I who traveled through the heavens was broadcast live

Chapter 5 Teaching Chakra Refining Technique

"I believe it now, the host has definitely time-traveled."

"I still can't accept it, but I can't help it!"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a thing as time travel, so how did the anchor do time travel? A car accident? Jumping off a building? Acting bravely?"

"What did the anchor do before time travel? Was he a member of the orphanage?"

With the acceptance of the fact that Bai Feiyang traveled through time, new questions emerged one after another, and many people became curious about Bai Feiyang's time travel.

They want to know how Bai Feiyang crossed over?
Why can cross?
And in the barrage of these inquiries, it is inevitable that some people have bad tempers and jealousy, and their tone is not very good.

However, Bai Feiyang couldn't see it hidden in the barrage that filled the screen.

Many people wanted to know how Bai Feiyang traveled through time, but even Bai Feiyang himself didn't know about it, so how could he tell them?
"Anchor, are you a ninja now?"

A barrage of colorful bullet screens floated across the screen, among which a barrage of bullet screens attracted Bai Feiyang's attention.

Such a colorful barrage is naturally the effect of charging money.

"Yes, I'm just a Genin now, but I'll be promoted soon."

Bai Feiyang has just been promoted to the level of a ninja. Although he is only a ninja, he is still considered a ninja.

Moreover, he has a system in his body, and his strength improves extremely quickly, so he doesn't have to worry about anything at all.

"Promotion? Promoting to Chunin?"

"Why do you want to upgrade, doesn't the anchor know? Konoha Shinobi is the strongest."

"The lower ninjas fight to destroy the world, and the upper ninjas fight pots and pans, so I don't need to say what level to upgrade to?"

"Konoha Shinobi, No. [-] in the world!"

Following Bai Feiyang's words, every barrage began to persuade him not to be overthinking, and Konoha Shinobi is the strongest.

If the level is raised, maybe the strength will drop.

However, these barrages were mixed together, and what Bai Feiyang could see was limited, he could only see some loose barrages.

"Those are just jokes. If you want to talk about strength, the current ninja can't stand in front at all. If they really fight, they will be cannon fodder."

Bai Feiyang talked about his own feelings based on the words on the barrage. The so-called Konoha Ninja was just playing tricks.

If you really want to fight, the ninja will be cannon fodder.

"Anchor, since you are a ninja, you must know how to refine chakra, right? Teach us to practice."

The colorful barrage appeared again, and this time he proposed to practice chakra refining.

"That's no problem, the chakra refining technique is actually very simple, but in the world of Naruto, blood is king, followed by talent.

If there is no blood and no talent, many people will stay as ninjas, and they will not even be able to become ninjas. "

Bai Feiyang didn't refuse either. The Chakra Refining Technique was included in the Ninja Basic Gift Package that was exchanged before, so it's no problem to hand it over to them at this time.

Then Bai Feiyang began to teach Chakra refining.

Although it is the most basic and simplest refining technique, it is also the key for ninjas to step into the extraordinary after all, and it is not so easy to understand.

Moreover, Chakra also has meridians and acupuncture points.

So for Bai Feiyang's words, many people just recorded them, and waited until they found the meridians and acupuncture points map, and then practiced.

Not only ordinary people paid attention to the cultivation method, but even the people above were shocked, and they also came to the live broadcast room.

They recorded all the chakra refining methods that Bai Feiyang said, and they were able to find a lot of support.

Many doctors of traditional Chinese medicine and scholars of ancient culture were summoned, and even some Taoist priests and monks who claimed to practice were also recruited.

Everyone studies this chakra refining method together.

The live broadcast on the first day ended with Bai Feiyang explaining his cultivation. He returned to his room and rested.

The next day, as Bai Feiyang woke up, the live broadcast started.

"Is the anchor working so hard? Started the live broadcast so early?"

As Bai Feiyang's live broadcast started, someone immediately entered the live broadcast room and sent a barrage.

"Yeah, but you're working hard, watching the live broadcast so early, aren't you going to work?"

Because of the small number of people, they could see the barrage more clearly, and Bai Feiyang responded smoothly.

"I haven't got off work yet, I'm still working overtime..."

On the bullet screen, it looks very painful, and even now they are still working overtime, and they are also hard-working workers.

"Just woke up, ready to go to work."

"Already on the way, getting ready for work."

"Just got off work and was about to go back to sleep."

The barrage gradually increased, obviously they all noticed that Bai Feiyang started live broadcasting.

With the start of the live broadcast, Bai Feiyang gradually got used to it, and then began to brush his teeth and wash his face. After tidying up, he walked out of the room and went to the leaves to have more hot spots.

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Bai Feiyang entered the live broadcast mode.

As time goes by, the number is also increasing.

"Anchor, how big is Konoha?"

With the increase of the number of people, the strange problem also came. Some people looked at the Konoha environment around Bai Feiyang and wanted to know how big Konoha was.

"The main city of Konoha is not big, but I haven't calculated it. I can give a clear vision, so the boss will do the calculation."

Bai Feiyang hadn't calculated the size of Konoha, and he didn't have the patience to calculate, so he simply handed over the matter to the boss in the live broadcast room.

As a ninja, Bai Feiyang was able to leap across the entire Konoha Village like Naruto, and soon Bai Feiyang reached the top of Hokage Rock.

Then the camera gave a panoramic view of Konoha, which looks very spectacular from this angle, and the whole Konoha also looks very prosperous.

The hidden bosses in the live broadcast room also started to act, calculating the area of ​​Konoha.

"Has anyone figured it out?"

"Where are the big hands? Are you still counting?"

"I figured it out, I don't know if it's accurate, it's more than 60 square meters!"

"Brothers in front, I was wrong. I counted 70 square meters."

"It's 70."

"Same as 70."


Gradually, more and more people figured out the location of Muye Village on the barrage!

"Is it more than 70 square meters? It seems that it is not small."

Bai Feiyang looked at the data on the barrage, the data of more than 70 square meters seemed not small.

"Isn't it small? Indeed, it's as big as the Forbidden City in Kyoto."

On the barrage, a different way of saying this statistic made Bai Feiyang feel that the statistic didn't seem very big.

"Speaking of it this way, I suddenly feel that it is not very big. It really is just a village."

Bai Feiyang's expression changed. Hearing this, Muye Village seems to be really small.

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