Fan Dabiao pointed to the west side of the bridge: "Fuck, what the hell is going on?"

Liu Xigua and Macron also turned their heads one after another, and both of them were dumbfounded.

The west side of the bridgehead is full of their people.

Because of too many people, the people at the west bridgehead couldn't participate in the battle at all, and they had to stand on their toes to watch the excitement.

But at this time, fire fell from the sky?

"Clap clap clap!"

Numerous beer bottles filled with gasoline smashed to the ground.

As the gasoline flowed, a raging fire ignited on the ground.

The crowd suddenly suffered.

The hair was burned, the clothes were burned, and the crotch was also burned.


The entire western bridge head was in chaos, and it instantly became a sea of ​​flames, with all kinds of screams heard endlessly.

"on fire!"


"Help me, I'm going to be burned to death!"

At this time, the three of Fan Dabiao noticed.

This is not fire from the sky, but someone throwing homemade Molotov cocktails from the iron frame of the bridge.

"Damn it, people are on top, kill them!" Fan Dabiao yelled, pointing at the top of his head.

But no matter how much you yell, it won't help.

The reason is simple, they are on the ground, and they can't hurt the people on the iron frame at all.

On the contrary, Wang Dahai and his group standing on the iron frame were shooting targets on the spot, throwing them wherever they wanted, and they were accurate.

"Tom tom tom..."

Wang Dahai picked up the walkie-talkie, "Brother Di, successfully harassed the enemy's rear, please give instructions!"

Wu Di responded immediately: "You did a good job, set Fan Dabiao on fire!"

"Yes!" Wang Dahai led the people to walk quickly on the elevated road, throwing Molotov cocktails while walking, and went straight to Fan Dabiao and the others.

"Clap clap clap..."

Countless Molotov cocktails fell to the ground, burning the bastards coming from Dingzi Village one after another into fire sticks.


All kinds of screams can be heard endlessly.

Nearly 1000 people piled up on the east side of the bridge, and suddenly caught fire, the consequences can be imagined.

It is definitely impossible to extinguish the fire.

The smart ones got into the car, and the timid ones ran back.

There was really no other way, so he jumped directly into the sea under the bridge.


Fan Dabiao let out a crazy roar.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

Liu Xigua shook her head: "It's over, it's over, it's all messed up!"

"What the hell should I do?" Macron was also confused.

None of the three had experienced such a situation, let alone encountered it.

"This this this..."

Fan Dabiao scratched his head anxiously, sweating all over his body.


At this moment, a Molotov cocktail fell from the sky and shattered directly on Fan Dabiao's head.

Burning gasoline instantly flowed all over Fan Dabiao's body.


"on fire……"

Fan Dabiao jumped anxiously and slapped his head frantically.

Here, Liu Xigua took off his clothes and threw it on Fan Dabiao's body.

And Macron kicked Fan Dabiao anxiously.

But the consequences of the two really caught fire.

Because this thing is gasoline, whoever touches it will stick to it.


The three screamed in pain, and the clever younger brother hurriedly made the three bosses undress and roll around on the spot.

After tossing for a while, the three of them extinguished the fire on their bodies.

Fan Dabiao pointed at the top of his head and cursed: "You bastard, come down to me if you have a bitch, I'll kill your whole family!"

"You come up and bite me?" Wang Dahai, who was standing on the iron frame, let out a sneer.


Fan Dabiao yelled like crazy: "Bring me my gun, I'll kill him..."


No one gave Fan Dabiao a gun, but Wang Dahai's Molotov cocktail had already fallen at Fan Dabiao's feet.

Immediately, Fan Dabiao's leg hair started to burn, and his underpants also caught fire.

Fan Dabiao pointed at his head and yelled, "I'll fuck your grandma..."

Macron yelled: "Brother Biao, take off your pants!"

"What am I..."

Fan Dabiao's eyes were red and his dick was in great pain. He hurriedly took off his underpants and frantically fled to the west, while using his crotch to put out the fire.

Seeing the situation, Liu Xigua and Macron also ran away, and no one wanted to stay where they were.

"Fan Dabiao, don't run away!" Wang Dahai roared, chasing Fan Dabiao with a Molotov cocktail.

"Clap clap clap..."

Molotov cocktails were thrown out one after another.

Fan Dabiao, Liu Xigua and Macron got under the off-road vehicle in a daze, and escaped a catastrophe.

Not long after, the Molotov cocktail was thrown away.

The team of thousands of people who came from Dingzi Village was completely defeated.

Wang Dahai picked up the walkie-talkie: "The Molotov cocktail is over, do you want to start shooting with the slingshot?"

"Shoot!" Wu Di only responded with one word.

"Okay!" Wang Dahai nodded: "Brothers, get on the slingshot and shoot their dicks for me!"


The NO.30 boy standing on the bridge immediately filled the glass balls in the repeating slingshot.

"Tom tom tom..."

One after another, the glass balls were shot at the enemy like stray bullets.


The bastards screamed in all kinds of ways, unable to fight back.

On the east side of the bridgehead, Wu Di has already started a counterattack.

"Brothers, Fan Dabiao has already shrunk under the car, the enemies are running, charge me, fuck them!"

"Fuck them!" Li Tie raised the steel pipe in his hand high and yelled loudly.

The younger brothers were instantly encouraged.

There are as many as a thousand people on the other side, and now they are caught in a sea of ​​​​fire and beaten by various glass balls.

They had no choice but to run around and jump into the sea.

Following Wu Di's pace, they were like a group of bloodthirsty hungry wolves, pounced on the fleeing little sheep.

Wu Di took the lead and flew forward, kicking three people over with both feet.

Grab a handful of extended steel pipes from the ground.


Wu Di picked up the steel pipe and swept out, knocking over five or six people directly.

The opponents fell one after another, and more and more people retreated and fled.

Wu Di even stood on a high place and yelled: "Fan Dabiao, get out!"

The younger brothers also yelled: "Fan Dabiao, get out!"

Fan Dabiao didn't respond, and he was scared out of his wits while hiding under the car.

But the boys in Dingzi Village panicked.

Why are they still fighting if they can't see the boss there?
Who are you fighting for?
The boss has run away, and the younger brother is not a pig.

Whoever does not run is the pig!

Wu Di was as powerful as a bamboo, and he fought from the east end of the bridge to the west end of the bridge.

Of the more than 1000 warriors in Dingzi Village, less than 100 are still alive.

Dingzi Village retreated steadily in suspicion, fled everywhere, and even had embarrassing scenes of their own people beating their own people.

At this time, the three of Fan Dabiao who were hiding under the off-road vehicle just came back to their senses.

"Da Biao, can't we hide inside?" Liu Xigua said.

"Yes!" Macron nodded: "If we don't go out, the younger brothers will think we have run away. Who will fight with Wu Di?"

"Go out... go out to your mother!" Fan Dabiao roared angrily, "Are you letting me go out naked?"

At this time, Fan Dabiao was not only without a piece of clothing, but his whole body was burnt. After going out, he probably felt nothing but embarrassment.

"You two go out, hold on to me!" Fan Dabiao yelled again.

Macron and Li Xigua glanced at each other, and finally climbed out of the car.

But when the two stood up and raised their heads, the first person they saw was Wu Di.

That's right, Wu Di's men have already surrounded the car.

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