Headquarters relocation?

Molo had expected it a long time ago. As soon as Akainu took office, he was determined to relocate the headquarters from the Marin Fando of the Great Airway to the original G1 branch of the New World.

Unexpectedly, Akainu asked him to stop some unnecessary troubles on the road.

"Got it, I'll pack up and come as soon as I go."

Mo Luo stood up, met Tao Tutu's eyes, turned and walked out of the tavern.

He came to the forest of Orange Soda Island, and stopped on the coast calmly.

There's a big penguin here, and a lazy man leaning against a wall.

This person is the former general Aokiji who left the navy.

"I knew you would come."

Aokiji looked at Mo Luo, his sunglasses reflected light, and saw Mo Luo throwing a bottle of wine in his hand to him.

"Where are you going next?"

Molo sat cross-legged on the shore, looking at the sparkling sea.

The intersection of the two is not much, but their dedication to justice is similar.

"Follow your own will, and come here just to help me a little bit before I leave."

Aokiji took a sip of brandy and said.

"Before I left, in order to make up for the number of Qiwuhai under the king, two people have been selected, and it is estimated that they will be made public in the near future. I came here and want to entrust you with one thing."

"You said just now that you wanted to help me, how did you become a trouble to me?"

Mo Luo shrugged helplessly.

Aokiji didn't refute, but just said to this junior who didn't have much contact with each other:
"Do you know not to kill the general?"

"The black-armed Zefa created the golden generation of the navy, and almost all the powerful navy players who can be named are his disciples.

The candidates for the new king Shichibukai you want to talk about are most likely Whitebeard II and Qian Liangdaohua, the clown Bucky.

The latter doesn't matter, but the former will make desperate Zefa run wild once it is made public. "

Molo didn't want to waste time.

"you know."

Aokiji didn't expect Moluo to know so many things about the old times.

It stands to reason that at Moluo's age, he should know nothing about the old era.

However, he had been practicing with Karp before, and everything made sense.

"Well, he is also my teacher. If the worst thing happens, Teacher Zefa will not take the risk of leaving the navy like me. I hope you can take action and stop him when the time comes."

Aokiji stared at Mo Luo, it was hard to imagine that a former admiral would send a mission to a current elite lieutenant general.

The task is to ask him to stop the betrayal of the former former admiral!
Is this reasonable?

"There is nothing else, I will go first."

Aokiji stood up, acting like a normal person, competing with the big penguin for the ice-skating road on the sea, and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, when they reached the shore, they stopped again, without turning their heads, and said:

"Your subordinates have the hands and feet of CP0 and Wangxia Shichibukai. There is no evidence now, so you can't do it, but you still have to be careful."

"Understood, Virgo and Doflamingo, I know, Brother Aokiji, I will greet you when I become the new Admiral of the Navy."

Mo Luo beckoned, making Aokiji stunned.

He didn't even expect that this junior brother actually knew so many secrets, and many things were even qualified to be known only at the general level.

As for Virgo and CP0, there are traces and no evidence.

Everyone also maintained a superficial tacit understanding.

After all, Qiwuhai under the king is also a card in the navy's hand, and he can't tear his face.

"You can temporarily hold sand in your eyes, but I can't be so magnanimous."

Mo Luo bid farewell to Aokiji.

What if there is no evidence?
As long as he has the strength, he will dare to deal with anyone. If he can't fight, he must fight. As long as he finds an opportunity, he will take down Virgo and uproot Doflamingo's power.

Since Doflamingo is cooperating with CP0 and wants to put this nail in front of his eyes, he has to accompany him.


half year later.

Molo is in charge of the safety of the waters including Pang Island, Thunder God Island, Orange Soda Island, and Dressrosa.

He picked up dozens of passing pirates who didn't have eyesight.

With him, Tao Tuo, and Virgo guarding the base, the New Navy Branch Base has really gained a foothold.

An impregnable defense base guards the island with transformed sailors.

The life of the islanders has also improved a lot, and Molo oranges are often given to eat.

this half year.

In addition to cultivation, Mo Luo is cultivation. He has developed the fruit of life to the extreme, and has devoted himself to the mastery of domineering.

However, after retreating, Mo Luo also felt more and more boring.

He can't wait to find the evidence of Virgo immediately, and then uproot Doflamingo's Don Quixote family.

But Virgo was also looking for clues of Molo day and night.

The helpless Mo Luo could only practice hard all day long, so that in order to teach the sailors, he also often practiced swordsmanship and marksmanship, but there is a specialization in the arts, and the two are not as good as his fists, but they are definitely not bad.

The days went on and on, and the boredom multiplied.

During this period, shocking news came one after another.

First Whitebeard II, Bucky the Clown became the new Shichibukai.

Then a more shocking news broke out.

In order to make up for the lack of combat power of the two Admirals of the Navy, the Navy will open the world conscription.

Two new admirals are contested from around the world.

Regardless of past age and qualifications, as long as you are strong, you can stand out.

Soon enough, Orange Soda Island is celebrating.

Because Moluo and Taotu also got a place each.

The performance of the two in the battle on the Island of Thunder was that one held Katakuri and the other perfectly suppressed Smoothie. Naturally, they both have the power to fight.

Only Mo Luo knew that Taotu half a year ago was similar in strength to him, and could defeat the big pirates under the Four Emperors without any intervention, but he still couldn't do it if he wanted to fight head-on with the Four Emperors like the general.

This is the strength of the alternate general. Even the emperor's deputy can defeat it with all his strength, but he is still far behind the real general.

In the past six months, Mo Luo didn't know how much he had become stronger, but time and time again he integrated his will into the devil fruit and domineering color.

Only the truly strong can unearth the current potential of Mo Luo.


The next day.

The battleship sets sail off the coast.

Molo and Taotu set off, leaving only Virgo to guard the house and train the sailors.

This guy is usually rated well by the sea soldiers and the islanders, so it can be said that he is not bad as an undercover agent.

So as long as he doesn't tear his face, Mo Luo is not worried at all that he will be detrimental to the base.

on the sea.

Mo Luo sat on the deck chair eating baked senbei and drinking iced Coke, feeling very comfortable.

"Finally I can really go to sea, it's comfortable, what were those two missions a while ago?

It is really a headache to be responsible for escorting the general back to the headquarters and escorting the establishment of the new headquarters. "

Moluo said, Taotu bought a new newspaper and threw it in his face.

"Zefa left."

Tao Tutu is also a little unhappy, presumably in her eyes, Zefa is also quite respected.


Mo Luo had expected it early, but still took the newspaper and pretended to be ignorant.

The newspaper wrote impressively: "Justice is dead, the ex-admiral of the navy, the black-armed Zefa is leaving!"

as predicted.

Morgans found the hot spot again.

Mo Luo put away the newspaper and stood up, drinking the iced Coke in one gulp.

No matter how the world changes.

This new admiral, he is sure!

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