"Speaking of this old magic stick Qingfeng, he studied under Tai Chi concept, under Taoist Master Kong Kong's sect, he became famous as Tai Chi in martial arts, he pays attention to the symbiosis of yin and yang, harmonious harmony, and his greatest interest in his life is to give others Fortune-telling, although it is inaccurate, but he never tires of it." After throwing a supercilious look at the time, the old beggar continued.

"However, although his fortune-teller is inaccurate, he has a chivalrous heart. He thinks he will go up and take care of things that he can't see past. He has a more impulsive personality, and he doesn't like to have anything to do with government officials. Come and go, I like to be free." After what the old beggar said, Huan glanced at Zhan Guo, as if to say, put away your small thoughts, you can't pull this person over.

"As for his apprentice, I don't know much about him. I only know that he is a child adopted by the old god stick. His family name is Liu, and his two names are Tai Lie. He is also very talented in martial arts. With the old god stick teaching him every day, his strength will not be too bad. .” After the old beggar finished talking about the old man, he pointed to the young man in the photo and started talking.

"Then, in your opinion, is it possible for his apprentice to join our navy?" Warring States heard that the apprentice of Zhongshengun was also good at this time. It shouldn't be lower than the current Rear Admiral, and looking at the photo, this person is only in his twenties at most, and there is still a lot of room for improvement, so I asked this question.

"In fact, there is still hope for this one. This Liu Tailie has the same personality as his name. He is very impulsive and troublesome, and because he has been with the old god for a long time, the old god's hatred and hatred have a great impression on him." Regarding the issue of the Warring States Period, the old beggar also knew why he was asking himself these questions, so he just gave a blank glance at the Warring States Period and then helped him analyze it.

After hearing the old beggar's explanation, Zhan Guo nodded and wrote down the young man. He wanted to see if he could be drawn into the navy when they met in the future. But, you must know that the current naval strength is too severe, especially in the new generation, there are only one or two people who can take action. If you abdicate yourself in the future, the navy will be in a very embarrassing situation.

"Then what about this one?" After getting to know Qingfeng, the middle god stick, Zhan Guo pointed to another photo and asked the old beggar. The person on this photo was also one of the five unique things that the old beggar said just now.

I saw the person in this photo, wearing a gray robe, with a slightly hunched back, and a mixed iron crutch in his hand, with one foot standing on the ground, and the other foot was indeed broken from the thigh. At the same time, his face There are still many scars, and the hair is also very thin, with only two or three hairs floating on the head, the whole person looks very vicious.

"You can tell from his appearance that this person is Beiguai of the Five Juezhong, but don't think about pulling him into the navy or anything. The persecution made him look like this, although he is not full of malice towards the world, but it is basically impossible for him to work for government-like organizations." The old beggar looked at the person in the photo, and there was obviously something in his eyes. Disgust was in it, but this disgust disappeared quickly, without letting Zhan Guo and others find out.

"Okay, let me just talk about this. The others are just small characters, so I don't need to say more." After saying this, the old beggar just quit, picked up the bottle beside him and walked towards the office. walked out.

"Garp, what do you think after hearing this?" Warring States looked back at Zhan Garp after watching the old beggar go out.

"." Regarding Sengoku's question, Garp just glanced at him, then continued to eat his donuts, without any expression of opinion at all.

Regarding Garp's appearance, it was actually expected by the Warring States Period. After all, I have known Garp for decades. I still know what he looks like. I just wanted to ask his opinion. Didn't expect him to say anything.

Regardless of Garp's attitude, after Sengoku returned to his seat, he fell into deep thought.

At this time, there is constant wind and snow throughout the year, and Drum Island is on the port close to the sea.

Locke's phantom pirate ship has been here for a while. At this time, except for Yun Zhinan and Panda, who need to guard the ship, Locke and others have already disembarked and went to the island to buy supplies and take risks.

Only Carmen did not follow the other people to other places this time, but followed Locke consciously.

After the two came to the shore, they didn't go far. Instead, they swept away a layer of snow not far from the shore, exposing the frozen hard ground.

After sweeping away the snow, Locke set aside the blood-colored coffin that had been carried on his back all the time, and he took out a handful of yellow paper and an opened bottle of wine in his hand.

Then he used his ability to ignite the paper, put it on the ground and let him burn it, and he himself sat on the ground, staring at the burning paper, wondering what he was thinking.

And Carmen, who had been following behind him all the time, didn't say much when he saw Locke like this, but just accompanied him quietly like this.

I remember that when I saw Locke like this for the first time, Carmen asked Locke specifically what he was doing, and Locke explained that he did this only to commemorate those who died, and hoped that those relatives who had gone to heaven could feel to their love for them.

So later, every April [-]th, Carmen would accompany Locke to burn papers for those dead relatives as a show of nostalgia.

Locke's mind is in a mess now. Before this day, Locke was surprisingly silent, because he was not burning paper to commemorate his dead relatives as he told Carmen, but to commemorate himself who lived on the earth in the 21st century , the life that will never return, and the relatives who don't know if they can see the above in this life.

Light the homemade fragrance, watch the slowly rising green smoke, and the faint fragrance that diffuses as the incense is ignited.

"The melancholy and clear charm is a distant and untouchable sadness, like a small cloud and a lonely moon, you can only look at the distance of the sky." Locke whispered slowly.

Feeling Locke's depression, Carmen squatted down slightly, and put Locke's hand in her own, as if to tell him that no matter what, she would be with him.

"I'm fine, I'm just feeling a little emotional." Looking at Carmen's appearance, the corners of Locke's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a warm smile.

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