One Piece Supreme Emperor

Chapter 560 Jin's Performance

"Jie Jie, is this the Vice Admiral? It's really dangerous!"

Caribou may be the only one among these people who has not mastered domineering, so it is a bit difficult for him to face the people who can do domineering everywhere.

"Lieutenant General Bastiyu, with this level of strength, aren't you ashamed to sit in the position of Lieutenant General?"

Bastiyu struggled against Jelaku, and after losing the big knife, his strength decreased.

Facing a newcomer like Jeraku, he seemed a little embarrassed.


Jelaku's knife was fast and heavy, and one knife fell followed by another. People without considerable strength could not resist his serial blows at all.

Bastiyu kept retreating all the way, his movements were only resistance, and he was completely powerless to fight back.

"Iron Fist!"

Corresponding to Jeraku's fastness is Jin's slowness, a heavy and powerful blow with a huge iron fist, with unparalleled oppression, tore through the air and blasted at his opponent, giant lieutenant general Lonzi, John Jaendo!


The two lieutenant generals slashed heavily on the iron fist with their knives, their bodies trembled suddenly, they couldn't help taking a step back, and a powerful storm erupted.

"Go away!"

Jin looks very silent, but when he fights, he is extremely violent and ferocious, and he believes in absolute power.

As soon as the words fell, the two huge fists suddenly doubled in size, and their power also increased several times in an instant, causing the two giant lieutenant generals to instantly show strenuous expressions, and their faces flushed extremely red.

"What a joke! We are vice admirals, how can we let you defeat like this!"

But the two also had the dignity of being vice admirals. They would never allow themselves to be defeated by a rookie like this, and unexpectedly exploded with extraordinary power, slowly pushing back the oppression of the golden iron fist.

"Iron Cone!"

Seeing this, Jin calmly spat out two words, and then saw the ground under the two people's feet suddenly shattered, and then two terrifying black shadows flew out, piercing through their bodies in the ever-expanding pupils of the two people.

"Vice Admiral, that's all!"

The two giant lieutenant generals fell down in a pool of blood. Jin glanced at them contemptuously, then turned to face the other navy, opened his right hand, and then grabbed it suddenly, and a large piece of iron gun slowly condensed out and floated behind him.


As soon as the words fell, I saw the iron guns all over the sky smashing through the air, covering all the navy without distinction.

"Puff puff!"


Most of the navy had no strength to resist at all. They were shot directly into hedgehogs, and a lot of corpses fell down.

Only the navy at the level of the rear admiral can resist one or two, but they also keep retreating, using domineering and six styles together, so as to ensure that they will not be hit.

But among this group of people, there was a rear admiral who looked unusually pierced. Jin's terrifying iron gun was completely unable to hit him. His body was swaying like the wind, and in the rain of guns, he felt as if he was walking on the ground.

"Interesting, report your name, Navy!"

Seeing this, Jin showed a bloodthirsty smile, looked at the navy with a fighting spirit and shouted.

"Rear Admiral, Chuanye!"

The navy, Chuan Ye shouted loudly, also had a fighting spirit on his face.

"Come on, let me see how capable you are, how dare you rush forward to seek death!"

Jin hooked his hand toward Chuan Ye, provocative beyond words.

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