"I always feel that the world is very dangerous. Ordinary things can't guarantee my safety."

Looking at the exchange list, Bai Feiyang was a little undecided for a while.

In this world, if you say it is strong, it is also very strong, but if you say it is not strong, it seems to be the same.

Now he has Sharingan in his body, it is difficult to get hurt under the power of the gods, and he also has a thousand-year mana and a talisman.

Putting it in the Avengers is also the combat power of the first echelon.

But thinking about the expansion of combat power in the comics, Bai Feiyang felt very uneasy.

"The power gem, it's up to you."

Soon Bai Feiyang chose the power gem, one of the infinite gems.

The power gem that can control all kinds of power and burst out powerful power is very practical for Bai Feiyang, and it can also be used as a backup energy source.

Of course, Bai Feiyang doesn't need something like the Infinity Gauntlet to adjust the power gem.

He directly fused the power gem with himself, to a certain extent, he was the power gem.

"Finally, I have obtained the ability to protect myself. The next step is to confirm which world this is?"

Bai Feiyang raised his head, looked at the Stark Building in front of him, and walked in directly.

After entering the Stark Tower, Bai Feiyang went all the way up. With Sharingan, he would not be blocked, and he came to the top floor.

"It seems that today's luck is good, and I was able to meet Tony Stark, a playboy."

Bai Feiyang looked at Tony Stark in the room and felt that his luck was pretty good.

Although this is the Stark Group, it is Tony's company.

But with Tony as a playboy and a scientist, he doesn't have much time to honestly stay in the company.

It is also a very rare thing to meet him here.

"Sir, there is an unauthorized person outside."

In the office, Jarvis told Stark about Bai Feiyang's existence.

"Oh, what is his identity? Is it an agent?"

Tony froze for a moment. In Stark Tower, people without permission cannot come here, unless it is some special people.

"No, sir, no information about him was found."

Jarvis gave a negative answer. After discovering Bai Feiyang's anomaly, he started searching on the Internet.

But there is no information, just like a person who appeared out of thin air.

"No information? That's interesting, let him in."

Tony became interested, knowing that Jarvis didn't just search for public information on the Internet.

It also checks information on the entire network from many illegal channels, so Jarvis can search for a lot of information that ordinary people cannot detect.

And even with Jarvis's search ability, he couldn't find any information about Bai Feiyang.

That can only show that Bai Feiyang is hidden in the deepest part of the network.

Moreover, Tony has imposed some restrictions on Jarvis. Some military and government networks Jarvis cannot search at will, unless there is an order from Tony.

So this made Tony believe even more that Bai Feiyang was a special person, and he came here to find him for nothing more than to acquire the technology of steel armor.

But Tony will never hand over this technology.

The door in front of him opened directly, which surprised Bai Feiyang.

"It seems that the security of Stark Tower should be upgraded. A person without any identity can come here. Such a high salary is really for nothing."

Tony looked at Bai Feiyang who walked in, and opened his mouth to complain about the security level of his building.

It is true that Bai Feiyang was able to walk in front of him, the president, without any hindrance, which really made him angry.

"The security in Stark Tower is good, but that's only for ordinary people."

Of course Bai Feiyang heard what Tony meant. For ordinary people, the security of Stark Tower is indeed very good.

It's a pity that for Bai Feiyang, the security made up of ordinary people has no effect.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary person. Which department are you from? Why are you here?"

Tony had long felt that Bai Feiyang was unusual, and the topic of security was covered in one sentence.

Now the main question is about Bai Feiyang's purpose.

"I, a special person, have extraordinary power just like you."

Bai Feiyang sat on the sofa, his eyes were on Tony's head, there was no infinity gem there.

It seems that this is not a side world.

"Extraordinary power? NONO, I am not using extraordinary power, but the power of science."

Tony waved his hands again and again, he, Tony Stark, is on the technology side, using the power of science.

Those armors were also invented by him with his own ingenuity.

It's not some supernatural power.

"Do you want to say that you used some mysterious witchcraft and magic to enter the building?"

Tony himself doesn't believe in these at all. This is a materialistic world without magic and witchcraft.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Bai Feiyang looked at Tony. Given his character and experience, he really shouldn't believe it.

Tony didn't answer, but just sat opposite Bai Feiyang, his expression already showed that he didn't believe it.

Bai Feiyang raised his hand and raised a finger in the air, a flame appeared on his fingertips, and then turned into a fire bird, flying in the air.


Tony was stunned for a moment, what kind of method is this, virtual projection?

Tony immediately called out Jarvis, ready to analyze what was going on.

"Sir, it was indeed a flame."

Jarvis scanned and explored, but the result he got was that it was indeed a mass of flames, a mass of flames that turned into birds and danced in the air.

"No, that's not scientific!"

Tony said that he couldn't accept it. It's unscientific. How can a flame turn into the shape of a bird and fly freely in the air?
"Well, I have to admit, this trick is a bit beyond my analysis ability, can you tell me, how did you do it?"

Tony turned his head to look at Bai Feiyang. Obviously, he did all of this. If he wants to understand the mystery, he still needs to ask Bai Feiyang.

"It's not science, it's not trickery, it's real magic."

Bai Feiyang lay casually on the sofa, not to mention, the richest man's high-end sofa is really comfortable.

"It's just a trick, how can there be so many magic, are you too into the show?"

Of course Tony would not believe in the existence of magic, preferring to believe that this is a new trick, magic.

It's just that he hasn't found the flaw yet.

As for the statement of magic, Tony would definitely not believe it.

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