Naruto: Becoming a Big Big Werewolf Churiki at the beginning

Chapter 369 Never escaped the fate of becoming a ghoul

"Is it him? Someone who can fight with S-rank ghouls and injure them!"

(The gecko is Jason.)
"It should be him, Kotaro, put him on your back and take him to a nearby hospital!"

"Senior Mado, can he really move around with such a serious injury?"

Hearing Kotaro's question, Mado Wuxu smiled and said, "Don't worry! He's just a muscle strain and a fracture! It's not that easy to die!"

While speaking, Mado Wu Xu showed a wild expression and continued:
"I didn't expect an ordinary young man to be able to fight with S-class ghouls. It's really amazing! If you cultivate it well, it will definitely be a good seed for a special investigator."

Before the battle between Jason and Jinmu, although there was no one around, there were cameras.

Recently, Wu Xu Mado and Kotaro Amon were tracking down the S-class ghoul gecko, and found the gecko appeared nearby, so they found a place to check the camera, and happened to see the scene of the golden wood fish gecko fighting.

the other side.

Itachi came near the street and found that Jin Mu was taken away by two investigators, so he didn't show his face, but turned and left.

The power he had left in Jinmu's body had been exhausted in the previous battle with Jason, and itachi originally planned to add another buff to him.

But Jinmu was taken away by CCG investigators, so he was relieved, after all, Jinmu was human and would not be in any danger.

Soon, Kaneki was taken to a nearby hospital by Amon Kotaro, and the doctor who received them was named Kano.

Kano was originally affiliated to CCG, and Amon Kotaro handed over the seriously injured Kaneki to him with confidence.

When Kano saw Kaneki, his eyes suddenly revealed a look of surprise.

"Don't worry give him to me, I will cure him."

Kano smiled confidently.

"Well, then I'll leave it to Kano-senpai."

After saying that, Amon Kotaro left here.

Kano, on the other hand, couldn't wait to bring Kaneki to the operating room.

A few days later, Kaneki woke up from a coma, and Jinki who woke up found an abnormality in his body.

At this time, everything he ate became tasteless, and the taste of some food even became very suspicious.

In addition, the scene where the body was controlled before, and the scene of being chased and killed by the two ghouls still lingered in his mind.

But what made him even more puzzled was why he recovered so quickly even though he was seriously injured
Just when Kaneki was confused, Dr. Kano came into the ward with the medical records and asked about Kaneki's condition
After finding that there was no abnormality in Jin Mu, he planned to discharge him from the hospital.

Kaneki asked about the abnormality of his body, and Kano's explanation was that the psychological problems caused by the previous incidents would be fine after going back for a few days.

In the end, Kaneki was discharged from the hospital.

Just as Kaneki left the hospital, Uchiha Itachi and Orochimaru walked over.

Itachi came to buff Kaneki today, but when he opened Sharingan, he was taken aback.

Because he actually saw the aura of ghouls in Jin Mu's body.

Although the breath is still weak, it is gradually growing.

"Huh? What happened? Has Kaneki turned into a ghoul?"

"It turned out that Naruto was right."

This morning, Itachi got in touch with Naruto again.

Naruto told Itachi what he knew about Kaneki's future.

Itachi said that because of his intervention, Kaneki's future should have changed.

But Naruto said it doesn't matter, Kaneki's child is also quite pitiful, if he hasn't changed into a ghoul, he hasn't changed.

Immediately, Naruto sent two people to Itachi to help him.

One is Orochimaru who is very interested in ghouls, and the other is Hinata Xiangyang, the owner of several food delivery companies.

Hinata Xiangyang is now the boss of the company, so he won't go for takeout in person, so he wants to experience life in another world.

It just so happened that Orochimaru needed an assistant with white eyes, so Hinata Xiangyang just happened to follow him.

As for why Naruto didn't come by himself?That's because there is also a super boss King Frieza in the sealed space.

Naruto intends to persuade King Frieza to form a space pirate group in the Naruto world, making him the cosmic overlord of this world.

Didn't Datongmu Yishi say that their Datongmu clan is awesome, so let King Frieza go to their headquarters to colonize and see who is overbearing and who is awesome.

Naturally, it is not easy to convince King Frieza.

He didn't even bother to talk to Naruto because he didn't have enough interests to make Frieza's heart flutter.

Look back to Itachi.

Orochimaru took a deep look at Kaneki Ken and smiled, "Didn't you say that he is a human being, why do I feel that he has a ghoul's breath?"

Itachi also shook his head when he heard the words, "I don't know what's going on."

"It should be like what Naruto said, someone transplanted the organs of the ghoul!"

After saying that, Itachi took a deep look at the hospital in front of him.

"Hehehehe" Orochimaru smiled with great interest, "Transplanting organs can turn humans into ghouls, it's really an interesting race."

Since returning to Konoha, Orochimaru has not done much biological research that he likes, but has been working on those hot weapons and firearms.

Orochimaru couldn't wait to study this peculiar sub-human race of ghouls.

On the Uchiha Itachi side, he didn't answer Orochimaru's words, but walked directly into the hospital.

After entering the hospital, Uchiha Itachi controlled a nurse with illusion, and found out Kaneki Ken's attending physician.

"Doctor Garner?"

At this moment, Hinata Xiangyang came over with two pieces of pizza in hand.

"Itachi, Oshemaru-sama, I found you! Why did you come to the hospital?"

"Xiangyang, open your eyes and check the surrounding situation."

Itachi saw Hinata Xiangyang coming, and said to him directly.

"En!" Hinata Xiangyang nodded, and then opened his eyes and began to look around. When he lowered his head, he was also taken aback, because he saw that there was a large underground space under the hospital.

Immediately, Hinata Xiangyang told Uchiha Itachi about his discovery.

When Itachi heard this, he nodded and walked towards Dr. Kano's office.

At this time, Kano was still checking Kaneki Ken's body data.

"Kaneki Ken, I really don't know if you can survive in the world of ghouls."

At this moment, the door of his office was suddenly pushed open, and then Uchiha Itachi, Hinata Xiangyang, and Orochimaru walked in.

Seeing three strangers, Jiana put away the data map in his hand, and then asked, "Do you have anything to do?"

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