in the forest.

Scorpion has been looking at the mechanical Naruto, hoping that he will tell what the true meaning of eternity is.

In Xie's heart, he who has completely turned into a puppet is eternity.

But after hearing the story about Dr. Gray Wolf, he really wanted to know if the eternity understood by a genius like himself was the same as his own.

Scorpio really wants to find, to find the existence called resonance, the resonance between geniuses.

The reason why he and Orochimaru have been not getting along well is because the two understand eternity differently. Xie agrees that Orochimaru is a genius, but the two cannot resonate because of their different understandings of eternity.

"Hey kid, keep talking!"

After waiting for a while, Xie said impatiently.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Naruto asked knowingly.

"Of course, what is the true meaning of eternity understood by Dr. Big Big Wolf? Also... where is the knowledge left by Dr. Big Big Wolf?"

After the words fell, the steel tail behind the scorpion raised up, as if it was about to strike at any time.

Seeing that his appetite was almost whetted, Naruto pressed his hand to signal Scorpio to calm down, and then continued talking.

"Dr. Gray Wolf, who has created countless powerful human transformations, understood the true meaning of eternity before his death."

"At first, he thought that as long as the body is not old and the consciousness lasts forever, it is eternal!"

"However. After experiencing life and death, Dr. Gray Wolf discovered that even if the body becomes immortal, after the baptism of time, the consciousness and body still cannot last forever, and cannot be eternal!"

"The true eternity is actually engraved in the hearts of others."

Naruto's words made Xie fall into silence. After the silence, Xie retorted, "Hmph! The eternity engraved in other people's hearts is really nonsense."

"I thought that Dr. Big Big Wolf would have the same goals and ideas as me, but now it seems...hehe"

Having said that, Scorpion asked again, "I already know the eternity of Big Big Wolf, so what about the knowledge he left behind?"

Hearing this, Naruto pointed to himself and said, "I am the treasure house of knowledge left by Dr. Big Big Wolf!"

"It's very simple to obtain the knowledge of Big Big Wolf, you just need to have a debate with me about what is eternity!"

Hearing Naruto's words, Xie was speechless.

Who is he, the scorpion of red sand, who has studied and explored eternity for decades, and transformed himself into a pure puppet, turning himself into a real eternity.

Debate eternity with yourself?Isn't that pure looking for abuse!
Even a genius like Orochimaru can't refute his own eternal way, a little ghost, Scorpio can only be hehe in his heart.

However, he did not intend to refuse the debate, after all, it is very fulfilling to crush other people's theories with one's own theory.

"Okay. Let's have a debate! Let's see how you can convince me!"

The mechanical Naruto nodded, and while nodding, he began to search for information about philosophy on the Internet.

In fact, the so-called eternity, in Naruto's view, is entirely a philosophical category.

"What is eternity? Eternity refers to the eternal existence of the spirit and the world, which expresses the good wishes of human beings."

Naruto's words made Xie completely stunned.

"Scorpion, the eternity you believe in is actually just the eternity you believe in. This is actually a manifestation of good wishes!"

"What you are after is not pure eternity at all, but eternal companionship."

"You always thought that what you believed in was material eternity, so you transformed your body into the eternity you know to fill up the emptiness in your heart."

"In your opinion, only if you get eternity, you will not lose it!"

Hearing this, Xie immediately got angry, "Enough."

Scorpion was very angry, not angry at Naruto's nonsense, but angry at Naruto's words piercing his heart.

Scorpion himself is a poor person whose mentality is distorted due to his extreme lack of childhood care.

The so-called eternal art that he pursues for a lifetime is actually pursuing his longing for his parents and filling the pain of childhood. This is the so-called healing of childhood with a lifetime.

Because Naruto broke Xie's heart, Xie lost the mood to continue the debate, so he planned to flip the table directly.

He doesn't intend to ask for the knowledge of the so-called Dr. Big Big Wolf.

Just when Naruto was about to say something, a steel tail directly pierced his chest.

Seeing this, Naruto immediately entered the fighting state without saying a word.

The mechanical Naruto who entered the fighting state had cracks similar to the corners of his eyes on the surface of his body.

A stream of blue or red streamers flowed through the cracks.

And the core of these cracks is a reactor in the chest of the mechanical Naruto.

After entering the fighting state, Naruto threw the space backpack he was carrying into the distance, and then put his hands behind him.

Flames spewed out from the palms of both hands, directly causing the mechanical Naruto to fly.

Seeing the mechanical Naruto who entered the battle mode, Xie said coldly, "Let me see how powerful Dr. Big Big Wolf's masterpiece is!"

After the words fell, the steel tail stabbed Naruto in mid-air again under the control of the scorpion.

This time the tail attacked faster, and the lavender light emanating from the tip of the tail was obviously poisonous!

But poison is useless against mechanical Naruto.

The mechanical Naruto rushed to the scorpion below, and he didn't have the slightest intention to dodge the scorpion's steel tail.

The steel tail stabbed a burst of sparks on the mechanical Naruto, but it didn't cause him any harm.

"Hehehe, Big Big Wolf's work cannot be harmed by such an attack!"

As soon as the words fell, the mechanical Naruto slammed into Scorpion's body.

Alloy VS wood is naturally an alloy victory.

The body of the mechanical Naruto alloy directly smashed the shell of the scorpion into pieces.

In this regard, the body of the scorpion also had to jump out of it.

"I didn't expect that your body is actually made of pure steel."

Although Xie was expressionless, he could feel the shock from his words.

Because when the mechanical Naruto is not in a combat state, there is a layer of bionic skin on the surface, but it is difficult to see the material of the mechanical Naruto with the eyes.

In Scorpion's cognition, the main raw material for making puppets is still wood.

Even if it is a human puppet, the support and joints must use wood as the main material.

First, wood is the best chakra conductor.

Among the metals, except for the rare chakra metal, no other metal can achieve the function of diverting chakra.

In order to be able to manipulate the puppets like arms and fingers, the puppeteer can only use wood as the main material.

Scorpion never expected that the main body of the mechanical Naruto turned out to be metal.

"Is it the whole body chakra metal?"

While speaking, Xie directly pulled out the scroll with three written on it behind him, and he planned to fight seriously.

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