Legendary Delivery Boy

Chapter 88 Ninja Conference?

There were over a thousand participants in the Samurai Tournament, and it was already afternoon when it was Lin Sa's turn.

Impatient for a long time, Lin Sa walked directly onto the ring with Lu Lujian in his hand.

This time, the opponent was a young man in his 20s. The weapon was exquisite and looked good. However, in Lin Sa's opinion, he was still a rookie and didn't even smell of blood.

"My name is Luwu Xinger, my weapon is Xue Ning, and my sword is long."

"Long your sister!" Seeing Lu Wu Xing Er's endless introduction, Lin Sa spent a month and a half teaching him to be a man.

The Lulu sword drew a semicircle and slashed at Xue Ning's sword, and a crisp sound sounded.

Lu Wu Xing Er looked at his Xue Ning Tai Dao in bewilderment, an obvious crack appeared on it, and then it clicked, and half of it fell off.

"How could my Xuening Taidao be broken? I bought it for 50 taels."

Lin Sa said speechlessly: "Your weapons are broken, can you surrender before doubting your life?"

Seeing Lu Wuxing Er dawdling and chattering, Lin Sa dodged directly behind him, and made him fall to the ground with a knife in his hand.

After hearing the referee's verdict, Lin Sa leisurely left the ring.

"It's him again, who likes to cut off other people's weapons."

"Weapon Destroyer, it's unlucky to meet him, not only will he kneel, but his weapon will also be gone."

"His weapon is very special. It is edged on both sides and straight."

"It seems to be made of bronze, but it is so sharp and strong, maybe it is a famous sword."

Everyone was discussing, but Lin Sa had already left the venue and returned to the hotel to continue reading.

In the preliminary round, there are two games a day, and at least three-quarters of the people will be eliminated.

In the rematch the next day, the rest were real warriors. Lin Sa wasn't too worried. His hunter system and ninja system were enough to crush most warriors.


The next day, there was still a sea of ​​people.

Lin Sa came from the player passage to the player waiting room. As soon as he entered, Lin Sa felt the atmosphere was very dignified.

The contestants were divided into two parts, each showing their aura and trying to overwhelm the other.

Lin Sa took a closer look, and it turned out to be a confrontation between ninjas and samurai.

Although it is a samurai conference, there are many rebels or regular ninjas participating every time. After all, the prize money for the top ten is already comparable to S-level missions.

Ninja rebels all wear foreheads, which are very recognizable, accounting for about a quarter of the number.

Lin Sa resolutely joined the samurai side, showing her 'weak' aura, very inconspicuous.

"Little brats of Wunin Village, let's see if we won't beat you to your knees and beg for mercy this time." A strong man held a heavy knife, full of anger.

The masked Kirinin sneered, too lazy to speak.

More than half of the ninja contestants are Mist Ninja, but it is normal, Mist Ninja Village is the Ninja Village that likes to use knives the most.

They will participate in every samurai meeting. In addition to bonuses, there are expensive and rare metals in the top three, which are the best metals for making weapons. Of course, they will not miss it.

Of course the samurai were not happy when the ninjas came to grab food, so a tit-for-tat situation formed.

"Contestant No. 45 and No. 520 please come on stage!"

Seeing the two leave, Lin Sa pinched her chin with interest.

The two people just now were the strong man and another Kirin. In order to see more clearly, Lin Sa went directly outside to watch the battle.

When the two appeared on the stage, there was an uproar immediately.

"Kill the damn ninja, this is our samurai territory."

"Shi Mi, come on, kill the ninja and treat you to dinner tonight."

"Kill him kill him!"

Shi Mi brandished his weapon, causing a storm, and the surrounding people became even more excited.

"Mist ninja son, let you fall under the power of my rock knife!"

I have to say that the rock knife in Shi Mi's hand is also very special. Generally, the Tai knife is light and sharp, while the rock knife is thick and has no edge, more like a knife-shaped stick.

With the rock knife and Shi Mi's great strength, as long as it hits once, the opponent will be injured or disabled.

And that Wunin used Kodachi, and the two swords were not at the same level.

"Game start!"

Following the referee's order, Shi Mi rushed towards Mist Ninja with heavy steps, but Mist Ninja didn't move at all, just stood coldly on the ring.

"Dancing Rondo!"

Shi Mi swung the rock knife and rotated in a circle, while moving, the power of the next knife was increased.

With a shrill sound of wind, Yan Dao slashed at Mist Ninja.

Just when Iwato was about to get close to Mist Shinobi, Mist Shinobu jumped up, avoiding the attack and at the same time pounced on Ishi Ya.

Wu Ninja held the katana and pointed it at Shi Mi's head, the blatant murderous aura made Shi Mi's scalp tingle.

Shi Mi raised his right hand, and the rock knife blocked the path of Kodachi.

Keng!Gold and iron clatter!

With the help of the elastic force, Kirito turned forward and came behind Shi Mi. Before Shi Mi could react, Kiri Ninja cut a wound of more than ten centimeters directly on Shi Mi's back with a swipe of the katachi, and the blood spread all over the place.

Shi Mi's eyes were hardened, and he swung the rock knife to force Kirin to retreat.

Kirito stood not far away and looked at Shi Mi with a half-smile, without saying a word, as if it was a wordless mockery.

Lin Sa knew that Shi Mi was doomed, perhaps dead.

The Chakra of the Mist Ninja has at least reached the level of Jōnin. Although ninjutsu cannot be used in the Samurai Assembly, Chakra is not prohibited. With Chakra's body strengthening and ninja martial arts, the Mist Ninja's strength is still very strong.

And Shi Mi is just a ninja chakra, barely able to assist in the use of rock knives.

Now Kirito is just playing with Shi Mi, and is not serious about the duel. Once serious, Shi Mi will be finished.


Regardless of his injuries, Shi Mi threw himself at Mist Ninja again. The rock knife slammed heavily at Mist Ninja, and Mist Ninja jumped slightly to avoid the attack. .

Mist Ninja lightly landed on the tip of the rock knife, and said softly: "It seems that you are not as powerful as you said."

Before Shi Mi could reply, Kiri Ninja Kodachi flashed past.

Shi Mi panicked and wanted to say something, but the blood gradually appearing in the neck had blocked his throat, and finally Shi Mi fell to the ground powerlessly, and Wu Ninja picked up the rock knife and left slowly.

There was silence all around, and then they cursed loudly.

"Damn Mist ninja bastards, no one can teach them a lesson?"

"It's like this every year. Unless you are a top samurai, you can't handle these high-level ninjas."

"Shi Mi died so badly, his wife is still waiting for him at home."

"When you enter the ring, you must have the awareness of death."

"Shi Mi, you are a hero, I will take good care of your wife."

Crowd: ...

With Shi Mi's death, the atmosphere between the samurai and the ninja became more and more serious, and scarlet killing intent appeared in everyone's eyes. The next confrontation will be either you or me.

The next few confrontations were all ninja vs. samurai. Lin Sa knew in his heart that it must have been deliberately arranged by the high-level samurai.

The result is that the ninja wins and all the samurai die.

At first Lin Sa didn't understand what the high-ranking warriors were doing, but it wasn't until he heard the people around him attacking in unison that Lin Sa suddenly realized.

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