Red Alert Lord of War

Chapter 352 Catch the Rats in the Hospital 1

Just when Conan and the others were about to leave Kubado Central Hospital.Suddenly, he vaguely heard someone calling him behind him, so he subconsciously turned around to see who was looking for him.

"Wait a minute, little brother. Don't rush away, I have something to tell you."

Immediately afterwards, Conan saw the nurse who had just talked to him.Suddenly, he ran in his direction in a hurry.

Conan saw the elderly nurse and seemed to have something to say.Then he stopped and prepared to leave to see what she wanted to say.

I saw the elderly nurse running to Conan's side.First, he took a deep breath, and it seemed that he was obviously running vigorously.If you exercise too much, your body will naturally feel tired.

After seeing the nurse panting, Conan said to her in a friendly manner: "Auntie, don't worry. You take a rest first, I can wait for you. Take your time."

Then, watching the nurse's face obviously return to normal rosy color.Conan said to the nurse aunt, do you have anything to tell me.

Then, the older nurse.From the pocket of the nurse's white coat, she took out a white handkerchief.After wiping the sweat from his forehead and temples, he squatted down.Said to Conan: "I suddenly thought of something just now, so didn't I call you here quickly?"

Conan asked suspiciously: "Did you remember deliberately bumping into your patient's appearance?"

After the nurse aunt shook her head, she said no.It was me who remembered, that other thing about the boy with glasses you gave me.

Conan hurriedly asked, "Is it Brother Yingyou?"

The nurse nodded, agreeing with Conan's words.Then, she said to Conan: "I remember, when I was an intern nurse in the hospital, I seemed to have seen this child. Moreover, I took care of him when he had an operation when he was a child!"

Conan couldn't understand what the nurse aunt said.So he showed a puzzled expression.He also asked her rhetorically: "Is it a member in Osaka? I thought Brother Yingyou moved to Osaka after his mother passed away ten years ago. Except for the car accident. Then..."

After listening to Conan's question, the nurse aunt explained: "No. I met him when I was an intern nurse here. But it's not this hospital."

Conan still didn't understand what the nurse aunt wanted to say.

The nurse aunt stood up and replied with her chin: "No, I remember it seemed to be before he moved. At that time, his mother was also at the scene, looking very anxious and worried. Looking at Eisuke Hondo lying on the hospital bed .”

After Conan nodded, he asked, "Why did he have the operation at that time!"

The nurse aunt said seriously that it was acute leukemia!The key problem is that after the stem cell transplant, there was a car accident.It is really unfortunate to have another major blood transfusion operation.

Conan felt a little wrong when he heard this.But just can't feel it.

Seeing Conan's flustered expression, the nurse aunt asked puzzledly, "Little brother, what's wrong with you. What's wrong with you?"

Li Xiaohui, who was beside Conan, hurriedly explained to the nurse: "It's okay, he just feels too nervous to hear the news. You can go on and do it."

The nurse aunt looked at Conan frowning and thinking, although she felt a little worried.But seeing that there was an adult looking after Conan, he turned around in doubt and left Conan's side.

Li Xiaohui watched the middle-aged nurse walk away slowly, then pushed Conan's body.Indicate what's wrong with you.

Conan expressed his doubts to Li Xiaohui beside him.That is, if he has had acute leukemia, then he will definitely have a bone marrow transplant.In other words, the blood type he was born with was indeed type O.However, if he had received his sister's bone marrow transplant, and after a car accident, he had received his sister's blood transfusion!Then it turns out that Eisuke Hondo's blood type is AB!
After listening to Conan's answer, Li Xiaohui asked in surprise: "Could it be that Eisuke Hondo's initial blood type was indeed type O. And when he underwent bone marrow transplantation, Eisuke Hondo didn't even know that his blood type had changed. Is that so?" !"

After seeing Li Xiaohui's surprised look, Conan nodded heavily.He agreed with Li Xiaohui's opinion.Finally, Conan said that we should tell Teacher Judy and them about this.

At this time, at the door of Rena Mizumu's ward.Mr. James and they were discussing the investigation of the rats most likely to break into the hospital.

When Mr. James was about to narrate, he turned his head and saw Conan and the others who had gone and returned.So they said to Conan and the others to come and listen together.

Then, he tidied up his black suit.They narrated to Conan: "According to the clues we have, we found three suspicious patients. Their injuries are neither very serious. And they are obvious and very suspicious. So you all have a look. By the way, there are three more hasty photos Below is the photo of the patient. Take a look."

He then takes it from the inside pocket of the suit.Three photos were pulled out.First he took out a bald man in a white hospital gown with a cane.Because his condition is a broken right leg.His name is Shinki Shotaro.

Then, he was pulling out a photo of a man on his way to the bathroom.In the photo, the man has long hair and fierce eyes.There is a cervical spondylosis sheath around the neck.Next, describe the reason for his hospitalization.That is because of the cervical spondylosis, so I have to be hospitalized for recuperation.His name is Kusuda Rikudo!
Li Xiaohui saw that he seemed familiar, and said in surprise: "He is a member of the organization!"

Akai Shuuichi and Judy teacher expressed puzzlement.

Although Conan also wanted to say that he was indeed a member of the organization, he had no proof.If the other party hadn't acted all this time, based on Li Xiaohui's one-sided words alone, I'm afraid...
Li Xiaohui knew that they were suspicious.So he stopped talking and asked Mr. James to talk about the No.3 suspect.

Finally, Mr. James took out a picture of a man sitting in the lounge area of ​​the lobby and reading a newspaper.Pointing to the fatter man with a flat head, he said, "His name is Nishiya Zhongwu. He was hospitalized because of low back pain. The point is, the three of them live in single rooms."

After looking at the appearance of the three of them, Akai Hideo said that although the first person looks rather fierce, I don't think he should be.The second looks like a ruffian.However, if you have to say that he is suspected, it is not impossible.Finally, when he looked at the fat man who was reading a newspaper.It means that he may also have a problem, but if you look at it from the outside, you can't see anything at all.So, we have to give it a try!
Teacher Zhu Di said to Akai Shuichi: "The focus now is not how to test the three of them. From this clue, we know that the people in the organization don't know, so we keep Rena Mizumu secret. Otherwise, they can't be alone. Action. So."

Mr. James believes that now that we know the approximate suspect.Then the only thing left to do was to tell the agents guarding the ward what the three of them looked like.Then think of other ways.For example, try to test them.

Finally, Mrs. Judy is holding a picture of James.Came to Mizuna Rena's ward.

At this time, Natasha and the accompanying detective were sitting next to the hospital bed.After hearing a light knock on the door.He opened the door of the ward.

Immediately afterwards, Teacher Judy asked Natasha, "How is she doing now?"

Natasha said she has not regained consciousness.Can I.
Teacher Judy naturally said, thank you for your care.Then you can rest first, my colleagues and I will take care of Rena Mizumu.

After Natasha heard it, she got out of the chair next to the hospital bed.Stand up and leave the room.

Teacher Judy gave the photo that Mr. James handed over to the detective guarding the ward.Said that they firmly remember the looks of the three of them, and they are likely to be members of the organization.Then.
However, Teacher Judy didn't know that Rena Minzuna had regained consciousness.After hearing what Teacher Judy and the others said, I suddenly felt a "click" in my heart.

If Judy-sensei and the others focused their gaze on Mininarena lying on the hospital bed.You will find that her eyes seem to be slightly opened.

As a result, until the end of the conversation, there was no abnormality of Rena Mizumu lying on the hospital bed.

Of course, Mrs. Judy took this matter.After explaining to the detective, he left the ward.The house was restored to a state of tranquility.

Since that's all for today, then Li Xiaohui said, let's investigate this matter tomorrow.

Akai Shuichi also believed that it was so late, and there was no result in the investigation.He agreed to his suggestion.

So, Li Xiaohui took Conan and the others out of the Cupido Central Hospital.

next morning.It's time for the doctor's rounds again.

I saw a kind middle-aged doctor with a square-frame glasses and a square-shaped face and a white coat.Walking up to the detective, he asked friendlyly, "Is she waking up in the past few days?"

After tidying up his orange sweater, the agent shook his head helplessly and replied, "I didn't wake up. And we tested her. It seems that there is nothing obvious except for deep nail marks on her thumbs." Effect."

After hearing his words, the middle-aged doctor walked near Rena Mizuna's hospital bed.The first thing he did was to open Reina Mizumu's eyelids to see if there was anything unusual about her.It's clear that everything works fine and there's nothing particularly weird about it.

Afterwards, the middle-aged doctor turned his head to look at the pinched red toe.He said with a puzzled face: "No. Logically speaking, he should have returned to normal. But she is still in a coma, so I can only do a CT of her brain. Look at her brain wave state, just Now we can know her specific situation."

Mr. James said no.Thank you so much.

After the middle-aged doctor saw that he refused his help, he had no choice but to look at Rena Mizumu lying on the hospital bed, and then at Mr. James.He left the ward.

So, what happened next.What was the result of their test.

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