Everyone here knows about Captain America's regrets, even though Captain America has become a hero.

But he missed his favorite person. For the US team, this is a kind of cruelty and pain.

"You'll find out later, and Bucky's still alive."

Bai Feiyang didn't elaborate, but told him that Bucky was still alive.

"Bucky's still alive? How is that possible!"

The US team was stunned, although the fake Loki told him the news during the previous battle.

But the US team only regarded it as his strategy. Although he had doubts in his heart, it passed after thinking about it.

Now that Bai Feiyang said it again, is Bucky really still alive?

This made the US team a little uncertain.

"Falling off a cliff doesn't necessarily mean you'll die. When your plane crashed back then, weren't you still alive?"

Bai Feiyang looked like Captain America had never seen the world. The so-called falling off a cliff is not a dead person.

That is a good place for heroes from all walks of life to make a comeback, or to make a fortune.

"When I go back, I will use the relationship of SHIELD to help you find it. As long as Bucky is not dead, he can be found."

Nick Fury came to the US team and said that they would help, as long as Bucky was still alive, with the intelligence capabilities of SHIELD, he would definitely be able to find him.

Bai Feiyang curled his lips, and don't count on S.H.I.E.L.D., otherwise he might be beaten to death by Bucky.

"Thank you."

But the US team doesn't know, thank you Nick Fury.

"Is it because the captain's blood is too precious? This gives a completely different amount of information."

Hawkeye complained beside him.

The amount of information Bai Feiyang gave to the US team was completely different from the amount of information he gave them.

"That can't be helped, after all, super soldier serum is too rare."

Natasha expressed her understanding that super soldier serum is indeed rare and of great value.

"This time it's my turn."

Dr. Banner was a little moved, and wanted to know the news about the future.

"It's also a tube of blood."

Bai Feiyang also used a tube of blood as a reward. Hulk's blood also has a great effect, and can be used to make Hulk serum.


Dr. Banner didn't refuse either. It was just a tube of blood. For a special person like him, it is normal to draw blood.

"Dr. Banner, first of all, you have to understand that Hulk is not a disease, he is your subconscious mind, and it is also a life. You can understand it as schizophrenia."

Bai Feiyang talked about the problem of Hulk. For Banner, the uncontrolled Hulk is his biggest trouble.

"I know, but the Hulk did cause me a lot of trouble."

When Banner heard Bai Feiyang's words, he smiled wryly and shook his head. Every time the Hulk appears, it will inevitably bring a lot of damage.

Even if Banner wanted to be calm, he couldn't help it.

There is no way to give Hulk the corresponding attention.

"Indeed, Hulk is so reckless and angry, so you want to control Hulk, but Dr. Banner, life is uncontrollable."

Bai Feiyang stared at Banner. As a scientist, Banner understood the meaning of this sentence very well.

There is no need for Bai Feiyang to continue explaining.

"You will try to fuse Hulk and Banner in the future, and you will succeed. Banner's wisdom is in Hulk's body."

Bai Feiyang gave Banner a message, and he successfully merged Hulk and Banner.

Got what he thought was the perfect form.

"That's really good news."

Banner smiled, this was one of the few good news for him.

Not only Banner, but others also smiled. Hulk, as a considerable combat power, has stabilized, which is good news for the Avengers as a whole.

"What about me?"

Tony pointed at himself quickly, it was his turn now.

"You haven't given me what you promised me. It's not enough to just give a bad check."

Bai Feiyang looked at Tony, he hadn't given the armor he promised before.

"It's really stingy, can I, Tony Stark, still renege on my debt?"

Tony expressed trust between people?
As the richest man himself, would he still rely on those three melons and two dates?How stingy.

However, Tony still gave the built battle armor to Bai Feiyang, and at the same time, there was a reward for this time.

"The thing in your chest poisoned you with palladium metal. You need to find a new element as an energy source to keep you alive."

Bai Feiyang told Tony's current physical condition, and there was something wrong with his body.

Energy upgrades are required to survive.

Everyone's eyes are on Tony. Is this arrogant guy facing such a crisis now?
"I do have some problems with my body, and I'm wondering if it's the palladium metal."

Tony nodded. There was indeed a problem with his body, but it was still minor and not urgent, but it had already attracted Tony's attention.

"You can try it yourself, if you can't solve it, you can go to Nick Fury."

Bai Feiyang knew that if he said directly that Tony couldn't solve it, with Tony's conceit, he would not believe it.

So he asked Tony to try it, and if he couldn't solve it, he went to Nick Fury.

"I don't need him. I can solve it myself. It's a small problem."

Sure enough, Tony was very confident that he didn't need help, he could handle it by himself.

Bai Feiyang didn't say anything, anyway, Tony knew about it afterwards.

"I also told you before that under the influence of the witch, you will create a robot that is out of control and wants to destroy the world.

That's the one the captain tried to strangle.

By the way, he really does seem to think he can be strangled. "

Bai Feiyang talked about Ultron, and had a magical linkage with the US team.

"A robot that can destroy the world, so scary?"

When Captain America heard Bai Feiyang talk about that robot again, he suddenly became suspicious, can a robot really destroy the world?

"Of course, if it is not stopped, let alone this world, the multiverse will be destroyed."

Bai Feiyang nodded. Ultron is very terrifying. After collecting the infinite gems, he can even break through the shackles of the universe and destroy different multiverses.

"The multiverse really exists!"

Tony cried out in surprise, there really is such a thing as a multiverse.

"That's another price. Let's talk about you now. In the end, you died to save billions of lives."

Bai Feiyang didn't explain too much about the multiverse, and brought the topic back to Tony.

Speaking of Tony's final outcome.

This ending was caught off guard, and everyone was surprised to see that Tony, this playboy, would die because of this great rescue drama.

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