Naruto: Becoming a Big Big Werewolf Churiki at the beginning

Chapter 401 Kuroba Kaito Possesses the Abilities of Transformation

After a battle with the top fighters in the ghoul world, Naruto returned to the ninja world with Grisha.

Just as Naruto stepped out of the shuttle, he was hugged by a person.

"You're back, Naruto"

"I'll go. Let go of Kaito Kuroba, I don't want to be gay!"

That's right, it was Kaito Kuroba who hugged Naruto.

After Naruto left before, Kurapika originally wanted to take him to test Nen, but Kaito Kuroba directly chose to conduct the test in Big Big Wolf's studio in order to be able to catch Naruto in the first place.

Kurapika didn't refuse, anyway, it's just an ordinary water splash test, and it can be tried by pressing it again.

In the end, after testing it out, Kaito Kuroba is a person with the ability to change.

In fact, Kurapika has already guessed it, Kuroba Kaito probably is either a transformation type or a trait type like himself.

After all, Kuroba Kaito's temperament can be regarded as unpredictable and likes to tease people, especially when he is incarnate as Kaito Kidd.

"you let go"

Naruto pushed Kuroba Kaito hard, but found that he and he seemed to be stuck by something, no matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't push it away.

Seeing this, Kurapika smiled and said, "As expected of a genius level figure! He has mastered the essentials of the ability to change the mind so quickly, the nature of change."

At this time, Kaito Kuroba was wrapping him with the entanglement spirit, and then he tried to increase the stickiness of his change element energy, and then imagined the state of the glue, and then he was successfully glued to Naruto.

This ability is somewhat like Hisoka's flexible love, but the flexible love is more complete, and with the addition of some release-type abilities, it can be released outside the body.

But Kaito Kuroba can only change the nature of his mind now.

Naruto was also a little annoyed by being held by Kuroba Kaito like this, he directly used the power of mind, and directly broke the mind that Kuroba Kaito had just condensed not long ago.

After successfully breaking free from Kuroba Kaito, Naruto said speechlessly, "Don't worry. I'll send you home when I'm done!"

"It doesn't work, I'll let someone else take you back"

Hearing what Naruto said, Kaito Kuroba suddenly showed a smile on his face, what he was waiting for was Naruto's words.

"Kurapika, you heard that too, is it okay for you to take me home?"

Kurapika: .
Kurapika sighed, then looked at Naruto.

Naruto thought about it carefully, and it's not impossible to ask Kurapika to send him back.

At this moment, it suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to have promised Hui Yuan Ai to help him revive his sister.
Thinking of this, Naruto shook his head and said, "Forget it! Wait for me for a day, and I will send you back after I finish the matter!"

Kuroba Kaito: .
"Don't worry! I said just one day at a time!"

After saying that, Naruto ignored Kaito Kuroba and left Gray Wolf Studio directly, heading towards the ninja school.

in school.

Because there are three new friends, the Twelve Xiaoqiang are very excited.

"Your name is Ani! You seem to be an ordinary person without chakra, why did you come to the ninja class?"

A few girls from the ninja class surrounded Ani, and Sakura asked curiously.

"That... I don't know, it was Naruto who asked someone to arrange us in!"

At this moment, the somewhat curious Reiner said, "That... We are not actually from this world."

Hearing that people who are not from this world made the people present even more excited.

"I'll go. So you are from another world, can you tell me something about your world?"

Seeing that everyone was so enthusiastic, the three of Reiner began to talk about their own world, especially about giants.

In their view, these children who are about the same age as themselves should be very interested in giants.

This is indeed the case. When the children in the ninja class heard that the three of them could become giants, they were all excited and wanted to see them become giants.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the new friends, and no resistance or fear towards giants, Reiner agreed directly.

Annie, on the other hand, was a little hesitant.
Just when Ani wanted to stop Reiner, Reiner had brought a group of children to the school playground.

The school at this time is no longer the ninja school it used to be, the playground and dormitory are so small.

The current school is not only divided into elementary school, junior high school and high school, but also has two teaching buildings, one laboratory building, and two dormitory buildings.

The playground is several times larger than the previous playground, and it is more than enough for a 15-meter-high giant to jump and run here.

After all, there are many teachers in the high school ninja department who will demonstrate A-level ninjutsu. An ordinary fireball is more than ten meters in diameter.

Reiner came to the middle of the playground, then took out a knife and slashed at his arm.

As the blood soared, flesh and blood tissue also appeared around him, and finally turned into a 15-meter-tall armored giant.

Seeing Reiner turned into a giant, although the ninja boys below were surprised, they were not too surprised.

Shikamaru looked at Choji who was eating and asked, "How are you feeling?"

When Ding Ci heard this, he sized up the armored giant and replied, "It's okay! If my father uses all his strength to double his body, he will probably be about six or seven times the size of this giant!"

The full power of the Akimichi clan's doubling technique can turn them into giants with a height of [-] meters. In fact, it can be seen from the Fourth Ninja World War.

After Qiudao and his son doubled, they were as tall as the golem of the heretics.

Just as Reiner was posing on the spot, a burst of fire suddenly hit his head and made him stagger.

The power of the fire escape just now was not small, and it directly burned the armored giant into white smoke.

Everyone looked in the direction of the fire escape, and saw a high school teacher in a suit rushing towards him, blocking all the students.

Seeing that the teacher had misunderstood, Shikamaru hurried forward and said, "Teacher has misunderstood, this giant was made by our classmates."

Hearing Shikamaru's words, the teacher frowned a little, and then said, "The next time you test ninjutsu or experiment, you must have the teacher present."

Just then, Naruto brought Grisha to the school.

Naruto is now the prince of the ninja world, so naturally no one doesn't know him. The teacher who was serious just now greeted Naruto with a smile.

"Master Naruto! Are you here for class?"

Naruto waved his hand, and then said to the armored giant, "Reiner, change back!"

Hearing this, Reiner immediately got out from the back of the armored giant's neck, and then the armored giant's body gradually disappeared into white smoke.

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