Superman in the world of pirates

Chapter 1 starts with 1 Garp


The Jo-Al couple reluctantly put their newborn son into the pre-prepared aircraft.

The moment the aircraft hatch was closed, mother Laura finally couldn't help crying.

His eyes were full of reluctance for his son and the pain of his imminent parting.

"Goodbye, my child, I hope you can grow up happily in the new place."

As soon as Laura finished speaking, Jor-El pressed the start button of the aircraft.

The aircraft lifted off slowly.

The moment the rebels broke in.

The speed of the flight cabin reached its maximum, and it soared into the sky with a whoosh.

When the rebels wanted to start chasing the flight cabin, Jor-El pressed the detonator of the pre-loaded bomb, and died together with the rebels who came.

half a month later.

In the vast expanse of space, an aircraft is flying quietly.

Suddenly, the space in front of the aircraft sailed seemed to be affected by some external force, and it was distorted for a while, and a powerful suction suddenly came out.

With a whoosh, the aircraft was sucked in.

After a while, the distorted space gradually returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Pirate world.

The year 1502 of the Haiyuan calendar.

The weakest sea, the East China Sea.

Some remote sea area.

The sky was blue, and a few seagulls flew slowly in the air.

A warship with a dog's head holding a bone in its mouth is sailing in the sea.

"Today is another beautiful day, gahahaha~~~"

Garp, who was wearing a navy cloak with the word "justice" sitting on the dog's head, looked at the calm sea, gnawed on the senbei, and said with a big smile.

At this moment, there was a loud noise like thunder in the sky, and a fireball with a long tail flame drew a bright line in the air. In the blink of an eye, it fell on an unknown place not far from the warship. On the island, a thick wildfire was triggered.

"Report! Lieutenant General Garp, there is an unknown object falling in front of you, do you want to check it?" A navy soldier hurried to Karp and said while saluting.

"Well, since you've met it, let's go and have a look."

"Received!" The navy soldier saluted again and left after receiving the order.

After a while, the dog-head warship deviated from the established route and began to sail towards the small island.

Ten minutes later, the warship reached the shore.

"Bogart, quickly arrange for soldiers to disembark to put out the fire, and check around to see if there are civilians in disaster." Garp ordered to Bogart.

"Roger that!"

Bogart, who had received Karp's order, left quickly and summoned his school-level officers to issue orders.

"Lieutenant Colonel Harpy, you lead your soldiers to take charge of the fire fighting."

"Roger that!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Thaad, you lead your soldiers to search around to see if there are any civilians in disaster."

"Roger that!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Gretel, the soldiers under your command should be regarded as a logistics force. See which of the two of them needs support, mobile reinforcements, and be responsible for the vigilance and defense of the warship."

"Roger that!"

"If you understand what you hear, let's start to act."

"Yes!" The three lieutenant colonels Happy, Sade, and Gretel each gave a military salute to Bogart, then turned and left.

30 minute later.

"Report, the wildfire has been brought under control, but we found an unknown object in the center of the fire, what should I do?" Lieutenant Colonel Harpy hurried back to ask Bogart for instructions after extinguishing the fire.

"I'm going to ask Lieutenant General Garp for instructions, you wait for me here."

"No need to come here, I heard you."

"Happy, lead the way ahead, let's go and have a look together." Garp's voice came from Bogart who hadn't turned around yet.

After a while, Karp and his party arrived at the scene.

A deep pit with a diameter of tens of meters was blasted out of the ground, and a black object stood quietly in the center of the deep pit.

What is this?Although Karp was a little puzzled when he saw the black item, he still walked directly towards the black item.

"Strange, why does it sound like a baby is crying?" Karp, who was getting closer to the black object, gradually became more suspicious.

"Why is there a child inside?!" Garp, who walked in front of the aircraft, was shocked when he saw the baby dancing and crying.

What a joke, such a small child fell directly from the sky, and there is nothing wrong with it. It seems that this black object is not ordinary. "It doesn't matter, let's rescue the child first." Thinking of this, Karp directly grabbed the handle on the outer wall of the black object with both hands, exerted a little force, and carried the child out.It's quite cute, Garp thought silently looking at the child in his hand.

Strange to say, at the moment when Karp hugged the baby with both hands, the baby who was still howling just now, and whose hands and feet were fidgeting gradually calmed down.The big eyes stared straight at Garp, the chubby hand stretched out, the small mouth grinned, and the sound of cooing seemed to say that he wanted to hug (づ)づ.

Are you not afraid of me, hahahahaha, it seems that we are destined.Garp, who saw this scene, was immediately cut off.

"Since we are so destined, you can live with me in the future."

"Emmm, your name will be Will from now on."

"Bogart, arrange for someone to bury this black object with this deep pit. Although this object looks unusual, I hate trouble the most. Go back and ask your sailors not to spread what you saw today. " Garp, who was holding the child, turned and walked out of the pit, and ordered directly to Bogart.

"Received!" Bogart took the order.

Garp, who returned to the warship, was about to hand over the baby to Bogart, so he took the opportunity to open a bag of senbei to eat again. As soon as Will left his hand, he immediately burst into tears without warning.

Garp could only give up the idea of ​​eating senbei, and took Will from Bogart with both hands.

Oddly enough, Will fell silent again as soon as he touched his hand.

It was as if the child had a self-recognition function, and recognized Garp's hands.

"Haha, Lieutenant General Garp, it seems that this child can only be taken care of by you." Bogart, who witnessed the whole process, joked with a smile.

"How dare you make fun of your boss, Brigadier General Bogart, I order you to open the senbei and feed it to me." Looking at Bogart who was making fun of himself, Garp ordered angrily.

Bogart, who was happy for a few seconds, was immediately punished by justice.

After a while, Lieutenant Colonel Sade, who was in charge of searching and rescuing the victims, also returned to the warship to report that no traces of human life were found on the island.

Cap ordered the cruise to proceed as originally planned.

The next day, looking at Will who was crying in his arms, Garp, who was already in a bad mood because of the rain, felt like his head was going to get bigger.

"Bogart, how to deal with this situation?" Garp could only ask Bogart beside him for help.

"Lieutenant General Garp, I'm still a virgin. I haven't even touched a girl's hand. How could I know why the child is crying? Is it hungry?" Bogart spread his hands and replied helplessly.

After hearing Bogart's answer, Garp patted his forehead with his annoyed right hand, "Oh, I'm too confused, the child hasn't been fed until now, isn't he hungry? I haven't raised a child for decades, Knowledge is wasted."

Bogart: ⊙▃⊙, ORZ
"Hurry up and find a nearby island or town and buy some milk for him." Garp said to Bogart after he reacted.

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

"This kid can't stay with me all the time. I still have to cruise around. It's not good for him to grow up all the time. Let's find someone to raise him." After Bogart left, Ka Pu was lost in thought.

"Yes, didn't I just give Ace to Dadan to be raised a while ago, one sheep is also raised, and two are also... Cough cough, one child is also raised, and two children are also raised, so let's give it to Dadan .” Thinking of a solution, Garp felt instantly better.

Hahahaha, I feel like I can eat a few more bowls of rice at noon, Garp thought silently in his mind.

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