Pirates: Saving Ace

Chapter 102 The Mystery (2)

"After being interrupted by you so much, I almost forgot what I said before.

Let's go back to our previous topic, it's almost enough, it's time to get down to business.

Smart as a high priest, I think you have a little guess about my true identity. "Da Ji, the leader of the Tianlong people, swung his long sword at the high priest and slashed at the high priest. Each sword was very sharp, and it cut deep ravines on the ground and the city of heaven above.

These attacks are not only powerful, but also very fast. Even if they miss, it is uncomfortable to scratch them lightly. Although the High Priest dodges them sensitively, it is still very embarrassing to deal with them.

"Before the answer to the mystery is announced, you still need to be tortured and executed.

With such a mission, I, who is kind, can't bear to do this to a poor person like you. "

The leader of the Tianlong people, Daji, said hypocritically, not only did the attack not weaken, but it increased a lot. It seems that he really has some kind of feud with the high priest.
After some treatment, the high priest, whose injury improved a little, immediately fell into a disadvantage again. Under the torture of the other party, he kept moaning and uttered heart-piercing shouts, which were endless.

"Don't you really want to know why we did this series of things to those of you who claim to be the remnant of the gods? Where does the theory of revenge come from? Do you want to know who we Tianlong people are?

OK, here you go. "A sharp slash hit the high priest's body, and blood spattered. Daji, the leader of the Tianlongren, also felt that the time was almost up, and the high priest didn't have much power to fight back. If he didn't say anything, he was afraid that the other party would die in peace. With a straight face, he said in a deep voice:

"As the high priest of the temple, I think you should know better than anyone else the great battle in ancient times, the battle between gods and demons.

At the very beginning, the demon side had an absolute advantage, and when the human world was about to become its possession, the gods joined the battle and tried their best to turn the situation around. Finally, relying on the power of the three heavenly gods to defeat and eliminate the demons that ravaged the world, That's all you know, right?
Then I want to ask you, after the defeat of the demons, were all the demons wiped out?
The answer to this question is not known. Is there any record of you descendants of gods? "

"..." The High Priest remained silent. Although his body was seriously injured, this was not a time for such insignificant matters, and his pained expression gradually turned into astonishment.

Judging from the expression of the high priest, it is obvious that the answer is no:
If these records are recorded, presumably the predecessors of the D clan will definitely not wait for the demons to accumulate power before making a comeback, seizing the world, and endangering the world.

"Let me tell you the answer, no, the god made a vicious attack back then and killed them all, but some demons survived.

No, to be more precise, before the final decisive battle, a small group of demons chose to escape and survived..."

"..." Although he had some guesses in his heart before, the high priest was still very surprised when he heard the words from the mouth of the leader of the Tianlong people, Da Ji, and it took a long time before he regained his composure. , followed the other party's words and asked:

"So, you Tianlong people are the descendants of the demons who escaped back then?"


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