicating with me. Wasn't this person from this small island before?The boy was suddenly stunned, because he seemed to have noticed this problem as well. "Don't tell me, aren't you savages on this small island?"

"I don't think you look like when you were, how did you come here?" I asked. "It's like this. When I was on a ship before, some accidents happened. When I wanted to come over, I had already fallen on this small island. Then how did you come here?"

The two girls just wanted to answer, but I quickly stopped them. They don't know whether the person in front of them is a friend or an enemy. I still can't tell the difference, so let's not tell them our information for now.

"You told us that you were arrested by them, so you were not with these people?" I changed the subject.

The boy quickly answered me "Of course, of course we are not in the same group." After a pause, he went on to say: "Although I am not in the same group as these people, I am in the same group as the savages on the other side." of."

I was taken aback by what this young man said. What does it mean?

"Oh, no, that's what I mean. I'm not with the people who captured me here, that is, I'm with another group of savages." The boy got up from the ground, very Anxiously want to explain clearly to me.

Although the man's speech was vague and unclear, I understood it in my heart: "This means that there are two Fang savages on this small island. Is that what you mean?"

"That's right, that's what I said. I'm on the other side. In this situation, these people have captured me." It seems that my guess was right. The two teams of savages who were at the entrance of the cave and Not a gang.

And now at this moment, I suddenly remembered that one of the savages was here to save the boy in front of me.

Suddenly some thoughts popped up in my heart, but the thoughts flashed by in a flash, and I didn't even catch them.

Now I'm not quite sure whether this young man is important to the other group of savages, but seeing how many people they recruited to rescue him, I guess it is still of some value and can be used for a while. "Do you think people from their side will come?" Although I already knew the answer to this question, I still wanted to hear it from him.

"Of course, they will definitely come and save me." The boy's voice sounded firm.

"Really, why are you so confident?"

The boy hesitated for a moment, and then replied: "Because I helped them, I helped them a lot, logically, they should regard me as a benefactor.

I grabbed my neck with a jerk, because he was not very tall and only reached my chest, so I could easily grab him.

"You brat, you're still not being honest at this point." I slightly increased the strength in my hand.

"I'll be honest, I must be honest, but why are you? What do you want me to say?"

The teenager was tearing my arm apart desperately.

"You answer my question honestly, why those people kidnapped you, and what do you mean by saving people just now?"

I let go of my hand a little so he could speak.The boy took a breath and said. "That's what I meant. Why did I suffer so hard? Those people came back to save me. It's because I know a lot of herbs that can cure diseases. Many of them would die without me."

No wonder it's like this, those people's living conditions are not very good, so they will inevitably be injured. If there is such a doctor, many casualties should be avoided, so this position still has a high status among the savages.

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