Phantom of the Pirate

Chapter 344 Escape

The first thing Hua Mantian thought of in the dungeon was to use poison. After all, as a river and lake person walking in the rivers and lakes, how could he not have any sweat medicine or other drugs on him.

After all, even if it is not for harming others, even if it is for self-protection, some of these things will be carried on the body, don't you think this is useful.

The drug in Huamantian's hands is a kind of smoke, it only needs to be lit, and people will fall into a coma when they smell the smoke. for him.

This time is just right, as for Ximen Yushi and Lu Xiaofeng, who are lying on the ground at this time, there is no need to worry at all, after all, smoke always floats upwards.

After lighting the mist incense, Hua Mantian sent a small strand of true energy towards the misty smoke and sent it to the foreheads of these skeletons. Unfortunately, these skeletons don't have the idea of ​​breathing at all, so this trick is of course useless .

Hua Mantian just wanted to try it out, and didn't want to succeed just once.

So after one trick failed, he thought of another trick, that is, he just took a look inside the dungeon, and the dungeon was very damp, even if some hay was laid, it would still make him dizzy due to the damp dungeon. It was wet, so he wanted to gather the hay directly, and then ignite it to create a lot of smoke, and then he solved the skeletons in the smoke, and at the same time woke up his two brothers.

As for the fact that too much smoke would alert people outside the dungeon, that was not a problem at all. After all, he was the one who ate the Godsend Fruit (that is, the Devil Fruit), and he could control the growth of flowers and plants within a certain range.

And there is only one exit like a gate in this dungeon, as long as he uses his ability to close the gap in the gate in advance, no smoke will escape at all.

It's just that the difficulty now is how to hit the dry grass and ignite it without disturbing these skeletons.

Soon he thought of a way. First, use his ability to control the moss plants at the door, grow wildly, and seal the gap in the door.

Then, in front of these skeletons, he controlled a grass that had dried up but still had some vitality, and it grew crazily on the ground to attract the attention of these skeletons. Then he seized this opportunity and quickly moved what he could in the room. Arrived hay was gathered and lit.

The plan was implemented very smoothly, and the door was quickly closed by him. At the same time, the grass in front of the skeletons also grew rapidly, which indeed attracted the attention of these skeletons.

The only difference is that when he was collecting hay, the skeletons moved away from the wooden pipe, and then turned around, just in time to see Huamantian standing up.

It was very embarrassing for a while, and Hua Mantian, who had already stood up, didn't know whether he should continue to fall down and pretend to be dizzy, or what to do.

The only strange thing is that although these skeletons saw Hua Mantian standing up, they didn't make any other movements. They just glanced at him, then returned to their original appearance, and continued to look at the door of the cell.

Seeing this situation, Hua Mantian was startled for a moment, then cautiously took a step forward, and then the skeletons looked over again.

Just still no other action.

Then Huamantian got bolder and tried to take a few steps forward, but the skeletons didn't respond, but when Huamantian was about to touch the cell door, the skeletons took their bones He put his hand on the iron sword at his waist.

After Hua Mantian withdrew his step, they also put down their hands and did not pull out the iron sword.

After probing back and forth a few times like this, Hua Mantian finally figured out the behavior and mode of action of these skeletons.

As long as he is not close to the door of the cell, these skeletons will not care what he is doing, so it seems that the IQ of these skeletons is really pitiful, which gives him more room for manipulation.

He directly and boldly fed the antidote to his two brothers, and then told him about the matter, and at the same time he also told him about his plan.

After the two of them understood, he began to implement his plan to release the smoke. After all, although these skeletons have no IQ, they would respond as soon as he waited for someone to approach the door, so his plan to release the smoke had to be implemented. They have the opportunity to be close to each other.

Then deal with these skeletons without making a big fuss. Of course, Hua Mantian has been observing the reactions of these skeletons while doing all this.

Sure enough, as he guessed, after he lit the dry grass, none of the skeletons responded.

Soon on the ignited dry grass, the newly ignited flame was covered under the dry grass, and then a lot of thick smoke appeared in the dungeon.

Soon it became difficult to see people clearly, and Hua Mantian and their actions also started very quickly. Of course, before the action, they all tore off a corner of their clothes, and then used the water in the bucket in the cell to give Get wet, and tie it around your nose.

After completing these preparations, since they started to act, Ximen Yushi and Lu Xiaofeng each chose a target, while Hua Mantian used his ability to trap a target, and then deal with the remaining one. skeleton.

Soon the three of them dismantled the skeleton to be dealt with into pieces of bones, and in the process they didn't make much noise, nor did they disturb the outsiders.

But when they were dealing with these skeletons, they found that although these skeletons were good in strength, they were still very easy to deal with for those of them who were well-known in the Jianghu.

After dismantling these skeletons, the three of them were going to discuss how to get out. Unexpectedly, at this time, they had just dismantled them into pieces of skeletons, and at this time they started to reassemble.

After noticing this, the three of them didn't have time to discuss it, so they hurriedly took action again, dismantling the skeletons that had been reassembled, and at the same time, the complete bones of these skeletons were turned into pink ink with zhenqi , even the skull is no exception, but the small flame in the skull can't be extinguished like this.

When they held the flame in their hands and tried to extinguish them, the bones that they had turned into bone powder actually condensed again, which made them feel a little bit difficult for a while.

They also tried later, burning it with fire and pouring it with urine, but nothing gushed out at all. As long as the dark blue flame is there, these bones will recover no matter how they are made, it's just a matter of speed.

The three of them really had no choice but to tie these bones together in the end. Although the tied skeletons were still moving and wanted to restore their original appearance, but because of the help of the ropes, they could not wish.

After seeing such a scene, they finally felt a little relieved, and after they made a plan, they were ready to escape from here.

What they didn't expect was that after they opened the dungeon door, what they saw shocked them, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

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