"Is Voldemort dead?"

Harry's voice echoed in the Chamber of Secrets, and Ron and Hermione were full of curiosity.

Kettleair came to Professor Quirrell, checked the situation on Professor Quirrell, and said, "What was just stripped from Professor Quirrell is just a wisp of Voldemort's soul."

"He is dead, but he is not dead!"

"What do you mean?" Harry asked curiously.

Kettleair took out a bottle of potion, and after drinking it for Professor Quirrell, he said: "Before he died, he stripped his soul out, divided it into seven parts, and hid them in different places. Call him a Horcrux."

"As long as his seven souls are destroyed before his resurrection, then Voldemort is really dead."

"So, we need to find his seven souls?" Harry understood, so he said, "Professor Kate, how should we find it."

Kettleair glanced at Snape, then smiled and said, "Harry, if you want to find Voldemort's seven souls, you have to face an opponent as powerful as Severus."

"Now you are still too weak. When you can grow to the strength of Severus, you will be able to face them."

Snape kept an indifferent face, ignoring Harry and the others looking at him, which also made the three of Harry clearly perceive how stupid they were before.

Therefore, Snape would never give them a good look.

"A tribute to life!"

The sacred light shrouded Professor Quirrell.

One minute later, Professor Quirrell woke up faintly.

"Am I dead?"

Professor Quirrell, who woke up, saw Kettler at first glance, and asked subconsciously.

"You died and you came back to life."

"Congratulations, Professor Quirrell, you have welcomed your freedom and new life."

Keitelair held out his hand and smiled.

Hearing this, Professor Quirrell felt a little dazed, stretched out his hand, and stood up with Kettleair's help.

He saw the Harry trio, he saw Severus Snape, he saw Luna.

He understood that he was really alive.

"Luna Jennifer, I'm very sorry that you were tortured and almost died because of me."

Professor Quirrell immediately came to Luna Jennifer's side, bent down, bowed and apologized.

Luna Jennifer took a step back in shock from Professor Quirrell's sudden apology.

Luna Jennifer looked at Kettleair, she was a little overwhelmed.

"Professor Quirrell didn't mean it, and he has kindness in his heart." Kettleair explained with a smile.

Luna Jennifer nodded heavily when she heard the words, and said to Quilinas Quirrell, "Professor Quirrell, I forgive you."

Professor Quirrell was extremely happy when he heard the words, and tears were about to fall.

Harry, Ron and Hermione also had smiles on their faces.

"I seem to be late."

Dumbledore's voice sounded at this moment.

"Sorry, I was led to the Ministry of Magic by a letter. After meeting Fudge, I realized what happened."

Dumbledore walked in and explained, "Obviously, the matter seems to have been resolved."

"Albus, it's really time for you to come." Kettleair looked at Dumbledore and said with a smile: "However, this is not a place to talk, let's change to another place."

"Alright!" Dumbledore said, glancing at Professor Quirrell.

Everyone left quickly. After the four of Harry were treated by Kettler, there were no injuries. After Dumbledore told them some things, he let them leave.

Kettleair, Dumbledore, Snape, and Professor Quirrell came to Dumbledore's office.

Professor Quirrell has nothing to hide from what happened to him.

Hearing what Quilina Schillo had experienced in person, Keitelaire couldn't help but be shocked, and at the same time feel sad for Quilina Schirlo.

"Professor Quirrell, I regret what happened to you."

"In addition, regarding what you have done, I will give you enough tolerance. I hope you can concentrate and continue to do a good job in teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Dumbledore said to Professor Quirrell.

Quilinus Chilo heard the words, and said quickly: "Thank you for your tolerance and love, Professor Dumbledore."

"However, I don't think I am qualified to teach students anymore, so please allow me to submit my resignation letter."

Dumbledore tried his best to keep it: "You don't need to do this at all, Professor Quirrell!"

Quilina Schillo said seriously: "Professor Dumbledore, during the years of being controlled by Voldemort, I have never really relaxed myself. I want to take this opportunity to take a real world tour. I hope Professor Dumbledore can help me."

Dumbledore and Quirrell looked at each other for a long time, and finally Dumbledore nodded: "Well, although it is very regrettable, I respect your choice, Professor Quirrell."

Quilina Schillo was very grateful, with a smile on his face and anticipation of traveling the world.

"Severus, can I trouble you to temporarily represent the Defense Against the Dark Arts course?" Dumbledore asked.

Snape did not refuse, nodded and said, "Okay, Professor Dumbledore."

That night, Quirrell packed his things and left quietly.

However, before leaving, Quilina Schillo came to the bungalow.

"Thank you, Professor Kate!"

"Although I didn't take the exorcism potion because I was afraid, but without the exorcism potion, I wouldn't have the courage to fight Voldemort."

Quilina Schillo looked at Kettleaire and said very sincerely.

Kettleair smiled and said, "I believe that even if there is no exorcism potion, you will resist, Quirrell."

Quilinas Chilo nodded excitedly, and asked again: "Professor Kate, can I ask you a question?"

Keitelaire nodded and said, "Of course, if I can answer you, I will try my best to answer you."

"Professor Kate, did you know that I was possessed by Voldemort from the beginning?" Quirrell summoned up his courage and asked.

"Yes, I know, and I know where you were possessed by Voldemort." Kettleair responded.

"Since you know I'm possessed by Voldemort, why didn't you expose me? If you stopped me, so many things wouldn't have happened." Quilinasquillo asked in bewilderment.

"Qirrell, if I make a move, you may not have the opportunity to enter Hogwarts, and Harry will not grow up." Kettleair laughed.

"So, Professor Kate is for Harry Potter." Quilina Schillo understood, and said seriously: "Voldemort is afraid of Harry Potter, he believes in prophecies, Harry Potter is his natural enemy, and in the end Will die at the hands of Harry Potter."

Keitelaire took out a transparent crystal ball, handed it to Quilina Schillo, and said, "Prophecy is a kind of magical thing. If you believe it, it is true."

"This is for you. When you need help, you can use this to contact me."

"In addition, if you find interesting materials or magical animals outside, you can also try to contact me."

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