The next day, when it was learned that Lieutenant Colonel Will was about to lead a warship to perform free cruising missions alone, many sailors in the base applied to their superiors to join Will's team. After all, Will was patrolling near the G3 base before. When he was in the sea, he often chased all kinds of pirate groups, big and small. In addition, due to Will's super strength, the sailors who sailed with him basically returned uninjured.

And Will didn't take the credit all by himself, and he generously shared the credit with the sailors under him. Who wouldn't want to be with such a good superior who is strong and doesn't take credit from his subordinates.

In the past, it was because Will did not have the right to cruise alone, so everyone had no way to choose to follow Will. Now all this is not a problem. Lieutenant Colonel Will can already cruise alone. How can such a good opportunity not be seized? live.

Seeing so many people wanting to apply to join his team, Will felt a little numb for a while. After all, he definitely didn’t need so many people, and many of the sailors here belonged to various generals. If he wanted to choose The dishes are the same, one picks the other, isn't this offending people?

Seeing his grandson's plight, Garp was angry and funny. It was funny because his grandson was supported by so many low-level sailors, which naturally meant that his grandson was a good officer and a good sailor. He was naturally afraid of this little bastard. Disturbed the harmony of the generals and schools under his command.

So Garp directly signaled the adjutant Bogart to select 50 sailors to join Will's team, so that no matter what the result is, it can be regarded as Karp's decision, and no one should dare to dissatisfy.

The selection process will not be repeated here.

After the selection, Bogart led Will to his ship, a brig with two masts, as the name suggests, with two masts, and the upper and lower parts of the front mast are square sails, that is, square The top of the rear mast is a horizontal sail, and the bottom is a longitudinal sail, that is, a triangular canvas. The direction of the longitudinal sail can be adjusted at will; the bottom of the ship is a layer of black things, and there are two outer wheels on each side of the hull. The length of the hull is 30 meters. , 20 meters wide and about 20 meters high.

Bogart directly introduced on the side: "In addition to the conventional two-masted drive of this fore-masted brig, there are also six huge outer wheels installed on both sides of the hull, which can be driven by human power when necessary. The Hailou Stone is used, so you can pass through the windless belt freely and safely, so you don’t have to go through the upside-down mountain detour every time you go to and from the great route.”

Then he pointed to the 50 sailors standing beside the boat and said to Will, "They are 50 of the best sailors I have selected from among all the sailors who want to join you. a skill."

After speaking, he stood in front of the sailors, pointed at Will and said to them, "From now on, you will be transferred to Lieutenant Colonel Will and follow his command. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" 50 people stood at attention in unison and saluted, and replied loudly.

Seeing this scene, Will nodded secretly, silently thinking that it seems that these people are really elites, Uncle Bogart has a heart.

"Wayne, come out! From now on, you will be Lieutenant Colonel Will's adjutant, responsible for handling chores and various affairs for Lieutenant Colonel Will."


Upon hearing this, a captain stepped forward to salute and answered loudly.

Will took two steps forward, holding Wayne's hand, "Captain Wayne, please give me your advice in the future, please." Then he raised his head to look at the sailors standing behind, and said loudly, "I will thank you all in the future."

Wayne continued: "Don't dare, this is what I should do."

The rest of the people also answered loudly with joy on their faces: "It's not hard!"

After all, following Lieutenant Colonel Will in the future, he will definitely not have to worry about military achievements. In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Will is strong and his own safety is guaranteed, which is simply double the happiness.

Will signaled Wayne's command staff to get ready to leave Windmill Village. After saying goodbye to Bogart, Will turned and boarded the sailboat, which slowly left the G-3 branch.

Four days later, in the evening.

Will's warship slowly stopped at the port of Windmill Village, and Will signaled Wayne and the others to go to the village to rest for a while and replenish some supplies, and then walked to the Golbo Mountain by himself.

On the road, I saw Upp Slap, the village chief of Windmill Village squinting and lying on a beach chair, and greeted with a smile, "Village Chief Slap, you are still in such good spirits!"

Slap opened his eyes and looked at Will in surprise, and shouted loudly: "Boy Will, you are actually a lieutenant colonel now, how long have you been in the navy, and you have been promoted to lieutenant colonel, really Hurry up!"

And Will scratched his head and smiled, and then replied: "Didn't I promise you at the beginning, I won't come back if I don't look like a human being, it's still okay now, hehe~"

At this time, the villagers of Windmill Village, who were attracted by the words of Village Chief Slap, greeted Will one after another, and all of them exclaimed in surprise. Naturally, Makino also came.

Looking at Makino, who was as gentle and elegant as before, Will showed a big smile: "Sister Makino, long time no see, you are still so beautiful!"

"Will, you have grown taller and stronger. It seems that you have had a good few years." Makino replied gently.

"Did you eat? Do you want to go to my house to eat, I will cook for you myself~"

Hearing Makino's words, although Will was very moved, he still refused with a smile, "No, I can't stay for long this time, I'll go up to meet Ace, Luffy, and Dadan. left."

"Sister Makino, try your craft again next time, goodbye~!" Will turned around and waved to Makino as he walked. Back to his tavern.

After half an hour.

In front of the door of Dadan's house, Will knocked hard on the door with "bang bang bang", and Dadan's impatient roar came from inside the house: "Who, who doesn't have eyes to knock on the door at this time~"

The door slammed open with a "bang". When Dadan saw Will's figure, excitement appeared on his face for a moment, but in the end he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a strange way: "I said who, it turns out It's Will, you little rascal who's back."

After saying this, he turned around and walked back into the house. After turning around, the smile on Dadan's face could no longer be controlled, and he laughed silently.

When Dogula and Magula heard Dadan's words, they rushed out one after another. When they saw Will, they each held a hand and kept shaking, "It's Will, come back, come back, high, It's great!" His eyes were full of excited tears.

After a while, before Ace and Lu Fei arrived, a loud voice came over, "Hey, Dogula, come out and deal with this big crocodile. I haven't eaten crocodile meat for a long time. Let's have a good meal tonight."

Then he opened the door and came in, flicked the crocodile casually, saw Will standing in front of him smiling and looking at him, Ace and Luffy jumped over to give Will a big hug, and the three embraced together It took a long time to separate.

But at this time, Luffy is no longer the same Luffy in the past. Although he was very emotional, he didn't cry. Seeing Luffy like this, Will rubbed on Luffy's head in satisfaction, "Crybaby Luffy!" It's getting bigger too~!"

Luffy raised his hand to break away from Will's hand touching his head, and said arrogantly: "Who loves to cry, I haven't cried for many years~!"

"Yes yes yes~" Will hurriedly agreed.

That night, Ace and Luffy pestered Will to tell his story outside. Will couldn't resist the two's request, so he had to choose some interesting clips to tell them, focusing on the introduction of Xiu En, who was in the same dormitory as him, Drake and Binz also told Ace and Luffy about their training at the deserted island base in the windless belt. When Ace and Luffy heard that Will could run with a big mountain on his back, they rushed He let out a huge admiration, and secretly made up his mind that he would also train like Will, and become as strong as Will or even stronger.

And Will also took the opportunity to ask about the training of Ace and Luffy. When he heard that the two of them had also cultivated their armed arrogance, he was sincerely happy for them. The three of them talked excitedly for most of the night. I fell asleep very late at night.

The next day, after breakfast, Will said goodbye to Ace and Luffy with a smile: "Ace, Luffy, I should go, this time I sneaked out by myself, I didn't even ask for leave, no good The stay is too long. You continue to work hard and train, and I look forward to the day when I meet you at sea!"

After bidding farewell to Ace and the others, Will returned directly to the warship, and Wayne and the others also woke up early, made preparations for sailing in advance, and asked Will where his next destination was.

Will didn't have any thoughts for a while, but he met Ace and the others yesterday, and now he unconsciously recalled Sabo in his heart, and thought of Sabo's ideal of traveling around the world, so Will ordered Wayne to go to the direction of Upside Down Mountain sailing.

When he was taking a theory class at the military academy, Will had seen the world map before. He knew that Upside Down Mountain was the number one spectacle in the East China Sea. In addition, on the way to Upside Down Mountain, he could stop by Logue Town to see it. But the place where Ace's father, the One Piece King Gol D. Roger was executed.

Thinking of Sabo, Will couldn't help but feel a little depressed, sitting cross-legged on the bow of the warship, his eyes looking ahead without focus.

After 7 days.

The warship sailed slowly on the sea, and Will was lying lazily on the bow of the warship.

Suddenly, Wayne ran up to Will and reported loudly: "Report to Lieutenant Colonel Will, the pirate ship was found in Coconut Tree Village ahead, what should I do?"

"Pirate ship?" Will got up slowly after hearing the report, and ordered directly, "Naturally, they will be wiped out in the past."

"Yes!" Wayne turned around directly and directed the crew to adjust the course and sail towards Coconut Tree Village.

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