Kettleaire's words resounded in the School of Elemental Magic, and at the same time shocked everyone.

However, this is undoubtedly an exciting and challenging thing for students.

It will also enrich their campus life.

Ever since, everyone is looking forward to the element attribute test.

Of course, they are also full of curiosity about magic tools.

"Decola Malfoy, the Thunder Magician!"

Professor Quirrell's voice trembled and stammered, and Harry and the others' eyes immediately fell on Malfoy.

Thunder element, that is one of the three rare element magics.

This makes many students feel envious.

However, looking at Malfoy again, this guy looked disappointed and unwilling.

"Professor, is this a wrong test?"

Facing Harry's gaze, Malfoy became more and more unwilling, so he couldn't help asking:
After all, he was full of expectation and confidence just now.

He wants to master at least three magic elements, such as wind, thunder, and darkness.

However, God seemed to have played a joke on him.

Snape stood aside, heard the words, and said indifferently: "You can test again."

Malfoy was excited when he heard this, and put his hand on the crystal ball again.

Malfoy closed his eyes, devoted himself to it, and poured magic power into the crystal ball.

After a while, the crystal ball exuded a purple light, and there was still only one magic element, that is, the thunder element.

"How could this be?" Malfoy said unwillingly.

"Okay, Malfoy, you've wasted enough time."

Snape glanced at it lightly, and said ruthlessly.

Malfoy's face was pale and ugly.

Professor Quirrell, who was in charge of taking notes, faced Malfoy's pale face, his eyes sparkled, and he said with a smile: "Malfoy, you don't need to worry, the thunder element is a relatively rare elemental energy like the light element, and the thunder element Among the many elemental magics, the Department of Magic is also a powerful magic, so you don't need to be sad."

Upon hearing this, Malfoy complained, "I want to have three elemental magics."

Professor Quirrell smiled and didn't speak, but the corner of his mouth showed a deep arc.

"Oh, Harry Potter, you surprised me and gave us Gryffindor House a great start."

"Harry Potter, wind, fire, dual magic."

Professor McGonagall's voice was a bit loud, she was very excited and at the same time full of confidence in Harry Potter.

When the teachers and students around heard Professor McGonagall's words, they looked at the crystal ball in front of Harry again, and all exclaimed.

Everyone understands that the more elemental magic, the stronger his strength, because he can master more powerful magic and possess more mana.

Malfoy looked at the crystal ball in front of Harry releasing red and cyan energies, his pale face was terribly hazy.

Harry looked back at Malfoy, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, provocatively.

Malfoy understood, curled his lips, clenched his fists, and quickly turned to leave.

Kettleair looked at Malfoy, and what he didn't expect was that Malfoy's character actually contained thunder elements in his body.

In Kettleair's research on elemental magic, there was a study on the attributes related to personality and magic elements.

In his opinion, most people with a bad temper will be favored by fire attribute elements, and a few will be favored by thunder attribute elements.

And with Malfoy's dark heart, it is a bit too much to be favored by elements of the thunder attribute.

However, since he is a thunder elemental magician, it is worth cultivating.

As for the contest between Malfoy and Harry, hehehe, let's see whether the eagle is better or the vulture is better.

"Decora Malfoy!" Kettleair called to Malfoy.

When Keitelaire's voice sounded, it once again attracted everyone's attention, and they had high expectations.

Malfoy also didn't expect Kettleair to stop him, and after being a little surprised, he immediately thought of the magic tool, and his whole body became excited.

Malfoy trotted up to Kettleair, looking at Kettleair with some anticipation.

"Hold out your hand!" Kettleair laughed.

Malfoy held out his hand, although he didn't know what Kettler was going to do.

Kettleair took out his wand, drew a spell on Malfoy's palm, and then saw a thunder elf appearing on Malfoy's palm, and Malfoy also felt his magic power being consumed .

Even so, Malfoy was also curious about the Thunder elf in his hand.

"That's right, I have indeed been favored by elements of the Thunder attribute. She is a very talented Thunder magician. Now you can become a candidate for the reward of the magic tool in the Thunder system." Kettleaire smiled slightly.

Malfoy laughed excitedly when he heard the words, and then he thought of something, and looked at Harry Potter with provocative eyes and raised mouth corners, a bit handsome and evil.

Harry met Malfoy's eyes, with a twinkle in his eyes, and then ignored Malfoy's gaze, turned and left.

"Harry Potter!"

Kettleaire's voice sounded, and the smile on Malfoy's face froze for a moment.

Damn it, I forgot that this guy is a wind and fire magician.

Harry was taken aback for a moment, and then, amidst the excitement of Ron and Hermione, pushed Harry towards Kettleair.

Only then did Harry come to his senses, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Malfoy with some amusement.

A magic weapon, a sacred weapon that enhances power, who wouldn't want to have it.

"Luna Jennifer."

Kettleaire's voice sounded again, and among the first-year Ravenclaws, Luna Jennifer walked out of it quietly and gracefully.

Everyone looked at the three of Harry enviously at this moment.

The element attribute test is still going on, and more and more people's magic attributes have been tested.

Most of the little wizards are mainly fire, water, and earth, and occasionally there are wind elements, and most of them are Ravenclaws.

Maybe this is Ravenclaw, their symbol is the eagle, and they believe in the wind, so they are favored by the wind department.

Except for Luna Jennifer, no light magician has appeared until all the students have been tested.

There were ten lightning magicians, and Malfoy was included in these ten people.

None of the dark magicians appeared, as if they were rarer than other elements.

Snape's gaze scanned the surroundings, paying attention to the records and shouts of other professors all the time, and it was a pity that there was not a single one of the dark department.

Similar to Snape, there is also Professor Quirrell.

I am also looking forward to whether there are dark magicians among these students.

In addition, among the teachers and students in the school, Harry is the only one who has been tested as a dual-line magician.

This has aroused everyone's attention, and... Take care!

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