"So if we don't know, we will be succeeded by him, right?"

Tony turned to look at Bai Feiyang, they won't really be tricked, right?
"That's right, ordinary people can't resist the power of the Mind Stone, you will be disturbed, and then speak out what's in your heart.

You are both superheroes, but that doesn't mean you don't have negative emotions. Your confidence in yourself and distrust of others have allowed you to accumulate a lot of words with each other.

Under normal circumstances, these words would not be spoken. "

Bai Feiyang nodded. The power of the Soul Gem is truly irresistible to ordinary people, which also allowed them to express their thoughts to each other.

"Those ideas made us fight at the time, but it made us more united later, right?"

When Natasha received training before, she had knowledge about psychology. Knowing the situation Bai Feiyang said would indeed make them more united.

But the question is, how can we unite the bickering them?
"I don't think it's that simple. Some things don't just go away after talking."

Banner felt that things were not that simple, and that speaking out from the bottom of his heart would make them more united?
What kind of truth or dare story is this?

"That's right, for example, that big green guy caused real damage. Can those lost dollars be returned with an apology?"

Tony said that what Banner said was right, some losses have already been caused, and it is useless to apologize and speak from the bottom of his heart.

"Sure enough, he is a capitalist. Does he only think of money? What about the lives of those injured by weapons?"

The US team reminded Tony that he wanted to talk about losses. Those weapons that Tony made caused the most damage. Those weapons cost the lives of many people.

"Wow, look at what this veteran said, it's really righteous, but do you know the current era? It's just a veteran out of the era."

Tony's venomous tongue wouldn't allow that to be said about him, and he immediately fought back, old man, times have changed.

"No matter what era, human life is worthy of respect."

Natasha took Tony's words, she is a person of this era.

"It's so funny. When did Miss Agent respect life so much?"

Tony felt very funny, as an agent, or a top agent who has killed countless people, tell me to respect life?

This is too funny.

"Natasha takes orders from the government, unlike you."

As a soldier, Captain America actually resonates more with Natasha.

"That's not an excuse to shirk responsibility."

Tony wouldn't listen to that.

"That's right, the government is still in the hands of the capitalists, so the secret agents are actually the knives of the capitalists."

Banner joined the discussion, and everyone else refused to give in. Even Nick Fury, who came behind, also joined the discussion.

"Xiao Feng: Is this a quarrel? Why did it suddenly start?"

Xiao Feng expressed that he didn't understand, wasn't it good when we talked before?

Why did they suddenly quarrel?
"Yellow Monkey: It's so scary, this is the influence of that spiritual scepter."

Huang Yuan could see that the reason these people were arguing must be because of that spiritual scepter, otherwise they wouldn't have suddenly changed so much.

"Uchiha Madara: Can control people's minds, even if they are prepared, they will still be tricked, very similar to illusion."

Uchiha Madara thought of illusion, the way this spiritual scepter controls people is very similar to illusion.

But the power is much stronger than illusion.

Bai Feiyang watched them arguing without stopping, making them more and more agitated.

"Dr. Banner, you put that down!"

Nick Fury's words made him react suddenly. Banner didn't know when he had already held the spiritual scepter.

It made them all feel that something was wrong.

"This is Loki's plan, the control ability of the mind scepter."

Banner put the scepter back and realized that this is the power of the spiritual scepter.

"So even though we knew about Rocky's plan, we were still recruited."

Nick Fury's face was ugly, and his already dark face became even darker.

They knew Loki's plan, but they still acted like clowns and followed the route planned by others. It was a failure.

Then everyone turned their attention to Bai Feiyang, they remembered that Bai Feiyang didn't quarrel with them.

Explain that the ability of the spiritual scepter is useless to Bai Feiyang.

Bai Feiyang now has the ability of the power gem, so of course he can be immune to the power of the mind gem.


Facing the eyes of everyone, Bai Feiyang did not explain, but took a posture to guard against the impact.


There was a noise outside, the aerospace carrier was attacked by Hawkeye, a turbine power was damaged, and the entire carrier was out of balance, constantly swinging back and forth in the air.

The people in the aerospace aircraft carrier also felt the shaking. Nick Fury received the report and immediately arranged for personnel to stabilize the aircraft carrier and asked Tony to repair it.

"That's why Heibai is three times stronger. Now Hawkeye alone can pick an Helicarrier and the entire Avengers. This is also a highlight moment."

Looking at the busy crowd, Bai Feiyang knew that Hawkeye had come to attack, which also showed a truth that the three times stronger blackening was true.

Think about Hawkeye's combat power, it's not that it's not strong, but it's the highlight when it doesn't have blackening.

An angry roar sounded, it was not a human voice, more like an angry beast.

"Hulk is out!"

When Bai Feiyang heard this roar, he knew that Hulk had come out. On such an aerospace carrier, Hulk's destructive power was much greater than that of Hawkeye outside.

Sure enough, Hulk ran like the wind, with sparks and lightning all the way, tearing down everything that hindered him.

Like an unstoppable tank, rampage.

In front of Hulk is Natasha, the black widow in black.

Compared with the savage Hulk, she is like a weak flower in the wind, which may be broken by the wind at any time.

"Dr. Banner, wake up!"

Natasha ran, trying to wake Banner's will.

It's a pity that Hulk, who has fallen into a berserk mode, is not so easy to stop.

He just chased after Natasha desperately, trying to tear her apart.

Natasha who was running suddenly saw Bai Feiyang and ran towards him.

"Want me to deal with Hulk? Smart woman."

Bai Feiyang looked at Natasha who was running towards her and Hulk who was following her.

Immediately understood what this woman was thinking.

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