Red Alert Lord of War

Chapter 2 "Easy" Battle 1

On the mountainside to the east of the command post, a group of bandits were eating and drinking happily.

A man named Er Gouzi notified their boss: "Boss, on the eastern plain, a huge building suddenly appeared a few days ago! And several buildings popped up out of nowhere! It's very scary!"

At this time, Li Er Er, who was sitting on the lawn watching the scenery, was eating fresh wild fruits, and slowly listening to Er Gouzi's report.

After listening to Ergouzi's report, Li Ergou patted the dust on his gray coat, and said unhurriedly: "What's so strange, didn't they come to conquer us a few days ago? They also brought tanks ! No, we still beat him back! If it wasn’t for the evil door seen in that place, I would have taken him directly!”

(They were originally local bandits! The local militia once attacked them, and the result was heavy losses. Later, the Eagle Empire sent its younger brother, the Sun Kingdom, to harass the Dragon Kingdom, so now the goal of everything is to get rid of the harassment from the Sun Kingdom .)
This is a thin and capable man who ran to Li Er and reported: "Report to the boss, there are people sent to punish us again!"

Li Er'er's already ferocious face became even more frightening, and he shouted: "Little ones, the white dog is coming to attack us again! What do you think about it!" (They didn't know that this was not the government's army! It was the army of the war. King's system soldiers.)
Their little brother raised his AK rifle and shouted: "Pull him! Punish him! Punish him!"

Li Er suddenly showed a satisfied expression.So he waved his hand down and said: "Although they still come with tanks this time, we are not afraid, there are rocket launchers! Right! Although their tank armor is a bit thicker, it is still useless to blow up his tracks! And They are still the same ten people, it is not enough to fill my teeth! Haha. Don’t you think so!”

The underground younger brother very much agrees.Some people also said that we now have fifty or so brothers who are afraid of whom!We are not afraid of death!

Seeing that he was satisfied with the results of his mobilization, Li Er Er shouted: "Brothers, let's go! In the old place, they beat them and called them mom!"

Then those little brothers yelled "Call me! Call me! Call me!" and rushed to meet their enemies.

And Li Xiaohui knew the importance of investigation, so he ordered Niu No. [-] soldier to investigate the situation!After Niu Yihao expressed his understanding, he moved flexibly to check the enemy's defense.

After a while, Niu Yihao came back.He reported to Li Xiaohui: "Reporting to the commander, we found that there are about 50 enemies. They have mountains as cover, and they can look down and shoot at us. However, our tanks are not easy to go up the mountain. And the previous commander, because of excessive superstition Due to the strength of the tank, we were sniped by the opponent's rocket launcher, and now the road up the mountain is blocked by 50.00%! What should we do now!"

Li Xiaohui probably knew what was going on.He decided to go on a field trip so he could figure out how to make a better strategy against them.

After marching for about 10 minutes, they found the bandits who were waiting in full battle. They took out the commander's special binoculars and found Li Er Er, who was drinking heavily, and immediately became furious!He commanded the tanks he led: "Give me 30 degrees ahead and fire me!"

The rhino tank moved forward about 30 meters, turned the muzzle, and let out a roar that belonged to him. With the sound of "Bump, bump, bump!", a lot of dust appeared on the hillside ahead. (That's after the explosion.) Then get out the binoculars and see how it goes.

As a result, less than one-fifth of them were killed or injured, some of whom were directly hit by shell fragments and died on the spot.

Li Er Er hid in the bunker in time when the tank fired, so he was unharmed.He yelled angrily, "Pull out our cannons! Show them some color!"

Afterwards, Ergouzi called people to put out their only 105mm mountain cannon and aim it at our angle.

After Li Xiaohui saw them carrying out the cannon, he shouted: "Retreat! Retreat! They are going to shell!"

The tanks hurriedly reversed and retreated, while the soldiers flexibly looked for big trees as shelters to protect their own safety.

One minute later, a whistling sound of "咻!" was heard, and the shells reached the place where they were hiding just now.There was splashed mud everywhere, making Li Xiaohui disgraced.Very embarrassing.

Seeing that they were still bombarding, Li Xiaohui used the radio to say to the soldiers and tanks: "Find your own cover, and we will retreat immediately after their shelling is over! I understand their rules."

After 3 minutes, they finally took the cannon back. (The shells are too expensive, so there is no other way.) Li looked at his "results." He was very satisfied!Because the scene of the shelling was a mess!Those trees kept burning, and there were figures of Li Xiaohui and the others running away.Very pleasant.

Li Er shouted happily: "We won! Go back to the cottage tonight, and I will reward you well!"

The group of younger brothers happily shouted "Victory, eat meat!" So they left a few as guards, and the rest all went back to the cottage to hold the so-called celebration party.

Li Xiaohui returned to the command post in a state of embarrassment, and found that there were several bunkers around, and there were two Patriot missile defense systems.He kept enviously saying: "The brain is smart, and it knows how to defend its own homeland at once."

Natasha looked at Li Xiaohui with a sneer on her face, and said, "Why are you back! Isn't it that you can't come back as long as you don't wipe them out, or you fail?"

Li Xiaohui quibbled: "The rhino tank is out of shells. In the battle just now, our soldiers used up all the bullets in order to retreat! Is it wrong for us to replenish supplies?"

Natasha smiled charmingly and said: "You are so smart, Commander, you successfully used my language loopholes to find reasons for your failure. Very good, but the most important thing is that although you did not succeed, the leadership you led None of the soldiers were killed, and the tanks were intact! As a bonus, three free defensive bunkers and two Patriot missile defense systems."

Li Xiaohui immediately asked: "Then? The extra power plant is also a reward for the hard work of the previous commander?"

Natasha nodded and said, "You had a commander before. Because he successfully helped us build the Lord of War system, he rewarded us with building three power plants, one mine, and one barracks."

Li Xiaohui immediately asked: "Then, can my barracks summon soldiers?"

Natasha congratulated him and said, "Congratulations, you have unlocked new systems, mobilized soldiers, police dogs, and engineers. Engineers can be used to speed up building manufacturing and repair."

Li Xiaohui instructed Natasha, can I create 10 conscripts?
Natasha expressed her congratulations again at this time, and said: "Congratulations to the commander for completing the achievement and summoning soldiers for the first time. Special rewards are 10 rocket pilots as rewards."

Then 10 pilots with solid fuel on their backs walked up to Li Xiaohui and saluted.

After another 5 minutes, 10 conscripts also lined up behind the pilots and saluted.

Li Xiaohui was overjoyed and said, "Thanks to Natasha for her great support, I will definitely give them a nice one tomorrow!"

Natasha shook her head helplessly, and said, "Okay, it's getting late, and you must complete the task tomorrow, otherwise you will be like them! Become a staff member of the command room. If you are slicker, you know the consequences. Go into the command room, I'll take you to your lounge." Then Li Xiaohui followed Natasha into his own lounge.
The other soldiers disbanded on the spot and entered the barracks to rest.

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