"You are Harry Potter?"

"It seems that the rumors are true."

"I think we should get to know each other. My name is Draco Malfoy, and these two are Goyle and Crabbe."

After getting off the boat, Malfoy brought Goyle and Crabbe to Harry Potter, and smiled condescendingly.

Harry Potter looked at Malfoy in front of him, smiled slightly, and said, "Harry Potter."

Harry Potter's response made Malfoy feel pretty good, so he glanced at Ron and Hermione beside Harry, then smiled and said, "Harry, you should understand that our wizard family needs some magic. Teachers should be superior to others, and it's not 01:30."

"Although you are a beautiful girl, a Muggle is a Muggle. No matter how beautiful you are, you are just a vase. Even though you have become a wizard, you are still just a wizard with little strength."

"Look at him, red hair, old robe handed down from the family, this is a child of the Weasley family, such a person, there is a big gap with us, I hope you can stay away from them, this is a stain on us. "

"Now, we're the same people, we're the friends."

After speaking, Malfoy stretched out his hand towards Harry Potter, and motioned to Harry Potter.

Hermione and Ron were very dissatisfied when they heard Malfoy's words.

However, they also knew what kind of advantages and pride Malfoy had as a pure-blooded family.

Harry Potter was taken care of by Hermione and Ron along the way.

On platform nine and three quarters, the Ron family was kind to him and told him how to get on platform nine and three quarters.

Hermione, she fixed his glasses, and was very sweet, very knowledgeable, she knew a lot, although it was a bit verbose.

"They are my friends. On the contrary, your words make me very disgusted."

"You should apologize to them!"

Malfoy seemed to have heard the big joke. He opened his hands, with an exaggerated and disdainful smile on his face. He shook his body, looked at Crabbe and Goyle, and said with a smile, "Listen? I heard something interesting A joke? He actually asked me to apologize to them!"

Having said that, Malfoy suddenly turned around, looked at Harry, and said seriously: "Harry, I can tell you very seriously that this is impossible."

"How can a gentleman of a pure-blood family bow his head and apologize to a Muggle, a Weasley?"

Facing Malfoy, Harry said seriously, "You don't look like a gentleman at this moment."

Harry didn't know exactly what the difference and status between purebloods and Muggles was, but when it came to gentlemen, Harry believed in Kettleair, who was a real noble gentleman.

Malfoy sneered, then glanced at Ron and Hermione, and left with Crabbe and Goyle.

Because Hagrid was coming this way.

He didn't want to mess with Hagrid, even though Hagrid was just a warehouse keeper!

But, Hagrid is too big, they can't beat Hagrid, this is a children's game, adults should not participate in it.

In front of the auditorium.

Professor McGonagall was wearing an emerald green robe, black hair, and exquisite attire. He walked slowly in front of the stairs with a serious look on his face.

This made the freshmen coming from the corner of the stairs, after seeing Professor McGonagall, subconsciously stop and fell silent.

Because, Professor McGonagall's expression was a bit serious, which made them feel difficult to get along with.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron stood together and looked at Professor McGonagall. At this moment, they all closed their mouths and dared not speak.

However, Ron looked at Harry with teasing eyes: "This woman is so fierce, we will be miserable."

Harry looked into Ron's eyes, reached out and touched his eyes, so as to resist Professor McGonagall's gaze, and blinked at Ron: "Yes, he is very fierce. If he falls into his hands, we may be very angry." awful."

Hermione looked at Ron and Harry, the exquisite little faces were full of disbelief: "" You are such a person.

Hagrid saw Professor McGonagall, still with a cheerful smile on his face, and said: "First-year freshmen, this one is Professor McGonagall, a great master of transformation, and Professor McGonagall will teach you transformation. technique."

Harry waited for the freshmen, and applauded after listening.

Facing such a serious teacher, I hope that the sound of applause can melt his smile and make us relax.

It seems that this effect is good.

Professor McGonagall showed a smile on his face, a little gentle, but still a little serious, because the smile only lasted for a second and then put it away.

"Thank you, Hagrid, leave it to me." Professor McGonagall still had a good impression of Hagrid, and he made a good start.

"No problem, Professor McGonagall!" Hagrid made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile on his face.

Professor McGonagall nodded, turned around, and opened the door behind him.

The door was very big, very high, and even very cumbersome, but in front of a slender woman like Professor McGonagall, it was easily pushed open.

Such a group of Harry and others who had not really touched magic were exclaimed.

Of course, there are more children who are called Muggles. For example, Draco Malfoy, a pure-blooded child whose parents are wizards, treats the scene in front of him very calmly. , but with a look of disdain.

The interior of the auditorium is very wonderful and magnificent.

There were already seniors from other grades sitting at long tables, above which thousands of candles floated in the air, illuminating the entire auditorium.

What surprised Harry even more was the stars shining on the ceiling, as if the ceiling didn't exist.

The entire auditorium looks very sacred, especially under the gaze of everyone, it looks a bit serious.

Seeing Harry looking up at the ceiling with a look of surprise, Hermione whispered, "This place is enchanted, so it looks as beautiful as the sky outside."

Harry nodded, understanding.

Because it is hard to believe that there is really a ceiling on it, and it is also difficult to believe that the auditorium is open-air.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, first-year freshmen." Professor McGonagall stood on the stage, with a black hat next to her, which was placed alone on a high table.

It was a pointed wizard hat, patched, old and battered, and looked dirty.

However, it is placed here, it is very obvious, and it seems a bit out of place with the grandeur of the auditorium at this time.

"Before the opening banquet is about to start, you must first determine which college you will be assigned to."

"It's a very important ceremony and everyone has to take part in it."

"Because, while you are at school, the college is your home at Hogwarts."

"You have to take classes with other students in the college, live in the dormitory of the college together, and spend spare time together in the library, garden, and Quidditch grounds of the college."

"Hogwarts has four major colleges, namely Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each college has its own glorious history, and many powerful colleges came out of it. wizard."

"I hope you guys will be as good as they are and beyond."


"Okay, now the sorting ceremony has officially started. I hope you will adjust yourself well when you accept the sorting. This may be related to which college you will be sorted into."


Professor McGonagall said a lot, and a group of freshmen listened carefully, not daring to speak casually at this time and disturb Professor McGonagall.

Of course, the main reason is that there are other professors and principals watching them here.

They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Professor McGonagall finished speaking.

However, Harry was in a very good mood after entering the auditorium and seeing Kettleaire standing beside Dumbledore.

Mr. Kettleair is really here, he didn't lie to me.

Kettleair also saw Harry, facing Harry's gaze, Kettleair smiled.

Harry watched Kettleair clenched his little hand, and while he was excited, he was also curious about which house he would be assigned to and whether he would become Kettleair's student.


With an exclamation, the quiet and solemn auditorium suddenly became agitated, and it also made a group of children scream.

They were terrified.

It turned out that behind them, more than 20 ghosts suddenly emerged from the wall, the ceiling, and even the ground, and passed through their bodies.

These poor kids, when have you ever seen a ghost? As for the TV stuff, well, that's just actors.

However, these pearly white, translucent ghosts in front of them actually appeared in front of them, and there seemed to be a quarrel, of course, some of them were not.

Therefore, they are very sure that these ghosts are real.

"Welcome to Hogwarts."

"I hope you can be assigned to Hufflepuff, that is my former house."

"I thought my head should leave my body, but, it didn't, and I lost again."


Professor McGonagall looked at these ghosts, frowned slightly, and said: "This is a serious process, you should keep quiet."

After hearing Professor McGonagall's words, the ghosts drifted back to the sides and looked at the children quietly, but they still kept some smiles on their faces, as if they were very satisfied with their masterpiece.

Professor McGonagall looked at the pale children, and said seriously: "You have to learn to accept the miraculous and incredible things, such as those ghosts just now."

After a pause, Professor McGonagall glanced at Harry and the others before saying, "Now, the ones whose names I read will come up and accept the sorting ceremony."

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