Superman in the world of pirates

Chapter 3 Junkyard (X) Treasure Land (√)

Spring to autumn.

time flies.

It was 5 years ago that Will was sent to the Dadan House by Garp.

Ace and Will have also changed from crying babies to toddlers who hate ghosts.

After the two of them learned to crawl, they crawled around Dadan's house, turning everything in the house upside down.

Desks and chairs will be knocked over!Pots and pans, all smashed!Needlework, all torn to shreds!
After the teeth grew out, he even saw the big white dog at home go up and bite with his mouth open. Dabai was so frightened that now he trembled subconsciously when he saw their legs and feet.

During this period, Cap would occasionally find time to come over to accompany Ace and Will.

Garp treated the two of them as grandchildren and asked them to call him grandpa.

However, the attitudes of the two children towards Karp are quite different.

Ace doesn't like to be called Grandpa Garp, and every time he sees Garp, he calls him the old man.

Will is different. Every time he is very kind grandpa, he calls Garp before and after.

This gave Garp some comfort to his wounded heart from Ace.

Karp has been here for a long time or a short time.

When I have more time, I will take the two of them into the mountains for field training.

At least throw the two of them into the abyss.

In other words, throw the two of them into the herd of beasts in the wild.

It's called survival training.

As a result, the two of them learned various survival skills in the wild in advance, and their ability to survive in the wild was greatly enhanced.

When I have less time, I will do physical exercise for the two of them in the open space in front of the room.

Karp will let the two of them tie sandbags to do push-ups, zama steps and other training.

When they are in the horse stance, they will take a stick from time to time to test whether their horse stance is solid enough.

"You two give me serious training, and when you grow up, you will be an upright sailor for me" is what he often said when he was training Ace and Will.

But what he didn't know was that it was precisely because he used this sentence to educate Ace and Will every time they met, which caused the two of them to have a rebellious psychology since they were young. They all turned being pirates into themselves. dream.

April 1507th, 3, Haiyuan calendar.

The sky is bright.

Ace and Will woke up early in the morning.

Today is a special day.

Because today, Ace and Will decided to venture into the depths of Mount Golbo.

After all, the animals near Dadan's house have long been spoiled by them.

The nests in the nearby woods had been plucked out of their eggs a year ago, so that no mother bird has dared to set up a home in the tree near Dadan's house.Where the real birds don't shit, on a physical level.

The gophers in the ground didn't dare to show their heads again, and they even blocked the burrows they had managed to get through with tears in their eyes. It can be seen how afraid they are of the two little devils, Ace and Will.

Forced to do so, Ace and Will had no choice but to turn their eyes to the depths of Golbo Mountain, after all, it was a virgin land they hadn't set foot on yet.

After waking up and washing up, the two of them secretly set off to the depths of Mt. Golbo before the rest of Dadan's House woke up.

In the depths of Mount Colbo.

The two little ones each held a wooden stick that was a head taller than their own height, and they were walking side by side cautiously. They looked around from time to time, their little faces were serious, and they were quite imposing.

It was Ace and Will, and they had set off from Dadan's House for almost 2 hours.

Thanks to the strict survival training Karp gave them before, they trained them to have a beast-like intuition, and they passed through the territory of several groups of beasts along the way without any danger.

Suddenly, a faint light came from ahead.Ace and Will looked at each other and accelerated to run forward at the same time, with a faint feeling in their hearts that they should have come to the end of the forest, but they didn't know what was waiting for them.

Walking through the forest, the eyes suddenly opened up.

What came into view was a large field full of all kinds of shabby items, and countless ragged people were rummaging through the pile of items.As if there is some treasure hidden inside, the expression is excited.

Ace and Will walked into the venue, found an uncle with a friendly face and asked, "Uncle, what is this place, what are they looking for, why do they seem to be very happy?"

The uncle who heard Ace and the others asked strangely first, "What, aren't you kids here? Why don't you even know where this place is?" Then he was proud without waiting for Ace and Will to answer. introduced.

"This is the waste terminal, the garbage disposal site of the entire Goa Kingdom. All the things discarded by the big shots in the palace, Gaozhen and Central Street will be thrown here. Although it is something that the big shots don't want to throw away, but if you are lucky If so, you can still find jewelry or something in it, and you can exchange it for a large sum of money in Duan Town."

Hearing this, Ace and Will couldn't wait to thank the uncle, and then they found an empty garbage dump and began to search.

"Will, did you hear that, it is possible to find jewels here, if we find jewels, then we will be developed, and this is one step closer to our goal of sailing to become pirates, so we have to work hard to find it." Ai Si said to Will excitedly while rummaging through.

"Got it, Ace. Let's compete today to see who finds more property. I won't lose to you." Will replied with a smile.

In this way, Ace and Will excitedly rummaged through the garbage all afternoon.

As the night was getting dark, Will looked up at the gradually setting sun, and shouted to Ace: "Ace, it's getting dark now, why don't we go home first."

Ace, who heard Will's shout, straightened up reluctantly, and replied, "Okay, then let's go here first."

After all, the two met, and Ace held two silver watches and a pearl necklace in his hand.

Will holds a silver watch, a gold watch and two pearl necklaces in his hand.

"I won this game, Ace." Will said happily to Ace with a grin.

"Damn it, I won't lose to you tomorrow, just wait for me." Ace could only retort stiffly.

After all, Ace and Will returned along the same road.

Walking halfway, the two made up their minds and felt that they could not take the treasure home directly.The first reason is that it is not easy to explain the source of the treasure to Dadan and the others. The second and more important reason is that if Dadan confiscates their treasure in the name of keeping it for them, and then uses it to buy wine Drink, when the time comes, they will be about to cry.

So Ace and Will found a big tree, dug a hole in the tree, and put all the treasures they picked up today into it.She covered it up a bit, then walked home with steps that her six relatives didn't recognize while hooking her shoulders together and humming a ditty.

Dadan House.

As soon as Ace and Will entered the door, they were greeted by Dadan's lion's roar.Although Dadan was very worried about the safety of Ace and Will going out, as soon as he saw their two little bastards, the words in his mouth would become much more unpleasant without knowing it.

"Where did you two little bastards go today? How did you get so dirty, ah? Run into the forest every day, be careful that one day you will be eaten by wild animals, two stinky brats who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth." Dadan looked at Dirty Ace and Will yelled loudly.

Ace and Will smirked but didn't talk to each other.

"Hurry up and wash your hands, dinner will be served right away." Seeing this, Dogula hurried out to smooth things over, and dragged Ace and Will out to wash their hands while talking.

"Hmph, you're used to it, look at what the two of them look like now, Dogula." Dadan looked at Ace and Will who were not talking, and could only vent his anger on Dogula.

That night, Ace and Will, who had first come into contact with the waste terminal, chatted excitedly for most of the night, and finally fell asleep slowly because they couldn't resist the drowsiness.

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