One Piece Supreme Emperor

Chapter 552 Be Prepared Mentally

"Since that's the case, let's act. Before the white eagle is eliminated, the old man feels like he can't sleep well!"

Naval Headquarters!

"Master Marshal, here is the casualty list and report, please take a look!"

A major general put one on Akainu's table with a heavy face, and then stepped back.

"Sure enough, the casualties are so serious!"

When Akainu opened the scroll, the already heavy expression suddenly became more gloomy, and the atmosphere in the room became even more depressing.

"Five Old Stars!!!"

Akainu spat out the words word by word from his teeth.


The floor under Akakenu's feet exploded instantly with a crackling sound.

On the scroll, there are red names one by one, and Akainu's heart is bleeding when he sees it.

Those are all naval elites, and they all have great prospects.

Among them, there are many lieutenant generals!

I knew earlier that every lieutenant general is precious to the navy.It takes a lot of resources to train a lieutenant general.

White Eagle Island!
Bai Shui believes that the Tianlong people and the world government cannot let him go. After all, there are many pirates who are manipulated by him.

"Brothers, I believe that the world government will never let us go. A protracted battle has just begun, so be mentally prepared!"

"Of course, I don't force anyone. If someone is afraid of the world government/government, they can leave now!"

Holding his wounded body, Bai Shui informed the pirates in the entire sphere of influence.

It's only been a week since the establishment of the White Eagle Pirates, and Bai Shui really can't guarantee the loyalty of his subordinates.

Therefore, he wanted to take this opportunity to see how many of his subordinates were loyal to him.

"The white eagle is undefeated, the brave is invincible!"

Just like an agreement, such a sentence came from the phone bug, neat and firm.

"Really, thank you very much for your trust, boy Bai Shui thanked you here!"

Bai Shui was stunned for a moment, and then thanked him sincerely.

"In that case, brothers, let's all organize. Within a day, we will all gather on White Eagle Island and work together. What is his world government? Just level it!"

"Oh!" The crowd responded loudly.

They already have a kind of blind confidence in Baishui, as long as they follow Baishui, everything is possible.

"However, we can't fight alone. We have to find some allies. I think someone should be interested!"

"Moses, Dorag, attack the world government/government, are you interested in forming an alliance with me and breaking the world government/government's control of the world!"

Bai Shui called the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D Drago.

"Of course I am interested. This is a good opportunity to destroy the world government. With a powerful ally like you, I think it is very reliable!"

On the other side of the phone bug, Drago certainly did not refuse Bai Shui's invitation.

After all, with the strength of their revolutionary army, it is difficult for them to be opponents of the world's governments/governments, but if they unite with Baishui, the winning rate will be much higher.

"Very well, then it's settled, I think, within a few days, the world government/government will take action!"

After speaking, Bai Shui hung up the phone.

Then, he went on to make another call.

This call is to the new Whitebeard Pirates.

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