Red Alert Lord of War

Chapter 316 The Tragedy of the Ski Resort 3

Before I knew it, it was night.Mitsuhiko and their stomachs also started to growl.

Yuan Tai, who was already uncomfortably hungry, pointed to his belly and said to Conan: "Conan, I'm so hungry. Can we eat something?"

Hearing Yuantai's stomach growling, Conan had no choice but to say to Dr. Ali: "Doctor, since they are all hungry, let's go."

Soon, they walked to the restaurant area in the hotel.

They sat on the soft sofa and looked at the waiters in white maid outfits.Holding their favorite curry rice, they were extremely excited.

Ayumi looked around at the restaurant full of seats, and exclaimed: "Today's day is really meaningful!"

Yuan Tai also affirmed this view, saying that I also think today is really interesting.

Only Conan, who was eating in obscurity at the side, watched them boasting to each other.I thought disdainfully, "Hehe, you guys are just making snowmen outside. You really said let's go skiing!"

While Conan was looking at the surrounding guests sitting on the dining table, eating happily.Suddenly found a strange phenomenon in front of him.

Banqiao Yiba stood in front of the restaurant aisle, and said to the other two companions in surprise, "Have you seen Shuozi yet?"

Maka Onoue said worriedly: "No. Did you think she really went skiing?"

Kiyama Kaji was the same, and said in an anxious tone: "When the blizzard was blowing in the afternoon, I saw her suddenly come out of the hotel!"

"Ah! What is to be done now. She must have lost her way in the afternoon snowstorm."

Dr. Ali, who was beside Conan, looked at their expressions and said worriedly: "Hey, Conan. It seems that the woman who spoke fiercely has disappeared. We."

Conan knew Dr. Ali's worries.Said let's go and see.

Just when they were discussing whether to go out to find Sakuko Ogura.Dr. Ali stood before them.

Dr. Ali showed a friendly smile and asked them if you need our help.

What did Kiyama Kaji think of, and asked, "You guys met in the afternoon."

Conan replied to their worried look: "Don't worry about it so much. We should find the missing companion at all costs. No."

Banqiao Yiba replied helplessly: "The three of us turned upside down around here. We didn't gain anything in the end."

After seeing their embarrassing attitude, Conan said that we should go to the back and look for it.Just go to the front of the hotel and look for it.

"But, Conan. The snowstorm outside is too big. We."

At this time, it can be seen through the window of the hotel restaurant that the cold wind outside seems to be blowing more.Because we have heard the whirring of the cold wind, and the sound of snowflakes beating against the glass all over the sky. People sitting by the windows can condense thick water mist as long as they take a casual breath from the windows.This shows how bad the situation outside is.

Conan knew that the situation outside was indeed very bad.However, if not looking for it now.After the heavy snow stops, the thick snow will cover the entire mountain range.In this way, the difficulty of finding will increase geometrically.In the end, the result might be a corpse!
In the end, under Conan's constant insistence, everyone was still reluctant to come out.Find the missing Sakuko Ogura.

"Sakuko! Where are you!"

"Sister Xiaocang. Where are you?"

The biting cold wind outside made his cheeks extremely painful.Conan's glasses were also covered with snow stains blown by the cold wind.Although Conan kept using his little hands to wipe off the snowflakes on the glasses.But even if the snowflakes on the glasses are wiped off, his breathing will cause the lenses to produce white mist.This can easily block people's sight.

"Conan, are you okay?"

Conan looked up at the heavy snow falling all over the sky, and the endless white.Helplessly said: "It's okay. But it's so white outside, we can't see anything clearly. We."

"Conan, where are you?"

It turned out that Ayumi who was following them accidentally fell down.Then fell behind.

Seeing how few people were missing beside him, Dr. Ali shouted in surprise, "Where's Ayumi?"

"I'm here! Come and help me."

Conan hurriedly ran to Ayumi, and helped Ayumi who fell into the snowdrift.Then he helped her wipe the snow stains on her body, and finally caught up with Dr. Ali and the others who were waiting there.

Hui Yuanai, who was standing next to the snowman Yuan Tai just made, said speechlessly: "Looking at the vast expanse of whiteness outside, we are messing around like this, and if we don't make it, we have to get in! After all, if there are any traps nearby Yes, under the snow cover, we can't see at all. So."

Conan also thinks that Haibara Ai is right.Just when Xue Ting was about to search, he heard Yuan Tai's yell.

"Come here quickly! The head of the snowman we made is missing!"

Sure enough, when Conan and the others ran to the snowman made by Yuan Tai, they found that the head of the snowman was indeed missing.All that remains are two arms made of mops.Even the bucket used as a hat was casually discarded beside it.

Conan walked around the snowman at will, and suddenly felt that he stepped on something.When I picked it up, it turned out to be an apple for a nose.

After seeing his achievements being destroyed, Yuan Tai shouted angrily: "Who the hell! Why did you destroy the snowman we worked so hard to make!"

Yuan Tai, who was unhappy in his heart, discovered something that made him even more unhappy.That is the glove hanging on the wooden handle of the mop, which was also blown away by the strong wind.

Yuan Tai was exasperated, and hurriedly chased in the direction of the gloves that were blown away by the wind.

Conan watched Yuan Tai's act of dying, and shouted worriedly: "Don't run anymore! There is a cliff ahead!"

It seemed to prove something, after Yuan Tai ran less than 50 meters.Suddenly his legs were weak and he fell on the snow.

Conan and the others hurried to Yuan Tai's side, and after helping Yuan Tai up, they said that it was all right.

Yuan Tai nodded and said it was fine.

However, when Conan looked around, he found a pond under the cliff!
The point is, there seems to be something floating on the pond.

When Conan wanted to step forward to observe carefully, Dr. Ali hurriedly stopped him.Didn't you see a warning wooden sign nearby?

Sure enough, Conan saw a sign nearby that said the cliff ahead was dangerous.

Dr. Ali then asked, "What the hell did you find?"

Conan said anxiously: "I seem to see a person in the pond ahead!"

Dr. Ali said in an unbelievable tone, really!If this is the case, then you quickly use the zoom function of the tracking glasses to see what is going on!

After Conan uses the magnification function of the tracking glasses, he discovers that the long-lost Sakuko Ogura is floating on the surface of the pond!
Conan shouted in surprise: "Indeed, it is the missing Sakuko Ogura! Let's call the police!"

Dr. Ali said in embarrassment: "However, the snow is so heavy. The road must be icy, and then"

Just after Ali finished talking about his worries, Xuezi stopped slowly.

Conan said, Ayumi Tai Mitsuhiko, after the snow stopped, you hurriedly took a detour and ran to Sakuko Sakuko who was floating in the pond.Hui Yuanai and I went to find her companion.Dr. Ali, hurry back to the hotel and call the police!
Finally, they began to split up and act.

Three and 10 minutes later, Banqiao Yipachi and Conan joined up. Dr. Ali also said that the police would arrive in an hour, and he asked us to get the missing person to the shore first.Then wait for the police to arrive.After all, because of the
In this case, Conan and the others decided to help Sakuko Sakuko who was floating in the river to the shore first.

Soon, they ran to Ayumi and the others who were waiting in place.

With the joint efforts of Itabashi Ichihachi and Kiyama Kaji, they dragged Xiao Cang Sakuko floating in the river back to the shore.

Looking at Sakuko Ogura, whose face was obviously black and blue, and her lips were purple.Conan knew that he was hopeless!

Mr. Banqiao Yiba and the others said no!

Conan asked them back: "If you don't believe me, you can check her breath and find out."

Sure enough, those who didn't believe in evil, stretched out their fingers, trying to get out each other's breath.Prove she's not dead.

Unfortunately, she has no breath.Moreover, her pupils also showed signs of dilation.Obviously, she had been dead for at least three hours!

After another 30 minutes of waiting, police officers from Gunma Prefecture arrived at the scene.

A forensics officer wearing a blue down jacket and peaked cap squatted beside the deceased Sakuko Ogura.Said to everyone: "The deceased is Sakuko Ogura, 23 years old. Female. The cause of death is probably drowning. Because it was found in the lake. Therefore."

Wearing a gray down jacket, a mountain village police officer with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.While trembling with sadness, he expressed it to the forensic personnel.Since you said that you want to conduct a judicial analysis, then hurry up and do it.

After he said this, he sneezed unconsciously.Apparently, it was too cold outside.Although the snow has stopped now, the cold wind outside is still blowing them shivering.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain village police officer said who was the friend of the deceased.

Itabashi Kazuhachi, Kiyama Kaji, and Onoe Maka said in a sad tone, "We are her friends. I didn't expect that she would die here!"

Seeing their crying faces, the mountain village police officer had no choice but to relieve: "Okay, okay. I believe we will solve this case. Okay, we are going to call it a day. Remember to take the corpse away!"

Conan hurriedly stopped them who were about to call it a day.

Officer Yamamura expressed doubts when he saw Conan's anxious look.Immediately afterwards, he asked excitedly, "You belong to a Maori detective."

Conan said with an awkward smile, "Yes, I belong to Uncle Maori."

Hui Yuanai, who was beside Conan, interrupted inappropriately: "It's a pity that Detective Mori didn't come today."

Since Mori Kogoro did not come, Yamamura Police Officer thought arbitrarily.This event must have been cursed by the dead!

So, is she really what the mountain village police officer said?What is the truth.

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