Phantom of the Pirate

Chapter 186 Sauron Crusoe 1

As a child, Chopper ate the fruit of everyone, was at odds with the ethnic group, and also had a blue nose, so he was excluded by the ethnic group. Later, he was regarded as a monster and chased by the townspeople. If he hadn’t met his adoptive father later , that man who was called a quack by everyone, still doesn't know what will become of him.

If it weren't for Chopper's medical skills that he hasn't mastered yet, Locke wouldn't mind inviting him to board the boat before Luffy and his group. He said that the only ones on the boat who could defeat him who lost his mind were Locke and Yun Zhinan.

It's a pity that they came at the wrong time. Although they did establish a good friendship in this short period of time, if the time is wrong, it is the wrong time, so Locke has nothing to force. Xiong Er on his ship, it seems that his medical skills are improving. Continuous progress, the teaching of the two teachers of the manager, although I have not yet comprehended the knowledge taught, but this is also a matter of time.

Locke is confident of that.

After a farewell that was not too far behind, the Phantom slowly sailed away from Magnetic Drum Island, the island covered in snow, disappeared in the eyes of Locke and others, but in the air, there seemed to be Joba struggled to suppress the cry.

"To celebrate us setting sail again, let's sing to our heart's content!" Seeing that the emotions of the crowd were not sad, but they were all a little bit depressed. At this time, Locke, the captain, stood up and said passionately to everyone. .

A mass of purple-red light flashed behind Locke, and then two tall speakers appeared in place, and the moment the speakers appeared, a whole ding-dong-dong sound followed.

"Canghai laughs
surging cross-strait tide

Ups and downs with the waves only remember the present
God laughs

world tide

who loses wins


A burst of unrestrained singing, after a burst of music, also floated out from the stereo.

When the singing sounded, some of the gloomy atmosphere on the boat was broken. Listening to the singing, a sense of pride and a sense of freedom and fearlessness suddenly dissipated the parting point sad.

Just when Locke and the others left Magnetic Drum Island, Sauron also went ashore again after drifting at sea for two or three days.

At this time, Sauron, who was on the island, was about to go crazy with hunger. You must know that he had drifted on the sea for three days without any food or water. Just buried in this sea.

"Where is this!" Sauron tried hard to open his tired eyes, slowly touched the ground with his sword, and looked around in confusion.

In front of him is a white sandy beach, behind the sandy beach is a dense forest, and behind Senling, there are human voices coming from there.

Carrying heavy steps, Sauron exhausted the last bit of strength in his body, and slowly moved towards the direction of the voice.

I don't know how long it took, Sauron, who was walking in the forest, suddenly felt a bright light in front of his eyes, and a bustling town appeared in front of him.

The moment he saw the town, Sauron felt that he had sublimated, and the whole thing seemed to become much lighter. He felt that as long as he took a few steps forward, he should be able to fly up and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

Just when he was about to step out, he collapsed all at once, and his eyes were completely dark.

"Is it dark?" Sauron who fell on the ground thought so.

"Brother, look at someone over there has passed out." Just before Sauron was about to lose consciousness, such a pleasant voice came to his ears, and at the same time he heard a burst of footsteps running towards this side sound, and then he knows nothing.

When Sauron opened his eyes for the first time, the first thing he saw was a roof made of thatch, and he himself was lying on a somewhat crude wooden bed with a thin layer of cups on his body.

It should be the sequelae of starving for too long. Sauron feels that he has no strength in his whole body at the moment, but now that he wakes up, he will not lie down like this again. The most important thing is to get up and find something to eat. Where is this place is a secondary matter.

Sauron, who slowly got down on the bed, realized that the place he was in was a temporary thatched hut. In addition to the bed he just slept in, there was only a square bed. The table is placed in the center of the room.

Of course, these are secondary. At this time, what caught Sauron’s attention was the bowl full of porridge on the table. For a person who was almost fainting from hunger, nothing could be more beneficial to him than food. The attraction is greater.

So even though Sauron was still weak at this time, when he saw the porridge, he didn't know where the strength came from. Something that looked green was the same color as his hair, and it drank the porridge on the table straight into its stomach.

"Huh!" After drinking the porridge in two or three mouthfuls, Sauron suddenly felt an incomparable sense of satisfaction all over his body, as if all the pores of his body were breathing, and it really felt like being in heaven.

"Hey! You're awake!" At this moment, a beautiful girl wearing a floral dress walked in from outside the house. The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She saw Sauron sitting in front of the table. At that moment, an expression of surprise appeared on that exquisite face, and then he said.

When he heard the girl's voice, Sauron found that her voice was exactly the same as the voice he heard before he fainted, and immediately realized that he was rescued by the other party, and was about to get up and thank her.

Unexpectedly, after being surprised for a moment, the girl turned around and threw out of the room, leaving behind Sauron who stood up with a chic back.

Only Sauron was left standing there alone, stretching out his hand in embarrassment, and the air in the room seemed to be affected by this embarrassment.

Fortunately, Sauron was the only one in the room, so no one saw his embarrassment. The girl went out in a hurry just now, so she probably didn't see her movements. Thinking of this, Sauron couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When Locke was still studying art on the island, Locke told him that when meeting a girl, it's best not to be too sloppy and show her embarrassing side, so that it will be easy to find Girlfriend's.

Although Sauron felt that he didn't need a girlfriend now, he still needed to maintain a good image, which was also given to him by Locke.

While Sauron was thinking about these things, the girl who had just left walked in once, but this time she was not alone, and behind him was a strong man who reminded him that he was close to three meters tall, and Because the room was too short, he couldn't get in even standing outside, so he could only squat at the door and look at Sauron inside the room.

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