Naruto: Becoming a Big Big Werewolf Churiki at the beginning

Chapter 347 Fireball at the scene, everyone is stunned

After Sasuke went through a lot of killing, his mood gradually calmed down.

Just when Sasuke pushed Judy away, he saw several Japanese policemen planning to take away the remaining survivors.

Seeing this scene, Sasuke was a little upset, but he calmed down and had no intention of going forward to kill a few people.

Sasuke's reticence here does not mean that the FBI will abandon the peripheral members of these wineries.

After all, the FBI also sacrificed several people this time. If they didn't bring back even one peripheral member, then what is the sacrifice this time?
Although the outside members know little information, at least they can gain something, such as some strongholds of the winery, or simple information from their upper echelons.

Seeing that the Japanese police actually wanted to take over all the remaining peripheral members of the winery, the FBI was outraged.

"Hey, you are too much! We have sacrificed several people this time, and the results of this battle are all due to our FBI. How dare you take everyone away like this?"

As the person in charge this time, Judy was the first to stand up, and while speaking, she glanced at the silent fake Akai Shuichi.

Hearing what Judy said, Yuya Kazami, the person in charge of the operation of the Japanese public security, stood up and said, "This is Japan, not the United States!"

This sentence made the FBI speechless.

Judy looked at the fake Akai Shuichi, meaning to ask him to come out and say something, after all, he created the current situation by himself.

Sasuke naturally wouldn't say anything, he wasn't really Shuichi Akai.

But at this moment, Ino's voice appeared in his mind.

"Sasuke, Shikamaru asked you to find a chance to release two fire escapes. He wants to know what ordinary people in this world think about supernatural power!"

"If you can. After releasing the fire escape, you can use the transformation technique to become someone else and leave here!"

Hearing Ino's words, Sasuke, who wanted to leave a long time ago, nodded secretly.

Now Sasuke is in the state of transformation, as long as he uses too much chakra, the transformation cannot be maintained.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Sasuke showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then came to Kazami Yuya and said, "Since neither of the two parties wants to let go, then I have a fair idea!"

"If you want to say the average score? Then forget it!" Kazami Yu can also guess that the idea of ​​fairness is to average the scores of these living foreign committee members.

But the average score also means that part of the information and credit is missing, which Kazami Yu will definitely not agree with.

Fake Akai Hideichi shook his head, then looked at the few peripheral members of the winery who had put down their weapons and crouched in defense, their hands quickly flew up and began to seal.

At the same time as the seal was formed, a puff of white smoke was emitted from the fake Akai Hideichi's body, and then a huge fireball with a diameter of five meters burst out of the white smoke, enveloping the several peripheral members of the winery who were squatting with their heads in their hands.

The flames were so fierce that the few peripheral members were burned to charcoal without even screaming.

After releasing the fire escape, Sasuke used the transformation technique again, this time he turned into another person, also a passerby, this is a passerby he saw when he rushed here.

Blonde hair, handsome face, wheat-colored skin.

After the white smoke dissipated, Kazami Yuya was stunned.

"It's .zero? What's going on?"

The other FBI and Japanese police also showed expressions of horror. What happened just now was too shattering. The power of the fireball is definitely not comparable to that of normal flames.

Now they saw the scene of a great transformation into a living person, which shocked them even more.

Sasuke looked at the expressions of the people present, and without saying a word, he jumped to the roof of the villa behind.

The first thing everyone present realized was that Akai Shuichi had known that Kamel was a fake.

Kamel took out his pistol and fired several shots at Sasuke who was jumping.

Sasuke could even dodge the bullets of the sniper rifle, and the bullets of the pistol are naturally no problem. While dodging the bullets of the pistol easily, his figure also disappeared into the night.

This sudden incident made the FBI and the Japanese public security have no intention of continuing to quarrel.

They have contacted their superiors.

Kazami Yu also contacted Zero, and Judy contacted the real Akai Shuichi.

Shikamaru saw everything in his eyes, and secretly said, "It seems that there should be no outrageous power in this world on the bright side!"

Toru Amuro was driving towards the convenience store where he worked part-time.

When he received a call from Kazami Yuya, his expression gradually became serious.

As an intelligence officer, he is also an undercover trump card, doubting everything is his basic quality.

Knowing that someone pretending to be himself appeared in front of the Japanese police and the FBI, his first reaction was "I may have been exposed!"

As for the fireball, and the sudden change from Akai Shuichi to another person, Toru Amuro felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, he was not on the scene. He felt that whether it was the fireball or the instant disguise, it was very scientific. It was definitely achieved by the mysterious person with some method. As long as he was on the scene, he would definitely be able to puncture this boring method.

In fact, after knowing that the person who looked like a god of killing just now was not Shuichi Akai, Toru Amuro breathed a sigh of relief.

He has an unforgettable hatred with Akai Shuichi, sooner or later he will settle accounts with Akai Hideichi, if Akai Hideichi is too powerful, it will be troublesome.

After thinking everything through, he immediately contacted Gin by email, he wanted to see Gin's attitude.

The most important thing now is to know from Gin whether he has been exposed to the organization.

at the same time.

Akai Shuichi also received news from Judy.

He knew that his preparations were in vain.

"Judy, come back first, we still have to deal with the internal issues of the FBI first!"

After exhorting, Akai Hideichi hung up the phone and looked at Conan who was thinking.

Before, after he finished setting up the gas chamber, Conan walked in quietly. As for the purpose?It is to inquire about the operation tonight.

Naturally, Akai Shuichi would never say such a thing.

But I don't know why, facing this kid named Edogawa Conan, he unexpectedly told all the things that happened tonight inexplicably.
Seeing Hideo Akai looking at him, Conan showed a childlike smile.

"I've already told you what you want to know, so go away!"

Hearing Akai Shuichi's words, Conan nodded and left the safe house.

Through Akai Shuichi's description, Conan has already guessed who the fake Akai Shuichi is tonight.

Definitely one of the three, Sasuke Shikamaru and Ino.

Akai Hideo's description of the man said that the person who pretended to be him should have a bad temper, and he was agile, extremely bloody and brutal.

In summary, Conan guessed that Sasuke was most likely posing as Shuichi Akai.

After having this guess, Conan left here immediately, planning to go back to Dr. Ali's house to ask Sasuke and the other three for clarification.

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