In the desert full of yellow sand, two people are walking in it. One of them is wearing white clothes with a blood-colored coffin on his back, while the person next to him is wearing a black windbreaker and covering his body with a hood. Covering the face makes it completely invisible.

That's right, this is Locke who was going to the rainy land. He and Kuina have been following him since Kuina met him. Of course, Locke didn't object. It's good to talk to relieve boredom, and the most important thing is that the other party is still a beautiful woman.

But at this time, the two of them encountered a problem, that is, they lost their way. Originally, they thought that with their own strength, it didn't matter if they got lost in the desert, just find a direction and fly there.

After receiving a storm that blew Locke so hard that he couldn't find his way, as for flying in the sky, and looking at the hot sun in the sky, he knew that this would not work at all.

So if you want to fly there, you have to wait until night, when the temperature drops, and then you can fly into the sky to find a direction to fly.

As for now, the two of them are walking in the desert under the scorching sun, wanting to find a place that can block the sun and stay quietly until night.

Speaking of which, the storm just now was really powerful. Even with Locke's current strength, he could only protect himself. As for Kuina, if she hadn't been strong, maybe the two of them lost contact in the desert like this up.

Speaking of which, the storm came and went quickly, and it didn't take long to bury Locke in the sand and disappeared. For such a phenomenon, Locke had to feel the magic of nature.

"Lock, what a fool you are, you didn't even bring a pointer when you came to the desert!" Kuina complained angrily as the two walked.

"Stop talking, save some energy!" Locke has nothing to refute to Kuina's complaints. After all, who knows that sandstorms will suddenly appear in the desert. After all, my previous impressions of the desert are all from TV. It seems that, who knows that a sentence on TV that the climate is changeable will become like this more often.

A sudden sandstorm would make a strong man like himself lose his way in the desert.

Locke didn't expect this at all. Locke is really tired now, because the two of them haven't had a drop of water since morning, and all the food and water have been blown away by the storm, and they dare not fly up to hurry. So it's really exhausting.

Now Locke only hopes to find some dark places, or to meet oasis or something. If it is impossible, it would be good to meet a place where he can enjoy the shade, so that the two of them will have a better life.

So for Kuina's complaints, Locke could only endure silently, unable to refute anything at all, and could only remind her to maintain her strength.

Silence returned between the two of them again, no one was talking, only the sound of tired panting lingered between the two of them because they were on their way.

"Look, look! There is a building in front." I don't know how long I walked, but the sun in the sky seemed to have never moved. At this moment, Kuina suddenly pointed to the left direction and said. .

"Huh?" Looking in the direction that Kuina pointed, there were indeed outlines of buildings, but these buildings were all collapsed, and they had been abandoned for a long time from the outside.

As for whether there is anyone inside, this is too far away, so it cannot be confirmed, but judging from the ruined appearance, there should be no one there.

These are what Locke first thought of when he saw these buildings. The specific things still have to wait until they get there to understand the details.

But whether there is anyone or not does not affect Locke and the others. It would be better if there is no one. After all, they only need to find a place to avoid the scorching sun in the sky. At night, they will fly directly from the desert to the rainy land.

And if there are people, they can ask the other party for some water to drink at most, so that they can recover their physical strength, and the rest will not affect them.

So after giving Locke a blank look, Kuina took the lead in walking in the direction of those buildings, and Locke could only ignore Kuina's blank eyes, then patted the coffin on his back, and then followed Kuina The pace of progress up.

The cultivation base of one or two people, although their physical strength has been reduced due to the storm just now, but their physical strength alone is not very slow, so it didn't take long for them to come to this ruined wall.

I saw that the houses here were indeed the same as what they had just seen in the distance, all of them had collapsed, and judging from their decay, it had been at least a year since they collapsed.

"Let's find a place where we can enjoy the cool first. It's too hot outside." After arriving here, Locke sensed carefully first, and found that there were indeed no people in these ruined walls, only some might have just escaped from the storm and stayed in the The animals here haven't left yet.

Soon the two arrived at a house with a roof that was still in good condition, and walked in.

After entering the house, Locke directly put the coffin on the ground behind him, and then the whole person lay on the sand on the ground, and he didn't want to move, mainly because he was too tired to resist the storm. I almost used up the true energy in my body, and after traveling for such a long time, it's no wonder I'm not tired.

Seeing Locke lying on the ground, Kuina didn't do that. She took off the black windbreaker that was originally covering her body, and then spread a layer on the ground before sitting down.

The two of them just sat in it at this moment, not chatting or anything. After all, their physical strength is almost exhausted now, and now they should recover their physical strength first. After all, dangers are everywhere in the desert. If you encounter something Dangerous, but because of lack of physical strength, was killed by the opponent, it would be a shame.

Time passed quickly, at least in Locke's opinion, this time was much faster than rushing outside. After all, he fell asleep not long after lying down, and it was already sunset when he woke up the next time.

"Are you awake?" When Locke got up, Kuina, who had been sitting beside her in meditation, also opened her eyes at this time, and greeted Locke who had just woken up.

"En! Wake up! How is your physical strength recovering?" Locke nodded, then walked to the door of the room, looked at the sky, and then turned around and asked Guina again.

"The practice book you gave me is really powerful. I just tried it this afternoon according to the luck article above, and my physical strength and domineering energy consumed by the storm have all recovered." Hearing Locke's question, Kuina Said with some surprise.

Regarding Kuina's surprise, Locke expressed noncommittal, knowing that the cultivation method that Locke gave her was a true energy cultivation method.

Although the power of true qi is inferior to domineering in terms of attack and defense, it is indeed much higher than domineering in terms of recovery and accumulation of the body.

And Locke has absolute trust in Kuina, he believes that she will never do anything against him, even if he has disappeared for a while, Locke still will not doubt her.

Under such conditions, Locke will certainly not be stingy about the cultivation methods he possesses. After all, being able to quickly recover his physical strength in the desert is very helpful for the two of them to do next.After all, although the desert at night is not as hot as during the day, its visible low temperature will be unbearable without power protection.

So Locke directly gave his cultivation method to Kuina.

"Now that it's recovered, let's go!" After receiving Kuina's affirmation, Locke didn't say anything more, but directly carried the coffin that was originally placed in the room on his back, and then said.

Looking at Locke's appearance, Kuina nodded. Although she wanted to ask what this cultivation method was, she didn't ask when she saw that Locke didn't say anything. She believed that Locke would not harm her. Just like Locke believed her.

When the two came outside the house, Locke directly used his ability to form a blanket full of mysterious patterns in the air, and then called Guina to go up.

Regarding the things that Locke summoned, Kuina expressed her calmness. After all, she knew of Locke's ability, that is, he could transform into various things, but the things that turned out when she left were still illusory. The score is really in it, so it didn't surprise her so much
After Kuina went up, Locke also jumped up unambiguously, and then controlled the magic carpet to fly in one direction.

Although Locke doesn't know where this direction can reach, it doesn't matter. After all, he just needs to find the direction of the rain again after flying out of the desert.

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