Chen Yu dodged the laser, and rushed out with Fengshen's left foot stepping on Xingluo chess.

Directly use Thor's right foot to kick away the guards blocking the door.

Coming outside the room, several scientists controlled by Chen Yu had already copied the data.

Chen Yu rushed directly in front of several scientists, took the copied materials, turned around and ran towards the exit.

After Chen Yu came in, he threw the backpack with the bomb behind a piece of equipment, and the guards didn't notice it for a while.

However, the exit had long been guarded by densely packed guards, each of whom was shooting at Chen Yu with a laser gun.

Chen Yu had no choice but to use the left eye of the devil to control more than 40 of the guards and let them shoot at his companions.

Only by creating chaos can Chen Yu escape and detonate the bomb.


Laser beams passed by without hurting Chen Yu.

Chen Yu's movements were too fast and weird, even the smart chip in the mecha couldn't predict Chen Yu's next move.

As soon as the guards shot, they didn't hurt Chen Yu at all.

At this time, the guard controlled by Chen Yu made a move and shot at his companion.


Although the mecha is very strong, the laser can't even shoot through it once, but the mecha also has weaknesses. The joints of the head, neck and body can be shot through with a single laser.

In a blink of an eye, more than 40 people under Chen Yu's control fired more than 40 laser beams, killing dozens of companions.

The guards blocking the door immediately became confused, shooting at each other, no one believed the other.

Because Chen Yu will not control more than 40 people on a fixed basis, and then change people after they are used up.

Many had just shot their companions one moment ago, and were shot by their companions the moment they woke up the next moment.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Chen Yu rushed out of the fifth floor and came to the factory on the fourth floor.

The area here is as large as five or six football fields, but there are only two exits.

And there is only one entrance and exit from the fifth floor to the fourth floor.

As soon as Chen Yu rushed out, he was shot fiercely.

At least 500 meters of guards gathered at the gate.

These people gathered from outside after the alarm sounded, and many of them were woken up during their rest.

Everyone wears mechs, they move fast, and they can fly low.

Fortunately, Chen Yu was well prepared, and his divine right eye had already grasped the situation of the entrance and exit of the fourth floor.

If he rushed out by himself, he would definitely be shot into a honeycomb by the laser.

Chen Yu controlled the three guards who would directly block the laser.

Then they controlled the guards on the fourth floor to shoot at each other before passing through the chaos, leaving the entrance on the fifth floor, and jumping into the factory on the fourth floor.

The factory on the fourth floor is much larger, and there are machinery and equipment everywhere. Chen Yu hides, and the guards have to search separately.

Chen Yu found a hidden place, stayed for a while, and then wanted to run to the entrance and exit of the fourth floor.

Using the previous method, Chen Yu successfully reached the third floor.

At the same time, the aliens on the fifth floor miraculously stood up.

His blue eyes looked around.

The doctors and scientists had already run away, only some wounded guards were outside, and the house was in a mess.

No one noticed the aliens in the room.

The alien's eyes are cold, his movements are a little dull, and his ears are constantly vibrating. It seems that he has just woken up and his brain has not reacted yet, and he seems to be listening to the guards.

Soon, the alien seemed to have learned to speak. He learned about the broken nutrition warehouse from the conversation of the guards, and then roared angrily:

"Damn it!
Damn you all! "

At the same time as the alien roared, it rushed out, moving faster than Chen Yu, kicking a guard to death with one kick.

The other guards were shocked. They didn't expect that the alien was still alive and powerful, so they took out their laser guns and shot.

But the laser couldn't hit the alien at all. His speed was like a teleportation, he appeared directly in front of the guard, punched in the heart, and smashed the guard's heart through the mech.

When the guards saw their companions fall, they panicked and ran towards the exit while shooting at the aliens.

But to no avail, the guards fell one by one, not a single laser hit the alien.

In less than a minute, all the guards on the fifth floor fell, leaving no one left.

After punching the last guard to death, the alien suddenly stopped, feeling a severe throbbing pain in his heart.

"Damn it!" The alien cursed with a ferocious face.

After stopping for a few seconds, they came to the fourth floor.

Almost all the guards on the fourth floor went to chase Chen Yu, and not many remained.

But the alien did not let go. His ears were so sensitive that he could hear the heartbeats of the guards.

Even if the guard is far away from the aliens and cannot be seen at all, they can still be spotted by the aliens.

At this time, Chen Yu had already reached the first floor, surrounded by thousands of guards chasing him.

The factory on the first floor is very large, full of machinery and equipment, and there are as many as ten exits.

Although there were many guards chasing them, they were all scattered, but the exit was troublesome, with hundreds of guards besieging them.

Apart from two laser guns and some throwing knives, Chen Yu didn't have any other weapons, not even grenades.

The power of the grenade can't kill the guards wearing mechas.

Chen Yu took out a laser gun and shot at the chasing guards. At the same time, according to the previous method, let the guards shoot each other to create chaos.


Laser beams shot out like fireworks, and the guards couldn't tell who was the enemy.

As soon as he finished shooting at Chen Yu, he was shot dead by his companion.

There are also some who just shot their companions to death, and when they wake up, they are killed by other companions as traitors.

No matter how many people there are, it is not an advantage in front of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu took the opportunity to rush out of the factory on the first floor and came to the outside of Wolf Mountain.

Many ordinary soldiers have gathered here, and all kinds of weapons have blocked the entire Wolf Mountain.

Layers of defense, Chen Yu looked with the right eye of God, and there were actually ten defensive circles.

But these are okay against ordinary people, and completely useless against him.

Chen Yu strode forward more than ten meters and pressed the remote control in his hand.

Immediately, the bombs placed on each floor began to explode.


On the fifth floor, the bombs in the three backpacks dropped by Chen Yu behind the equipment exploded instantly, engulfing the entire laboratory on the fifth floor.

The equipment in the entire laboratory was destroyed, the solid concrete walls began to collapse, and cracks as thick as arms crawled across the entire laboratory like spider webs.

At the same time, all the load-bearing columns on the fourth floor were blown off, and the weight of the fourth floor was directly pressed on the fifth floor.

The weight of the first three floors also weighed on the fourth floor, and the entire inner space of Wolf Mountain began to collapse.

The ground began to vibrate violently, and the frequency of the vibration became higher and higher.

All the guards who were still alive ran outside, and every exit was crowded with people.

After Chen Yu pressed the remote control of the explosion, he used Fengshen's left foot to step on the Xingluoqi footwork, and ran out of Langshan frantically.

The defenses in front of Chen Yu couldn't resist Chen Yu at all, and was directly kicked away by Chen Yu with Thor's right foot.

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