After Pusi Qinglan heard Naruto's words, she immediately began to think about whether there were bullets in her gun.

But no matter what he thought, his magazine was full of bullets!

Thinking of this, killing intent appeared in Pusi Qinglan's eyes.

She wants to kill Naruto, anyway, there are so many hostages available in this room, including children and women!
Seeing the change in Pusi Qinglan's eyes, Conan immediately reminded Naruto, "Be careful, she's going to shoot."

Naruto waved his hands indifferently and said, "Don't worry, there are no bullets in her pistol!"

"Huh! Brat, go to hell!"

While speaking, Pusi Qinglan aimed at Naruto's right eye and pulled the trigger.

It's just that the gunshot didn't come out, and the gun in her hand made a crackling sound. It was obvious that there was no bullet in the gun!
"Damn. How is this possible!"

Pusi Qinglan cursed secretly, then took out the spare magazine and replaced it.

Pulling the bolt, Pusi Qinglan pointed the gun at Naruto again.

Just now, I wanted to rush up to punch Pusi Qinglan while she was changing bullets, but was stopped by an invisible force, which also made Xiaolan anxious.

Seeing that Pusi Qinglan changed the bullet and aimed at Naruto, she became even more anxious.

But at this moment, Naruto said again, "I bet 200 yuan this time, there is no bullet in your gun!"

Naruto's words immediately made everyone present speechless. Everyone clearly saw that Pusi Qinglan had replaced the magazine with a new one. How could there be no bullets in her gun?
Pusi Qinglan also laughed. Although she didn't know why the bullets in the gun disappeared just now, but this time she can guarantee that there are bullets in the gun.

She didn't want to continue to ink with the kid in front of her, so she pulled the trigger again, only to hear a "click", and there was another whine of no bullets in the gun.

Pusi Qinglan:
People in Pusi Qinglan are stupid, where are my bullets?Where did the bullet I just loaded go?
"Damn it." In anger, Pusi Qinglan threw the gun in her hand to the ground.

With a "bang", the gun thrown on the ground went off and hit Pusi Qinglan directly on the leg.


Seeing this scene, everyone present was speechless!

"There are obviously bullets! Why can't Pusi Qinglan shoot it?"

Conan asked with some doubts.

At this moment, Sasuke stood up and gave the answer, "My brother is using illusion to interfere with this woman, making this woman think that there are no bullets in her gun. In fact, her gun has bullets in it all the time!"

Hearing what Sasuke said, everyone looked at Itachi Uchiha in unison.

"Hey Sasuke, it's immoral for you to expose my magic trick like this!"

Sasuke: .
"What kind of magic is that? It's just an illusion, and the illusion is not performed by yourself!"

"That... I think it would be better to bandage Miss Pusi Qinglan first! I think she is bleeding a lot!"

Xiaolan is still at a loss as to why a bullet gun can't shoot bullets. Is it a gun of kindness?
As for illusions and magic, she was even more confused. If Shinichi was here, he would definitely be able to see the tricks.

In the end, Yuanzi called the doctor on her family's cruise ship to bandage Pusi Qinglan.

On the other hand, Xiaolan chose to call the police.

Not long after, the police helicopter stopped on the tarmac of the cruise ship.

"You actually caught the legendary Shi Kaobing, it's amazing!"

Police officer Megure who just got off the plane said in amazement.

The white bird police officer who came with him put his eyes on Shi Kaobing and said secretly, "Is this the one who shot me? It turned out to be a woman!"

That's right, this police officer Shiratori is actually Kaitou Kidd in disguise!
When Kidd, who pretended to be Police Officer Shiratori, got off the plane, Naruto, Uchiha Itachi and even Sasuke all set their sights on him.

If it weren't for Itachi's pull, Sasuke would have rushed over!
Although Sasuke doesn't know who this white bird is, he can be sure that this white bird is wearing a mask.

Naruto didn't want to pay attention to what Kidd wanted to do, he planned to disembark after the cruise ship landed, and took San Xiaoqiang to find Big Big Wolf and the others.

As for the adventures in the castle and the spectacle of the Egg of Memories, Naruto is really not interested.

The cruise ship docked at Tokyo Port, and when Naruto and Shiratori passed each other, he said softly, "Come to me tomorrow with Koizumi Hongko! Don't let us find you, or you won't be able to survive!"

Kuroba Kaito: .
Facing Naruto's naked threat, Kaito Kuroba shuddered all over, and then asked in a low voice, "What is the consequence of that?"

"Nothing! I'll soak you in a fish tank full of fish!"

Kuroba Kaito: .
Hearing such a terrifying threat, Kaito Kuroba said, I will definitely report to you on time.

(PS: Kaito Kidd is most afraid of fish!)

After leaving the cruise ship, Naruto and Itachi took San Xiaoqiang to Mihua Street, which is the street of Kudo's house.

After arriving here, Naruto took out his mobile phone and started calling Big Big Wolf.

"Hello? Big Big Wolf, where are you?"

"Oh! We're next door to that Kudo's house, and there's A Li written on the door."

Hearing Big Big Wolf's words, Naruto thought to himself, "They really know how to find a place."

When I came to Dr. Ali's house, it was Dr. Ali who opened the door.

Naruto looked at Dr. Ali carefully, and then asked Aizen, "You didn't control him?"

Lan Ran shook his head when he heard the words, "You don't need to control it, just need it."

While speaking, Aizan used a very weak hole and directly opened a hole in the ground of Dr. Ali's courtyard.

"I use threats!"

Hearing Aizen's words, Dr. Ali showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

"That. So you know Sasuke and the others! Tell me sooner! If you tell me sooner, I will lend you my laboratory!"

Dr. Ali also saw Sasuke and the three of them at this time.

As soon as Dr. Ali finished speaking, there was a "boom", and thick smoke rose from the laboratory of Dr. Ali's house.

Big Big Wolf came out of it and said, "Damn it. It exploded three times. Why do I feel like I've been cursed? It seems that it's easy to explode when doing experiments here!"

Dr. Ali:.
Dr. A Li suddenly felt that the daily explosions in his own experiments did not seem to be his fault, and it seemed that he had to take time to consider the issue of moving!

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