Pirates: Saving Ace

Chapter 084 Fighting Cha Mi (2)

"I don't know if it's because I'm too lucky to be favored by heaven, or because you are too unlucky. My lord was thinking of looking for you, but you came here first!" It was Cha Mi who opened the conversation first, sneering After saying a word, the corner of his mouth raised a very uncomfortable and frightening arc.

"..." Staring intently at the person in front of her, Qiangwei closed her mouth tightly, swallowing uncontrollably, with an unbelievable expression on her face:

Is this a dream?

He had just escaped from Jinglan's clutches, and now he was about to fall into another demon's clutches, and the danger factor was much higher than before.

I looked up at the sky, it was dusk, and the time before the night would not be too long, but it would be a very long time:
In the hands of Cha Mi, can the three of them really wait until Lord Jianlan comes to rescue?

Not to mention only a few minutes, even a few seconds, it is more than enough for Cha Mi to kill them.

As bad as it gets!
Seeing Qiangwei's small actions and what kind of calculations she was planning, Cha Mi immediately understood, and ruthlessly extinguished her hope, saying:
"Don't think about it, I'll kill you all without waiting for Jianlan to come, and don't even think about thunderstorms that don't happen in a thousand years. Your end will be nothing but death!"

"..." Qiangwei didn't refute, she also had the same point of view, her heart was cold and cold. Although Lord Luffy has made great progress and has the strength to rival the commander of the Hyakki Yaxing, he may not be able to match Cha Mi.

"Don't wait for Uncle Jianlan to come, since we met, I will defeat you now!" Luffy said, boosting morale, because Alice had long wanted to fight with Chami, In the past, I was not strong enough, or I could take care of the high priest and the others, hold back, but now I meet by chance, there is nothing I can do,
Let's fight!

"Second gear, Rubber Jet spiral rocket launcher!"

"..." Hearing Luffy's words, the morale was low, and Qiangwei, who had no resistance, was encouraged. She raised her head slightly, and was determined to fight to the death. She wanted to respond to Luffy, but the other party had already rushed out. .

Knowing how powerful the enemy in front of them is, Hancock and Qiangwei, who joined later, dare not let Luffy fight alone as before, and assist in the attack.
"Kiss the gun!"

"Canglong is broken!"


After some special training, Luffy not only made great progress in domineering and divine power to listen to the voice of all things, but also made a small breakthrough in physical skills. When the killing attack hit Cha Mi, it was still easily caught by the opponent:
"I haven't seen you for a while. I have made a lot of progress in physical skills, but it is still far from enough to threaten me. It's too weak!"

Clenching Luffy's fists tightly with one hand, Cha Mi lightly waved the other hand, not only blocking the attacks of Hancock and Qiangwei, but even knocking them into the air in reverse. The whip lashed at them.

Seeing that his partner was injured, Luffy became emotional and wanted to break free from the other party's shackles. His strength increased a lot, but it didn't have much effect.

Feeling Lu Fei's emotions, Cha Mi didn't care, and said very coldly:
"Are you very angry? Originally, I could have cut you into pieces with a split fruit, and directly killed you, but I didn't. Instead, I used physical skills to stop you. You want to know what is going on?" why?

I heard that you defeated my brother Ou Shinan with physical skills, so I, the big brother, will naturally find the place for the younger brother. "

"It's just that it's so strange, how could you defeat Ou Shinan with such little strength? It's really puzzling."

Seeing that Luffy hadn't given up struggling, Cha Mi gave him his wish. With a flick of his hand, he slammed Luffy hard to the ground, directly smashing a huge hole in the bluestone ground.

"Since you want to know how I defeated that fat man, well, then I will tell you to experience it!" Luffy's voice came from the huge pit.

"Don't worry, you seem to be prejudiced against me and full of hatred, are you blaming me for killing the little girl and her mother in the house?

It doesn't matter, it's just that you don't hate me enough, so it's meaningless to fight, so let me help you! "

Saying that, Cha Mi aimed at the fallen Hancock and Qiangwei with one hand, and lifted them up slowly. It is self-evident what this action means.

Cha Mi was not in a hurry, and even said that he was just procrastinating for time, waiting for Lu Fei to get up and see his partner die in front of his own eyes, but he was powerless to stop it from happening.

Time passed silently, without any abnormality. After understanding what Cha Mi wanted to do, Lu Fei couldn't care less about the pain on his body. When Ma Liu came out of the huge pit, he saw Cha Mi aiming at Han. The two of Cook released the ability to split the fruit.

"It just happened to come out, isn't this the best time?" At the moment when the splitting ability was released, Cha Mi saw Lu Fei's figure and smiled triumphantly, as if he had succeeded in a trick, and it was too late to save people , it is impossible to take people out of the scope of this move at the speed of Luffy.

If Luffy wants to save people, he has no other possibility except to crack his ability to split the fruit, but will such a thing happen?

"No regrets. At the end of my life, I will be able to see you, Mr. Luffy, for the last time. I hope you can take this opportunity to escape quickly. If you are well, so will my heart!" I made a final farewell in my heart, and I didn't expect myself to be saved. Time was running short, and I didn't even have time to speak.


Cha Mi's attack seemed slow, but it was only in an instant. I thought everything was as Qiangwei and Cha Mi thought in their hearts, but Lu Fei's performance made them dumbfounded:

Luffy didn't take advantage of the time Qiangwei and the others "gained" to escape, and even came to Qiangwei and Qiangwei at lightning speed, protecting them with his body.

"It's really kind and righteous, but it's a pity that there won't be a miracle. Die!" Seeing Luffy's actions and treating this dying person, even if he was an enemy, Cha Mi couldn't help admiring. , Enough loyalty, but can't change your own destiny.


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