"Captain, her injuries are too serious, and it seems that some life-consuming means have been used. The current medical methods in the whole world may not be able to save her. I can barely save her life temporarily."

Huoba Ke has already diagnosed Xuenv's physical condition for the first time, and he also came to the conclusion that no one in the whole world can save the current Xuenv, and he can only maintain her through some special means. A period of life that guarantees she won't die instantly.

Looking at the current miserable state of Xuenv, Bucky also knew that what Hobak said was correct, Xuenv was already exhausted, and she was bound to die, and it was already Huobak's very good medical skills to be able to temporarily save her life for a period of time up.

Under Hobak's gaze, Bucky also nodded slightly.

Huoba Ke looked at Bucky and nodded, and immediately took action, immediately took out several tubes of injection medicine from his medical box, and injected them into Xue Nu's body respectively.

After injecting the two tubes of medicine, Xue Nu's complexion was instantly filled with blood. Under the gaze of everyone, she also slowly opened her eyes.

"Who are you? I have used that trick. Shouldn't you all be dead? Are you from Gott?"

Xuenu knew that the price of using that trick was her life, she didn't expect that she was still alive, and her heart was full of doubts.

"We are outsiders who just came to the island, not Gott's people. Your life is also temporary. We injected you with special drugs. You can only last in this state for a while. We want to know from you how Get out, and everything about Gott."

Hearing this, Xue Nu's face also relaxed a little. He also knew that Gort must have nothing to ask her. Gort wished that she would die immediately. How could he still talk nonsense with her here? Gort doesn't need it either. She knew about his own situation from her mouth, and she didn't have the slightest impression of these people, probably really outsiders.

Xuenv thought for a while, and said in a solemn tone: "I can tell you what you want to know, including the way out, but I hope you can promise me that during this period of time, you can do it within your power. , can take care of the residents of those islands."

Xuenv knew that she would definitely die in her current situation. She was worried that after her death, Gott would immediately trouble those residents, and even massacre the residents of the entire island. Before she died, she wanted to find a way out for these residents to survive. .

Although she didn't know the strength of Bucky and the others, since they were able to save her from Gott's eyes, it was enough to prove their strength. Maybe they could save some islands if they could. This is the only chance she can find for the residents of the island.

"Yes, if Gott really wants to harm the residents of this island, we can help you get rid of him."

Xue Nu's last words have already proved her good or bad. If she is really a man-eating monster as the legend says, then it is impossible for her to say these words.

And Gott is definitely not a good person. If he really kills the residents of this island, Bucky doesn't mind getting rid of her, and now he is very confident that Gort's situation at the time must be seriously injured. , if the two sides meet, the opponent is definitely not Bucky's opponent.

"thank you all."

Hearing what Bucky said, Xue Nu knew that she underestimated these people, maybe they were stronger than she imagined.

After that, the two parties didn't say anything more. The time was limited, and they had to talk as soon as possible. Otherwise, it was very likely that Xue Nu would not be able to hold on until she had finished explaining those things.

Snow Girl described Gort's purpose in detail, as well as the evil things he secretly did on the island, the direction and danger of the way out, and the source of conflict between her and Gort.

Gott's purpose is very simple, that is to leave this island, leave this fog, and return to the outside world.

The evil thing he did was that after he ruled the island, he used his own means to turn those neutral pirates into cannon fodder in his hands, looking for a way out for him, and finally he also found that road way out.

This way out is in the southwest of the island, with a distance of three or four days. There seems to be a vague view of the outside world, but there is a huge danger there.

In that sea area, for some reason, there are dozens of sea kings, including large sea kings, and any ships that approach there will be ruthlessly destroyed by them. For those who want to go out, there is also a way out for everyone blocked like a moat.

Their enmity also originated there, and they don't know if it was Gott's idea or one of his subordinates. They wanted to use bait to separate these sea kings and break them one by one.

The problem also lies in the bait. This island does not have any animals or other things as blood food, and fishes are very common in the sea, and it is estimated that they will not be of much use in the sea. In this way, the idea of ​​this bait was brought to the heads of those island residents.

They also started their own plan without hesitation, which also caused the disappearance of the island residents, and under the malicious publicity, it also created the legend of the Snow Maiden.

After finding out these situations, of course Yuki couldn't just sit idly by. In order to rescue those residents, she also started to trouble Gott. She also rescued those residents and destroyed Gott's plan, so that the ten The sea kings in that sea area have not been wiped out for several years.

But for some reason, the news about Gott was not spread, and those people didn't remember what Xue Nu had done for them.

That's it, they have been fighting for more than ten years, because Xue Nu is getting older and weaker, and she is no longer Gort's opponent, which also caused Gort's unscrupulousness, and in these few days Over the years, the number of missing villagers has increased rapidly.

According to this situation, and the strength of the snow girl is not the opponent of the opponent, in order to avoid making Gort even more crazy as her strength gets weaker and weaker, she finally decided to die with Gort, which is also the main reason for today's battle .

Yuki also introduced Gott's strength. The other party has armed domineering and knowledge-like domineering, and also ate a devil fruit.

Although Xuenv didn't know exactly what kind of devil fruit he ate, but after more than ten years of fighting, she also had a certain guess.

Gott may be eating the fruits of memory. He uses this ability to directly affect the memory of the opponent in battle, so as to affect the fighting rhythm of others. Gott uses two-color domineering and powerful body skills to Fight with enemies.

Hearing what the other party said, everyone's eyes were filled with a lot of emotion. They were very grateful to Xue Nu. Knowing the way out, they could find a way to get out, and they didn't have to be trapped here.

At the same time, they also admired Xue Nu for protecting these non-relative residents since she was willing to pay the price of her life.

Even if they thought Xue Nu was a monster that cannibalized people, she didn't hold any resentment at all. She silently dedicated herself to the villagers, and finally gave her life for them. This is an old man worthy of their admiration.

After saying these words, under the gaze of everyone, Xue Nu's complexion began to turn pale again, and her physical condition also became worse.

But in this situation, she didn't show the slightest fear on her face. She couldn't even say a word, but looked at everyone with hopeful eyes. She also fell asleep here under everyone's gaze. on the island.

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